FOI release

BSCC-FOI-0224-HD: data subject access requests

Updated 10 July 2024


Tony Eastaugh CBE
Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
2 Marsham Street

27 February 2024

To: [redacted]

Our Ref: BSCC-FOI-0224-HD

Letter by email

Dear [redacted]

I write in response to your email of 13 February 2024 in which you asked:

Question 1: Please advise how many Data Subject Access Requests (hereafter referred to as SARs) you received and responded to in 2021, 2022 and 2023 relating to employees (past or present) and other requests (e.g. customers, general public, service users etc).

Question 2: When responding to SARS do you manage the process in-house, or do you outsource the whole or part of the process? And if conducted in house please specify the name of the team/function that is responsible for this part of the process (e.g. Data Privacy, HR, etc). If for example you outsource one type of SAR (e.g. employee) but complete others (e.g. citizen/customer) inhouse, please provide details.

Question 3: Approximately how many working hours does it take to pull together a typical SARs response, this includes the time taken to collate and redact the information, and putting the information together for issuing?

Question 4: What is the estimated percentage of handwritten documentation within a typical SAR response?

Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

While we have not received any SARs for the period requested, we have received enquiries from members of the public regarding how to approach the police to find out what data is held on them, and for information on how to delete their details from police systems. In those instances, we have pointed them in the direction of the relevant force and/ or ACRO Criminal Records Office.

In response to Question 2, such processes would be managed in-house by my office. We are unable to provide answers to Question 3 and Question 4 as we have not received an SAR.

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may request an independent internal review of our handling of your request by submitting a complaint within two months to the address below, quoting reference BSCC-FOI-0224-HD. If you ask for an internal review, it would be helpful if you could say why you are dissatisfied with the response.

Mark Greenhorn
14th Floor Lunar House Building
40 Wellesley Road, Croydon


As part of any internal review, our handling of your information request will be reassessed by staff who were not involved in providing you with this response. If you remain dissatisfied after this internal review, you would have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner as established by section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Kind regards,

Tony Eastaugh CBE
Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
