Corporate report


Published 14 May 2024

The 933rd meeting of the Forestry Commissioners

Thursday 8 December 2022  (9am to midday)

Venue: H10 Hotel, London – Marble Arch Room and MS Teams

  1. Introductions and apologies (Chair).

  2. Declarations of Interest (Chair 11/22).

  3. Minutes of the Commissioners Board 21 June 2022 and Matters Arising: DECISION (Chair 12/22).

  4. Forestry Commission delivering in the next 2 years and beyond: DISCUSSION 90mins

    • Freedoms to Forestry England – making the best use of the Nation’s Forests
    • Delivering planting targets of 7500.  (policy, processes and people)
    • How to deliver 17% tree cover by 2050 – 420,000ha of new trees
    • World leading Forest Research (Chair)
  5. Communications Strategy: DECISION 25mins (Catherine Burbage).

  6. Safeguarding: UPDATE 20mins (Helen Connor-Walton).

  7. Grey Squirrels: UPDATE 15mins (Chair).

  8. FWAC reappointments: DECISION 5mins (Richard Barker).

  9. Forestry England Terms of Reference: DECISION 5mins (Chair).

  10. Board of Commissioners Terms of Reference: DECISION 5mins (Chair).

  11. Any Other Business 5mins.