
Get free bluetongue testing if you're in a bluetongue zone

Get free bluetongue testing for your animals if you're in a bluetongue zone.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

You can apply for free pre-movement and post-movement bluetongue testing if you are moving animals: 

Pre-movement testing 

To get free pre-movement testing: 

  • apply for any movement licences you need before you request testing 
  • you should apply for testing at least 10 working days before the planned move date 
  • a vet should sample your animals no more than 21 days before the move – this allows time to get your results
  • there is a maximum number of animals that can be sampled in any one day

You must move animals within the time period specified in the conditions of your licence. You should contact APHA if you are unable to move within this period. 

If you are moving a pregnant female that was inseminated 6 months or more before the move, you will need a negative serology test as well as a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. You do not need to do post-movement tests during the seasonally vector low period.

If you fail to move your animal within the period in your licence and require another test you may be asked to pay for this.

Seasonally vector low period (SVLP)

The UK is in a SVLP. This means the risk of transmission of bluetongue is now very low.

SVLPs allow licence conditions to be eased in the UK but may not be recognised by third countries. You must still have a licence to move animals out of a restricted zone.

The movement must take place within 21 days of the sample being taken during the seasonally vector low period. As we get nearer to the time when midges become active, we expect to reduce the time allowed between sampling and movement. 

During the SVLP, the rules for testing offspring travelling at foot with their dam have been eased.

If the dam tests negative for bluetongue, we are permitting offspring born on or after 1 December 2024 to travel at foot with the dam without pre-movement testing.

The animals must not be showing clinical signs at the time of sampling or movement. These animals can move from the restricted zone (RZ) into England, Scotland or Wales. This is only permitted during the SVLP

Post-movement testing 

If you need to conduct post-movement testing, once the animals have arrived at their final destination you must: 

  • arrange for a UK Farmcare vet or your private vet to collect samples from the animals from 6 to 10 days after the movement and send for testing 
  • keep the animals restricted at the destination premises until the negative post-movement test results have been sent to APHA

Sampling and testing are only free if you arrange this through UK Farmcare. 

How to apply  

You can apply for either:   

  • free sampling and testing  
  • free testing only, and pay for your own sampling from a private vet

To book free testing or sampling, contact UK Farmcare quoting your licence reference:  

Telephone: 0800 612 5289

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You can leave a message out of hours.


The vet will send the samples to  APHA or The Pirbright Institute for testing.

Preparing animals for sampling  

You should make sure any animals to be sampled are permanently marked (such as with an official ear tag) and held securely in suitable handling facilities.  

The vet might come to your premises alone. Make sure there are enough people available to round up your animals and present them for sampling.  

Free sampling and testing are in high demand and so results may take longer than normal.

Getting your results  

APHA  will email the results to you or your private vet.  

Negative results from samples taken by UK Farmcare or the private vet and submitted for free testing will be reported to APHA. When APHA receives your negative results they can issue you a licence.

You should allow at least 5 working days after the laboratory receives your samples.

Get help  

For more information about free bluetongue testing, contact APHA:  

Telephone: 0300 020 0301 (choose option 1) 
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
Find out about call charges  

You can also read more information and guidance on bluetongue for keepers.

Updates to this page

Published 12 February 2025
Last updated 5 March 2025 show all updates
  1. We've added guidance to say that there is a maximum number of animals that can be sampled in any one day. Also if you are moving a pregnant female that was inseminated 6 months or more before the move, you will need a negative serology test as well as a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. You do not need to do post-movement tests during the seasonally vector low period.

  2. First published.

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