Bowe review into the planning of Network Rail’s enhancements programme, 2014 to 2019: government response
The Secretary of State for Transport's response to Dame Colette Bowe on her review of the planning of Network Rail’s enhancements programme.
This response states that after careful consideration, Patrick McLoughlin, the Secretary of State for Transport, has accepted all of the recommendations in the Bowe Review. It explains that he has asked officials to work with Network Rail and the Office of Rail and Road on the next steps. These steps include urgently developing and implementing actions to put in place an improved approach to planning and delivering rail infrastructure enhancements.
Background to the Bowe review
The government asked Dame Bowe to report on lessons learnt from the planning process for Network Rail’s ‘Control Period 5’ rail enhancement programme. In her independent report, Dame Colette makes a number of recommendations for more effective planning and delivery of investment in our rail infrastructure.