Bovine TB: badger control policy value for money analysis
Information and analysis of the costs and benefits of extending badger control to additional areas.
These documents contain an analysis of the cost and benefit assumptions connected to the current approach to badger control and about extensions to additional areas.
The analysis relates to the decision in 2022 to extend to 11 additional areas, to continue supplementary culling in 19 of the 21 areas previously licensed, where intensive culling had completed, and to extend to 10 additional areas.
The previously published VfM analysis related to the areas to which badger control was extended to in those years. Each publication only looks at the areas where culling was launched in those years, and not where culling was already taking place.
Some information relating to industry costs has been withheld because of its commercially sensitive nature.
Updates to this page
Added the 2022 value for money analysis.
Added the 2021 value for money analysis.
Added the 2020 value for money analysis.
Added the 2019 value for money analysis.
Added the 2018 value for money analysis.
Added the value for money analysis 2017 document.
Updated with the 2016 value for money analysis.
First published.