
Breast screening: interval cancer pathway

Updated 11 November 2024

Applies to England

This flowchart (text description and illustration below) describes the pathway for managing interval cancers in the NHS breast screening programme.

Interval cancer identified

Confirm diagnosis and obtain all pathology reports.

1. Are diagnostic mammograms available?

Yes: Review and classify screening images. Go to question 2.

No: Discuss with patient. Interval cancer unclassifiable. End of pathway.

2. Is outcome of review satisfactory, or satisfactory with learning points?

Yes: Go to question 3.

No: If the woman had been assessed at her previous screening appointment, review using the assessment review form. Apply duty of candour. End of pathway.

3. Was woman assessed previously?

Yes: If woman was assessed at her previous screening episode, review using assessment review form. Go to question 4.

No: Apply disclosure of audit. End of pathway.

4. Was assessment on the same site as the cancer?

Yes: Go to question 5.

No: Apply disclosure of audit. End of pathway.

5. Was assessment satisfactory or satisfactory with learning points?

Yes: Apply disclosure of audit. End of pathway.

No: Previous assessment unsatisfactory. Apply duty of candour. End of pathway.

Flowchart illustrating interval breast cancer pathway