Claiming bus incentive payments and running cross-border services
Letter to English bus operators about changes to smartcard and automatic vehicle location (AVL) uplift payments and funding for cross-border services.
This is the fourth Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) letter sent to all English operators regarding the bus subsidy reform.
It details changes to how bus operators claim:
- smartcard and AVL uplift payments
- funding for cross-border services
Smartcard and AVL uplift payments
The Department for Transport will no longer pay smartcard or AVL uplifts on quarterly estimate payments from 1 October 2013. Instead, both smartcard and AVL uplifts will be brought into line with low carbon emission incentives and paid in arrears when an operator completes a certified claim.
Cross-border services
Cross-border services include routes from:
- England into Scotland or Wales
- Scotland or Wales into England
From 1 April 2013 claims for BSOG should be made to the administration in which the service actually runs.