Transparency data

Board meeting minutes 12 August 2020 - The Planning Inspectorate

Updated 4 March 2025

Applies to England

Minutes FINAL (24th September 2020)

Title of meeting Planning Inspectorate Board Meeting
Date 12 August 2020
Venue Virtual meeting all participants dialled in
Chair Trudi Elliott (TE) Chair
Present Sally Dixon (SD) Non-Executive Director (NED)
Rebecca Driver (RD) Non-Executive Director (NED)
Stephen Tetlow (ST) Non-Executive Director (NED)
Sarah Richards (SR) Chief Executive
Christine Thorby (CT) Director of Strategy
Paul McGuiness (PM) Director of Corporate Services
In attendance
Joanne Butcher (JB) Head of Finance and Commercial
Paul McGuiness (PM) Director of Corporate Services
Miriam Laslett (ML) Financial Controller
Karin Takel (KT) Strategy and Corporate Governance Lead
Clementine Guillon (CG) Strategic Planning and Performance Manager
Natasha Perrett (NP) Strategic Governance Officer (notes)
Graham Stallwood (GS) Director of Operations
Simon Gallagher (SG) Director of Planning, MHCLG
Neil Hemington (NH) Chief Planner, Welsh Government


1.0 Welcome and Declaration of Interests

1.1 The Chair welcomed the Board and called for Declarations of Interest, of which there were none. Apologies were received from SG, NH and GS.

2.0 Minutes of previous Board meetings and corporate action tracker

July Board minutes 2.1 Paragraph 7.2 - final bullet - add the words impartial, consistent and timeliness.

Agreed: 2a) Subject to the amendments above, the minutes were an accurate record of the July meeting.

Actions: 2b) NP to update paragraph 7.2 - final bullet - add the words impartial, consistent and timeliness.

2c) NP to close action 2 of July minutes as Inspectorate Board terms of reference now approved.

2d) NP to check with those responsible for September Board items and actions to make sure these are on track for delivery.

3.0 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) – sign off

3.1 It was agreed at the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC), which took place ahead of the Board meeting, the Chair and Chief Executive (CEO) would amend their introductions. CEO introduction to reference preparedness for the Spending Review and support to MHCLG in relation to ensuring the Planning Reform is delivered. Chair introduction to include our continued work to improve timeliness, picking up improvement to project speed and forward look of the year ahead as we implement planning regime changes, respond to COVID19 and respond to the Planning Reform when consultation ends.

Approved: 3a) The Board approved the ARA subject to the alterations and additions raised at ARAC.

3b) The Board agreed the CEO should sign the ARA subject to last minutes alterations from ARAC and any last minute changes from the auditors.

Actions: 3c) SR and TE to circulate updated introductions to the Board for information.

4.0 AOB

Spending Review update

4.1 The Board received an update on the Spending Review commission: * Commission was received on 11th August, first draft submission to MCHLG on the 28th August with final submission to MHCLG on the 8th September. * Spending Review is for a 3 year period – 2021/ 24. * JB and team are working on the response to the commission and will share with the Non-Executives (NEDs) when developed.

Actions: 4a) JB to share the MHCLG commission with the NEDs and circulate ET presentation.

4b) JB, PM and team to reach out to NEDs if support needed whilst drafting Spending Review response. Any documents for review to be sent to NEDs by 25th August ahead of 27th NED briefing.

4c) Following all staff briefing today, NEDs to consider if they require additional update/ session on the Planning Reform. Next meeting: 24th September 2020