
Sending an options assessment to the Regulatory Policy Committee for scrutiny

Updated 4 March 2025

Use this process where:

You must produce a final impact assessment for parliament unless the impact of your regulatory provision is less than ±£10 million.

Step 1: Advice from your Better Regulation Unit

Contact your Better Regulation Unit (BRU) to discuss your measure and determine if is a regulatory provision in the scope of the Better Regulation Framework.

Step 2: Complete an options assessment

Conduct an options assessment (OA). This is an early-stage impact assessment, and the analysis will be less developed than for a final impact assessment. Share this OA with your BRU.

Step 3: Submit the evidence and analysis

The BRU sends the OA to the Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC).

Step 4: Regulatory Policy Committee scrutiny

The RPC acknowledges receipt and issues an RPC reference number.

Step 5: Regulatory Policy Committee response

The RPC issues a response. This may be:

  • a green-rated opinion indicating the evidence and analysis is fit for purpose
  • an initial review notice (IRN) indicating areas of concern which, if not addressed, will lead to an opinion that the evidence and analysis are not fit for purpose

Step 6: Responding to an initial review notice

The policy team addresses the concerns raised in the IRN and resubmits the options assessment.

Step 7: Regulatory Policy Committee considers the resubmission

The RPC rates the quality of the evidence and analysis within the options assessment and other submission and provides a colour-coded response:

  • red – the evidence and analysis are not fit for purpose and do not support the case for regulation

  • green – the rationale, identification of options (including small and medium business assessment or SAMBA) and selection of a preferred way forward are all fit for purpose

A green-rated options assessment may have minor inadequacies which should be fixed before publishing the final impact assessment.


Diagram showing the process involved in sending an options assessment to the Regulatory Policy Committee as set out in steps 1 to 7.

Accessible flowchart

RPC reviews the impact assessment and issues a response:

  • green-rated if the submission is fit for purpose - proceed with requirements of the Better Regulation Framework
  • initial review notice if RPC has concerns about the submission - policy team reviews concerns and resubmits

RPC will review the resubmission and issues a response:

  • red-rated (not fit for purpose) - return to step 1
  • green-rated (fit for purpose) - proceed with requirements of the Better Regulation Framework
  • green-rated with minor inadequacies - proceed with requirements of the Better Regulation Framework