
Using a Blue Badge in Europe

Updated 31 August 2023

Where you can use your UK Blue Badge in Europe

You can use your UK Blue Badge when travelling in some EU countries, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

This guidance provides a list of countries with links to pages that contain:

  • information about parking for disabled people in the country
  • disabled parking notices that you can print off and display with your Blue Badge

You do not have to do display a local parking notice, but it may help.

You should note that:

  • local parking rules may apply in different parts of a country
  • some countries may have changed their rules since the pages we link to were published

For up-to-date information always check the local parking rules of the place you want to use your Blue Badge before parking.

Country or territory UK Blue Badge recognised More information
Austria Yes Read more about Austria and download a local parking notice.
Belgium Yes Read more about Belgium and download a local parking notice.
Bulgaria No information Read more about Bulgaria.
Croatia Yes Read more about Croatia.
Cyprus Yes Read more about Cyprus and download a local parking notice.
Czech Republic Yes Read more about Czech Republic and download a local parking notice.
Denmark Yes Read more about Denmark and download a local parking notice.
You must use a parking disc (clock) if using parking time concessions.
Estonia Yes Read more about Estonia.
Finland Yes Read more about Finland and download a local parking notice.
France May not recognise non-EU issued parking cards. Read more about France and download a local parking notice.
Germany Yes Read more about Germany and download a local parking notice.
Greece Accepts non-EU parking cards. Read more about Greece and download a local parking notice.
Hungary Yes Read more about Hungary.
Iceland Accepts non-EU parking cards. Read more about Iceland and download a local parking notice.
Ireland Yes Read more about Ireland and download a local parking notice.
Italy Non-EU parking cards accepted in some regions only. Read more about Italy and download a local parking notice.
Latvia Yes Read more about Latvia and download a local parking notice.
Liechtenstein Yes Read more about Liechtenstein and download a local parking notice.
Lithuania Non-EU parking cards accepted in some regions only. Read more about Lithuania.
Luxembourg Accepts non-EU parking cards. Read more about Luxembourg and download a local parking notice.
Malta Yes Read more about Malta and download a local parking notice.
Netherlands Yes Read more about the Netherlands and download a local parking notice.
Norway Yes Read more about Norway and download a local parking notice.
Poland Yes Read more about Poland and download a local parking notice.
Portugal Yes Read more about Portugal and download a local parking notice.
Romania Accepts non-EU parking cards. Read more about Romania.
Slovakia Yes Read more about Slovakia and download a local parking notice.
Slovenia May not recognise non-EU issue parking card. Read more about Slovenia and download a local parking notice.
Spain (including Balearic and Canary Isles) UK Blue Badge recognition across Spain decided by local administrations Read more about Spain and download a local parking notice.
Sweden Yes Read more about Sweden and download a local parking notice.
Switzerland Yes Read more about Switzerland and download a local parking notice.
You must use a parking disc (clock) if using parking time concessions.

Further guidance

Parking concessions vary in each country. Further information is available from: