FOI release

BSCC-FOI-0324-HD: Big Brother Watch

Updated 10 July 2024


Tony Eastaugh CBE
Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF

23 April 2024

Ref: BSCC-FOI-0324-HD

To [redacted]

Letter by email

Dear [redacted]

I write in response to your email, which was received by our office on 7th April in which you asked:

Please can I have a copy of correspondence sent to or received from Big Brother Watch in the last 12 months.

Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

In answer to your request, copies of all relevant correspondence held by this office have been annexed to this letter. Please note that attachments mentioned in Chains 1, 2 and 4 have not been disclosed, as they are publicly accessible and thus exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act.

However, included in this response are attachments from email Chains 7 and 8, excluding the emails dated December 5th and 19th 2023, from email Chain 7, as they are also exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Please note that where redactions have been made, they are made under section 40(2) relating to personal information. It is the policy of the Home Office to withhold the names of officials below the level of Senior Civil Servant and, as an arms-length body of the Home Office, OBSCC also follows this policy. I can confirm that the redactions relate to names and email addresses that would confirm the identity of the individual, or where additional opensource research could provide the identity of the individual (for example, where a person’s position or role is disclosed).

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may request an independent internal review of our handling of your request by submitting a complaint within two months to the address below, quoting reference BSCC-FOI-0324-HD. If you ask for an internal review, it would be helpful if you could say why you are dissatisfied with the response.

Mark Greenhorn
14th Floor Lunar House Building
40 Wellesley Road, Croydon


As part of any internal review, our handling of your information request will be reassessed by staff who were not involved in providing you with this response. If you remain dissatisfied after this internal review, you would have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner as established by section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Kind regards

Tony Eastaugh CBE, Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner


Annex of Information held

Email chain 1

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:50 AM

To: [redacted]>

Cc: [redacted]>

Subject: RE: INVITE: Big Brother Watch ‘Biometric Britain’ report launch

Thank you and understood.

All the best [redacted]

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 22 May 2023 09:35

To: [redacted]>

Cc: [redacted]> Subject: Re: INVITE: Big Brother Watch ‘Biometric Britain’ report launch

Dear [redacted],

Please find a copy attached - it is embargoed until Tuesday.

Best wishes, [redacted]

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 19 May 2023 17:38

To: [redacted]>

Cc: [redacted]>

Subject: RE: INVITE: Big Brother Watch ‘Biometric Britain’ report launch


Further to my email below I was wondering whether you might be able to share the report in advance.

Many thanks [redacted]

From: [redacted]

Sent: 11 May 2023 12:53

To: [redacted]

Subject: FW: INVITE: Big Brother Watch ‘Biometric Britain’ report launch

Hi [redacted]

Fraser has asked me to come along to your launch on 23rd. I was just checking whether you were inviting Fraser to be part of the panel or a resource within the audience, and what you are expecting. It would also be helpful to have early sight of the report if at all possible.

All the best [redacted]

Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: Fraser Sampson [redacted]

Date: 10 May 2023 at 07:58:40 BST

To: [redacted]>letter

Subject: Re: INVITE: Big Brother Watch ‘Biometric Britain’ report launch

Hi [redacted]

Many thanks for this invitation, the event sounds great and is much needed as we all agree. Alas I’ll be out of the country but it’s important that we contribute and I’d like to ask [redacted] to come along particularly now that I’m aware that the HO has a policy on FR in policing and what that policy is (I’ve been told that I’m not at liberty to share that policy but I’m pushing back on this).

Pete Fussey and William Webster are close to finishing the Gap Analysis report which will identify the many areas of biometrics and public space surveillance that will be left uncatered for one the office is abolished.

Happy to discuss if helpful

Kind regards


Sent from my iPhone

On 9 May 2023, at 16:54, [redacted]> wrote:

Dear Fraser,

I hope you’re well! I wanted to invite you to the parliamentary launch of Big Brother Watch’s new report: ‘Biometric Britain: The Expansion of Facial Recognition Surveillance’, where we will be briefing MPs, Peers and NGOs on how facial recognition technology is being used across different sectors in the UK, and the impact this is having on our rights and liberties.

The event will be in Committee Room 8, on 23rd May at 6pm, and is being chaired by Joanna Cherry, the Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights. We would love for you to attend, and we hope the report and discussion will be a useful resource for you. Do let me know if you’re able to attend and if there is any further information you need!

Best wishes,


Email chain 2


BCC: [redacted]; [redacted]

Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 6:20 PM

Subject: Review of Public Space Surveillance

Good afternoon,

Following the Commissioner’s meeting with the Policing Minister, he has written a letter to Rt Hon Jeremy Quin, Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office calling for a review of public space surveillance. Since first raising concerns about the proliferation of Chinese surveillance technology across public services the Commissioner has been calling for more information to understand the extent of the problem/risks. Having recently conducted a survey of the police and local authorities’ use of similar technology he is now in agreement with other organisations such as Ada Lovelace Institute that a proper comprehensive review is needed.

Attached is a copy of the letter.

Kind regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 3

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 2:29 PM

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: RE: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hi [redacted]

Thanks for letting us know your unavailability for the ANPR event.

Will wait for [redacted] response.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 18 August 2023 13:45

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: Re: APNR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hi [redacted]

Many thanks for the invitation to this event, which sounds interesting.

I will be away speaking at a party conference on this day, but it is possible that my colleague [redacted] may be available - however, [redacted] is currently on annual leave. We could come back to you in early September if that works? However, if you want to book other speakers instead meanwhile that’s of course totally understandable.

Best wishes


From: [redacted]>

Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 2:55 PM

To: [redacted]>


Subject: APNR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hello [redacted]

This is an invite on behalf of the Fraser Sampson, Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner, inviting you to be one of the guest speakers at APNR event that has been planned for this autumn.

Below are the details of the event.

Date: 2nd October 2023

Time: 18:00 to 20:00

Location: Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre, City, University of London

We anticipate there will be between 4 and 6 panel members, who will each give a 5-minute statement on their position on ANPR, followed by questions from the audience and wider discussion.

Grateful if you can let us know if you are happy to take part in this event by Thursday 24th August 2023, will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 4

From: Big Brother Watch

Sent: Monday, August 7, 2023 10:52 AM

To: [redacted]>

Subject: Re: Resignation of Professor Sampson as BSCC

Thank you for sending this over, [redacted].

All the best,


Big Brother Watch

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Monday, August 7, 2023 10:34 AM

To: Big Brother Watch

Subject: FW: Resignation of Professor Sampson as BSCC

As [redacted] is away, please see below for info

From: [redacted]

Sent: 07 August 2023 10:29


Subject: Resignation of Professor Sampson as BSCC

Good morning,

Please see the letter from Professor Fraser Sampson to the Home Secretary detailing his resignation as Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner.

Kind regards,

Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 5

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 11:34 AM


Subject: Re: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hi [redacted],

Sure, I have passed the detail on to our comms team.



Sent: 08 September 2023 10:58

To: [redacted]>


Subject: RE: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hello [redacted]

We are very much looking forward to seeing you on 2nd October representing your organisation, would you be kind enough to promote and share ANPR event within your network and social media channels please.

Many Thanks


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: Enquiries

Sent: 05 September 2023 10:39

To: [redacted]>


Subject: RE: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hello [redacted]

Here are the further details for the ANPR event evening, please note slight change in timing due to unavailability of hall (for setting-up) prior to start time of the event. University have kindly offered us extra time towards the end, hope this does not cause any issues with your travel plans. Evening details as follows.

Date: 2nd October 2023

Location: Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre, City, University of London

Registration for the event will start at 18:00 with the event finished by 21:00

Timings are as follows:

18:00 Registration and refreshments

18:45 Public debate and discussion starts.

20.15 Public debate and discussion finishes

20.45 Close

[redacted] will be chairing the evening after brief introduction, guest speakers will be invited to give five-minutes statement on their position on ANPR at the start of the debate.

The event is promoted on Eventbrite website – Public Debate: ANPR - Fighting Crime or Fighting Pollution? Tickets, Mon 2 Oct 2023 at 18:00 Eventbrite. If you wish to bring any guests, please ask them to register, admission is free.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us @

We look forward to having you at the event.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 30 August 2023 14:56


Subject: Re: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hi [redacted],

Thanks for this offer and sorry for the delay - I’ve just returned from annual leave today. Yes, I will be able to speak at this event. My bio is as follows:

[redacted] at Big Brother Watch, specialising in surveillance technology and AI. [redacted] has worked with a range of organisations that promote privacy and freedom of expression in the UK and globally, including English PEN, Index on Censorship, and Lawyers Without Borders. [redacted] received an MA in Human Rights Law from SOAS, where [redacted] specialised in counter-terrorism policy, surveillance, and the right to privacy.

Who else will be on the panel?




Sent: 30 August 2023 14:11

To: [redacted]>


Subject: RE: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hello [redacted]

Hope you had a good holiday.

Sorry to chase you, we are in the final stage of compiling guest speakers list to include in our event promotion on Eventbrite website by end of this week.

Therefore, could you confirm if you are available to attend ANPR event on 2nd October 2023 (see details below in my previous email). Along with your confirmation, please provide a brief biography summary about yourself to include in our event promotion.

Your early reply will be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]

Sent: 17 August 2023 14:56

To: [redacted]

Cc: Enquiries

Subject: RE: ANPR Event - 2nd October 2023

Hello [redacted]

This is an invite on behalf of the Fraser Sampson, Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner, inviting you to be one of the guest speakers at APNR event that has been planned for this autumn.

Below are the details of the event.

Date: 2nd October 2023

Time: 18:00 to 20:00

Location: Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre, City, University of London We anticipate there will be between 4 and 6 panel members, who will each give a 5-minute statement on their position on ANPR, followed by questions from the audience and wider discussion.

Grateful if you can let us know if you are happy to take part in this event by Thursday 24th August 2023, will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 6

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 12:49 PM


Cc: [redacted]>

Subject: Re: ANPR Event 2nd October Cancelled

That’s disappointing but understandable. Thanks for letting me know. Best,



Sent: 20 September 2023 12:24

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: ANPR Event 2nd October Cancelled

Good Afternoon, [redacted]

In the light of planned industrial action in early October by UNISON, and having considered all alternative options, the Commissioner has made the decision to cancel the ANPR event we were planning at City, University of London on 2nd October 2023.

While we recognise that this news is disappointing, we hope you can understand and respect this decision.

Please can you confirm that you have received this email and once again apologies for the cancellation of this event.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 7


Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 10:52 AM

To: [redacted]>


Subject: RE: FOI 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch- BSCC-FOI-1523-FG internal review

Good morning [redacted],

Please disregard the previous letter and refer to the letter attached instead. We are replacing the first version with this one as the annexed correspondence from the original response had not been attached.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner


Sent: 18 December 2023 15:22

To: [redacted]>;>

Subject: RE: FOI 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch- BSCC-FOI-1523-FG internal review

Good afternoon [redacted],

Please find attached a letter in response to your request for an internal review of your recent Freedom of Information request.

Kind regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 11 December 2023 16:31

To: Enquiries

Subject: Re: FOI 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch

Good afternoon,

Thank you for this response.

I am writing to ask the OBSCC to conduct an internal review particularly on the points about not holding correspondence that may exist on Professor Sampson’s work phone or personal email account.

Any correspondence held on Professor Sampson’s work phone must be held by the OBSCC, as it is a work device and is therefore subject to the Freedom of Information Act, any should any emails sent from his non-OBSCC email accounts concerning official business. As I am sure you are aware guidance from the Information Commissioner in relation to “official information held in non-corporate communication channels” outlines how public authorities must ensure that records in private message accounts, on devices, and in private email accounts must be retained as public records when they concern official business.

I therefore ask you to review this response and seek to obtain any information held in scope on Professor Sampson’s work device, or personal private account as I am aware that OBSCC business may have sometimes used other email addresses, as these sources of information are both subject to the Act and I ask that they are disclosed on review.

Thank you in advance



Sent: 05 December 2023 4:37 PM

To: [redacted]>


Subject: RE: FOI 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch

Good afternoon, [redacted]

Please find attached a response to your FOI request of 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch, to the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner.

Kind regards,

Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]>

Sent: 07 November 2023 13:41


Subject: FOI 7/11/23 - Correspondence With Facewatch

Dear Sir/Madam Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request I am writing to request the following information relating to correspondence with Facewatch

  • A copy of all correspondence between for former commissioner, Prof Fraser Sampson, and Facewatch in 2023.
    • NB - This should include any correspondence for official purposes on personal email addresses and phone numbers, in addition to emails from Prof Sampson’s work account.

I would like all document sent electronically please. Under Section 16 of the Act I also ask that if this request cannot be fulfilled under the legislation, that you offer advice and assistance to help the request comply with the act. I look forward to your response within 20 working days.

Best Wishes


Email chain 8

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 2:25 PM

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: RE: OBSCC Commissioner’s Introductory Letter

Dear [redacted],

Friday 12 January at 09:30 is perfect. I’ll send through the invitation to you and [redacted].

Have a lovely afternoon.



From: [redacted]>

Sent: 14 December 2023 12:16

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: Re: OBSCC Commissioner’s Introductory Letter

Dear [redacted],

How about 0930 on Friday 12 January?

Many thanks,


From: [redacted]>

Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 10:12 AM

To: [redacted]>


Subject: FW: OBSCC Commissioner’s Introductory Letter

Dear [redacted],

Sincere apologies for the delay.

The Commissioner is available for an introductory chat via Teams on the following dates:

10 January – free anytime

11 January – 1000 – 1300

12 January – free anytime

[redacted] is welcome to attend the meeting also.

Kind regards,


From: [redacted]>

Sent: 08 December 2023 11:29


Cc: [redacted]>

Subject: Re: OBSCC Commissioner’s Introductory Letter

Good morning,

Many thanks for the letter and invitation. I’ll attend with [redacted], if that is ok with you, as [redacted] is working closely on biometrics.

We could do 10-12th or 16-19th January, or please feel free to suggest any dates after that.

Best wishes,



Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 10:08 AM

To: [redacted]>


Subject: OBSCC Commissioner’s Introductory Letter

Good Morning

This is to let you know that Office of Biometric Surveillance Camera has a new commissioner, Tony Eastaugh. Attached please find his introductory letter to yourself, Commissioner is keen to have a meeting with you.

Please let us know the time and date convenient for you in new year.

Kind Regards,


Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

Email chain 9

From: [Redacted] HO Data & Identity) <[redacted]>

Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 4:38 PM

To: [redacted]>; Tony Eastaugh <[redacted]>; [redacted] (Identity Management MS) <[redacted]>

Cc:> Subject: RE: OBSCC update


I understand that you have been in direct contact with our director, Christophe Prince, about this. As he said we have replied to your FOI of 14 December 14, which covers all existing police facial recognition uses of non-policing databases, and will use your latest FOI as the route to make sure you get a full answer.



Home Office Data & Identity Directorate
1st Floor Peel
Home Office
2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF


From: [redacted]>

Sent: 29 January 2024 10:32

To: Tony Eastaugh [redacted] [redacted] (HO Data & Identity) <[redacted]>; [redacted] (Identity Management MS) <[redacted]>


Subject: Re: OBSCC update

Hi Tony,

Thanks so much. [redacted], we look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,


From: Tony Eastaugh [redacted]

Sent: 29 January 2024 09:23

To: [redacted]>; [redacted] (HO Data & Identity) <[redacted]>; [redacted] (Identity Management MS) <[redacted]>


Subject: FW: OBSCC update

Hi [redacted]

Immediately after our meeting I reached out to [redacted] (HO Policy leads on Facial Recognition & Surveillance Cameras), and shared that you were finding it tricky to engage with people on shared interests. Both were keen to link in with you, although its entirely possible that I may have omitted to pass on your email address & contact number’s.

So copying my reply to all colleagues so that you can engage as necessary


Tony Eastaugh CBE

Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner

From: [redacted]>

Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 11:02 AM

To: [redacted]>

Cc:>; [redacted]>

Subject: OBSCC update

Dear [redacted],

I hope you’re well. Would you be able to pass on a direct contact email address for the BSCC? At our meeting a few weeks ago, Tony committed to sending us through a few updates on facial recognition within a fortnight, but we haven’t yet heard from him.

Best wishes,
