Bribery Act 2010
A memorandum on the implementation of the Bribery Act 2010 and the government response to the House of Lords Select Committee’s post-legislative scrutiny of the Act.
The Bribery Act 2010 was commenced on 1 July 2011, following the publication of Ministry of Justice guidance on bribery prevention for commercial organisations on 30 March that same year. The Act replaced an old and outmoded mix of common and statutory law and was designed to provide the courts, prosecutors and investigators the tools they needed to tackle bribery in the UK and overseas in the 21st century.
The memorandum on the implementation of the Bribery Act 2010 deals with the origins of the Act, its provisions, implementation and enforcement and provides a preliminary assessment of its performance against the policy drivers that informed its content.
This memorandum was published in June 2018 to assist in the post legislative review of this legislation by the House of Lords select committee for the post-legislative scrutiny of the Bribery Act 2010. The Committee published their review in March 2019 and this can be found on the Parliament website.
The government response to each of the 35 conclusions and recommendations was presented to Parliament by the Lord Chancellor on the 13 May 2019.