BGS Midland Valley of Scotland Shale reports
An independent study conducted by the British Geological Survey (BGS) of the unconventional resources of shale gas and shale oil in the Midland Valley of Scotland.
An independent study conducted by the British Geological Survey (BGS) of the unconventional resources of shale gas and shale oil in the Midland Valley of Scotland. Geoscientists from the BGS have reviewed the geology and estimated the in-place resources for the volume of shale gas and oil in the ground. Reserve and recovery estimation is not possible at this stage. In order to estimate the shale gas and oil reserves, drilling and testing of new wells will be required to understand if commercial production rates could be achieved.
Appendices A, B, C, D, E & F
Appendix A Midland Valley of Scotland resource calculation
Appendix B Additional detail on Midland Valley stratigraphy, magmatism, tectonism and oil and gas shows.
Appendix C Well and borehole interpretations and correlations
Appendix D Results of BGS 2014 Rock-Eval analysis
Appendix E Results of BGS 2014 XRD mineralogy analysis
Appendix F Well log TOC study