Biodiesel producers: application to use animal fat or cooking oil
Form for biodiesel producers to apply for approval to make biodiesel from animal by-products.
This form is part of the guide to using animal fat or cooking oil in biodiesel production.
Biodiesel producers must apply for approval to use animal by-products (ABPs), with some exceptions explained in the guide.
For customers in England, return the completed form to the APHA Customer Service Centre Worcester.
For customers in Wales, return the completed form to the APHA office in Caernarfon.
For customers in Scotland, return the completed form to your local APHA Field Service Office.
Updates to this page
Updated ABPR21 form
Application and inspection form for approval as a processing plant to make biodiesel udated
Data protection statement updated on the form
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
First published.