Policy paper

Terms of reference: 2023 trial commercial bluefin tuna fishery panel

Updated 30 November 2023

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

This paper sets out the terms of reference for the 2023 trial commercial bluefin tuna fishery panel.

Remit of the panel

  1. To assess, evaluate and score expressions of interest submitted to take part in the trial commercial bluefin tuna fishery for the purpose of allocating the 2023 bluefin tuna quota.

Governance and operation

2. The panel will be chaired by Defra and attended by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

3. The chair will liaise with the MMO to agree membership on the panel and attendance. Panel members will have access to all available data and submitted applications.

4. Panel members will evaluate and agree final scores against the criteria set out in the expression of interest document.

5. For any group applications, the panel reserves the right to recommend to the UK Single Issuing Authority (UKSIA) how many vessels from successful groups can take part in the trial when awarding our 10 licence authorisations.

6. The panel chair will liaise and conduct a moderation exercise across applications reviewed by the panel members before making final recommendations to the UKSIA.

7. The chair will notify the UKSIA to inform all applicants whether they are successful or not and provide feedback.

8. To participate in the trial commercial bluefin tuna fishery, the UKSIA will issue successful applicants with an authorisation letter in addition to their existing commercial fishing licence.


9. In the chair’s absence, the deputy chair will chair the meeting. If the deputy chair is not available, the panel members may choose a chair for that meeting.


10. The minimum number of people that need to attend (Quorum) for a meeting of the panel is 3 members, including a member of the MMO and the chair.

11. For the avoidance of doubt, remote attendance at a meeting is permitted and counts towards attendance and the quorum. For example, attending online, by telephone or video connection.

12. The panel act collectively in making decisions and seek to achieve consensus on decisions.

13. If required, the chair has a casting vote on decisions requiring collective authority member voting.


14. The first meeting of the panel will be held week commencing 17 July.

15. The expectation is all applicants will be notified whether they were successful or not by 31 July 2023.

16. The UKSIA intends to issue successful applicants with an authorisation letter in addition to their existing commercial fishing licence by early August.

Conflicts of interest

17. Members will be asked to declare conflicts of interest before the meeting by email to the secretariat. If a conflict of interest becomes apparent during the meeting, members must inform the chair.


18. Members must not disclose any information which is confidential in nature or which is provided in confidence without authority. This duty continues to apply after the panel has stood down.

19. The provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1911 to 1989 will apply. Unauthorised disclosure of any information gained could result in membership being terminated early, or even criminal prosecution.

Review of terms of reference

20. The panel’s terms of reference may be amended at any time in consultation with the members. Changes to the panel’s terms of reference is an item reserved to its members with a final decision to any amendments reserved to Defra.

Complaints and disputes process

For complaints about the quality of customer service or disputes, please contact the MMO using the customer complaints procedure.