Breast screening: guidance for breast screening mammographers
Guidance on the mammographic aspects (both clinical and technical) of breast screening QA and the quality control of radiographic procedures.
This clinical guidance was last updated in December 2017. Any changes since then have been minor.
The guidance encourages best practice by mammographic staff to achieve NHS Breast Screening Programme (BSP) objectives and standards. It gives clear and detailed information on radiographic aspects of breast screening quality assurance and:
- provides a framework for audit and for identifying, reporting and resolving problems
- supports continuous improvement in quality for all radiographic aspects of breast screening service delivery
- promotes the development of a learning culture within breast screening
- promotes best practice, effective training and continuing professional development
The guidance has been produced by a working group of the NHS BSP clinical and professional group for radiography. They update and replace ‘Quality Assurance Guidelines for Mammography Including Radiographic Quality Control’ (Publication 63, 2006).
This refresh includes:
- the removal of quality control guidance which is published in a separate publication
- details of new quality assurance processes
- the removal of reference to core radiographic standards (these are published online)
- the requirement for Eklund technique for women with breast implants
- updated information on workforce education and training