Best start in speech, language and communication (SLC)
Guidance to help improve SLC in the early years, including an Early Language Identification Measure and Intervention tool for use with children aged 2 to 2 and a half.
The main guidance document supports local areas to develop a whole-systems approach to reducing inequalities in SLC.
It is accompanied by supporting evidence and case studies of good practice from local areas. The Identifying and Supporting Children’s Early Language Needs Summary Report gives an overview of the development of the Early Language Identification Measure (ELIM) and Intervention. It is accompanied by a guidance handbook for practitioners.
The documents are aimed at:
- directors of public health and directors of children’s services
- clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)
- providers of speech and language therapy services
- providers of health visiting and school nursing services
- early years and school settings
For more details on the development of the ELIM and Intervention, see the full report: Identifying and Supporting Children’s Early Language Needs.
Public Health England’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Needs Assessment Report provides information for health and local authority commissioners to commission effective services for children with SLCN. The report brings together a range of relevant data and evidence on demographics, prevalence and some of the risk factors for each upper-tier local authority and CCG.