Policy paper

Budget 2018: index

Published 29 October 2018

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Preparing for EU Exit Budget 2018
The Balance Sheet Review Budget 2018
Devolved administrations Budget 2018
Financial assets Budget 2018
Other government assets Budget 2018
Public service pensions Budget 2018
Sovereign Grant Budget 2018
The Royal Mint Budget 2018
Debt and reserves management Budget 2018
Personal Allowance and higher rate threshold Budget 2018
Off-payroll working in the private sector Budget 2018
Taxation of self-funded work-related training Budget 2018
Shared occupancy test for rent-a-room relief Budget 2018
Employment Allowance reform Budget 2018
National Insurance Contributions Bill Budget 2018
Tax treatment of social security income Budget 2018
Short Term Business Visitors (STBVs) Budget 2018
Trusts consultation Budget 2018
Reducing administrative burdens on charities Budget 2018
Lifetime allowance for pensions Budget 2018
Starting rate for savings Budget 2018
Individual Savings Account (ISA) annual subscription limits Budget 2018
Child Trust Funds Budget 2018
Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) Budget 2018
Structures and buildings allowance (SBA) Budget 2018
Capital Allowances special rate reduction (8% to 6%) Budget 2018
Entrepreneurs’ Relief: minimum qualifying period Budget 2018
Digital Services Tax (DST) Budget 2018
Corporate capital loss restriction Budget 2018
Amendments to reform of loss relief rules Budget 2018
Intangible fixed assets regime Budget 2018
Hybrid Capital Instruments Budget 2018
Offshore receipts in respect of intangible property (previously Royalties Withholding Tax) Budget 2018
High streets Budget 2018
Business rates public lavatories relief Budget 2018
Business rates local newspaper discount Budget 2018
Business rates treatment of self-catering and holiday let accommodation Budget 2018
Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) and first-time buyers relief Budget 2018
Consultation on SDLT charge for non-residents Budget 2018
Capital gains tax Budget 2018
Fuel duty Budget 2018
Alternative fuels Budget 2018
Introduction of the Worldwide harmonised Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) Budget 2018
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED): Uprating Budget 2018
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED): Vans Budget 2018
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED): Blood Bikes Budget 2018
Company vehicles Budget 2018
Air Passenger Duty (APD) Budget 2018
Carbon price support (CPS) Budget 2018
Carbon pricing following EU exit Budget 2018
Climate change levy (CCL) Budget 2018
Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs) Budget 2018
Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs) for electric vehicle charge points Budget 2018
Single-use plastics Budget 2018
Plastic packaging Budget 2018
Disposable cups Budget 2018
Aggregates Levy Rates Budget 2018
Alcohol duty rates and bands Budget 2018
Alcohol structures consultation Budget 2018
Post duty point dilution Budget 2018
Tobacco duty rates Budget 2018
Minimum Excise Tax Budget 2018
Tobacco for heating Budget 2018
Gaming duty accounting periods and bands Budget 2018
Remote Gaming Duty Budget 2018
Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL) Budget 2018
VAT registration threshold Budget 2018
VAT and vouchers Budget 2018
VAT fraud in labour provision in the construction sector Budget 2018
VAT and higher education Budget 2018
Alternative method of VAT collection: ‘split payment’ Budget 2018
Consequential minor amendments to tax legislation to reflect EU exit Budget 2018
Capital gains tax: tackling misuse of Entrepreneurs’ Relief Budget 2018
Profit fragmentation Budget 2018
Reforming Stamp taxes on shares consideration rules Budget 2018
Preventing abuse of R&D tax relief for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Budget 2018
VAT grouping Budget 2018
VAT Specified Supplies Order Budget 2018
Unfulfilled supplies Budget 2018
Regulation 38 Budget 2018
Electronic sales suppression (ESS) Budget 2018
Protecting your taxes in insolvency Budget 2018
Tax abuse and insolvency Budget 2018
Conditionality: hidden economy Budget 2018
International tax enforcement: disclosable arrangements Budget 2018
Offshore tax compliance strategy Budget 2018
National Roads Fund Budget 2018
Roads Investment Strategy 2 Budget 2018
Local roads Budget 2018
Transforming Cities Fund extension Budget 2018
Transforming Cities Fund: Future Mobility Zones Budget 2018
Full fibre networks Budget 2018
National Infrastructure Strategy Budget 2018
NIC study: infrastructure resilience Budget 2018
Infrastructure finance review Budget 2018
Long-term support for research and development Budget 2018
Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Budget 2018
Quantum technologies Budget 2018
Nuclear fusion Budget 2018
Artificial Intelligence and data-driven innovation Budget 2018
Global AI and future talent fellowships Budget 2018
Catapults Budget 2018
Distributed Ledger Technology Field Labs Budget 2018
Cryptoassets Taskforce Budget 2018
Science and innovation at the heart of government Budget 2018
Supporting innovation across the country Budget 2018
Encouraging innovation in regulated utilities Budget 2018
Increasing the capacity of the UK Regulators Network Budget 2018
Improving government messaging to regulators Budget 2018
Supporting exports Budget 2018
Attracting inward investment Budget 2018
Strengthening the overseas network in Europe Budget 2018
Enhancing the UK border experience Budget 2018
Festival of Innovation and Creativity Budget 2018
Management capability Budget 2018
Digital tools for business Budget 2018
Backing entrepreneurs Budget 2018
Pension fund investment in patient capital Budget 2018
Access to finance and EU exit Budget 2018
Intellectual property Budget 2018
SME access to dispute resolution and redress Budget 2018
Apprenticeships Budget 2018
National Retraining Scheme Budget 2018
Skills pilots Budget 2018
T levels Budget 2018
Post-18 education and funding Budget 2018
Human capital Budget 2018
Delivering housing investment Budget 2018
Housing investment for the long term Budget 2018
Accelerating housing delivery Budget 2018
Planning reform Budget 2018
Land value uplift Budget 2018
Strategic housing deals Budget 2018
Help to Buy Equity Loan Budget 2018
Shared Ownership Budget 2018
New discounted homes in up to 500 neighbourhoods Budget 2018
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund Budget 2018
Improving business energy efficiency Budget 2018
Tackling air quality Budget 2018
Flood risk management Budget 2018
Plastics and waste innovation funding Budget 2018
Supporting abandoned waste site clearance Budget 2018
Funding for tree planting Budget 2018
Supporting the UK fishing sector Budget 2018
Avoiding food waste Budget 2018
Future High Streets Fund Budget 2018
High streets planning Budget 2018
University Enterprise Zones Budget 2018
Development Corporations Budget 2018
Local infrastructure rate Budget 2018
Dawlish resilience Budget 2018
Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre Budget 2018
UK Mobility Data Institute Budget 2018
Coventry, UK City of Culture Budget 2018
Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village Budget 2018
Midlands Engine Strategy Budget 2018
Northern Powerhouse Rail Budget 2018
Tees Valley Budget 2018
Eden Project North Budget 2018
Northern Powerhouse Strategy Budget 2018
Cambridge – Milton Keynes – Oxford Arc: Responding to the NIC Budget 2018
Cambridge – Milton Keynes – Oxford Arc: Housing Budget 2018
Cambridge – Milton Keynes – Oxford Arc: East West Rail Budget 2018
Cambridge – Milton Keynes – Oxford Arc: Cross-Arc collaboration Budget 2018
Housing Infrastructure Fund Budget 2018
Westminster Ceremonial Streetscape Project Budget 2018
Thames Estuary Budget 2018
Crossrail 2 Budget 2018
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: Funding Budget 2018
The British Business Bank’s UK Network Budget 2018
Supporting the UK’s fishing industry Budget 2018
City and growth deals in Scotland Budget 2018
Maintaining the UK’s globally competitive oil and gas fiscal regime Budget 2018
Oil and gas taxation: transferrable tax history and retention of decommissioning expenditure Budget 2018
Strengthening the UK’s offshore decommissioning industry Budget 2018
Growth deals in Wales Budget 2018
Wales: Infrastructure Budget 2018
Welsh Government borrowing powers for the M4 relief road Budget 2018
City Deals in Northern Ireland Budget 2018
Shared and integrated education and shared housing in Northern Ireland Budget 2018
Belfast regeneration funding Budget 2018
VAT and APD Budget 2018
NHS funding Budget 2018
Mental health funding Budget 2018
Support for air ambulance trusts Budget 2018
Additional social care funding Budget 2018
Children’s social care improvement Budget 2018
School equipment and maintenance uplift Budget 2018
Maths and physics teacher retention trial Budget 2018
Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) Budget 2018
Contestable Fund Budget 2018
Centre for Public Service Leadership Budget 2018
Defence spending Budget 2018
Counter-terrorism police funding Budget 2018
Prisons and the wider justice system Budget 2018
Official Development Assistance Budget 2018
Universal Credit Work Allowance increase Budget 2018
Extra help for households moving onto Universal Credit Budget 2018
Welfare: Funding for previously announced measures Budget 2018
Housing Benefit Budget 2018
Parental bereavement leave and pay Budget 2018
Extension to the closure of childcare vouchers to new entrants Budget 2018
Inclusion of Dupuytren’s contracture in Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Budget 2018
National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) Budget 2018
Extension of the New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) Budget 2018
26-30 railcard Budget 2018
Making it easier to claim compensation Budget 2018
Blocking scams and nuisance phone calls Budget 2018
Banning pensions cold calling Budget 2018
Promoting greater choice of wedding venues Budget 2018
Affordable Credit Challenge Fund Budget 2018
Allow Regulated Social Landlords (RSLs) to refer to sources of affordable credit Budget 2018
Dormant assets fund to target access to affordable credit Budget 2018
No-interest loans scheme pilot Budget 2018
Breathing space for people in debt Budget 2018
Supporting the credit union sector Budget 2018
Improving NS&I’s offer to customers Budget 2018
Pension Dashboards Budget 2018
Boosting pensions for the self-employed Budget 2018
Village halls, Miners’ Welfare facilities and Armed Forces Organisations’ facilities Budget 2018
First World War commemoration Budget 2018
Holocaust commemoration and education fund Budget 2018

Tax updates and technical changes

Income tax/rates/thresholds Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Charity small trading tax exemption increase Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Costs of altering land for installing plant Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Corporate Interest Restriction: Amendments Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Corporate Interest Restriction: Tax responses to accounting standards for leasing Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Corporation tax (UK property income of non-UK residents) Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Anti-tax Avoidance Directive – Controlled Foreign Companies Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Anti-tax Avoidance Directive - Hybrids Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Permanent establishment: anti-fragmentation rule Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Diverted Profits Tax: amendments Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Entrepreneurs’ Relief: where shareholding ‘diluted’ below the 5% threshold Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Capital Gains Tax: Exit charge payment plan Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Capital Gains Tax payment window Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Inheritance Tax: Changes to Residence Nil Rate Band Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
VAT reverse charge: anti-avoidance amendments to Construction Industry Scheme Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Carbon Emissions Tax Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Landfill Tax rates 2019-20 Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Movement of soft drinks between the UK and the Isle of Man Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
HGV road user levy Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Uprating of the fuel and van benefit charges 2019-20 Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Alcohol Duty – mid-strength cider Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Stamp Duty, Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) and Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT): resolution of financial institutions Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Stamp duty relief for Share Incentive Plans Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
SDLT Higher Rates – minor amendments Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Extension of security deposit legislation Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Amendment to interest provisions for late payment, repayments and penalties Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Voluntary tax returns Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Statutory remedy re Advanced Corporation Tax Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Social Investment Tax Relief review Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) knowledge-intensive fund structure Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Legislating the existing tax treatment of expenses for unpaid office-holders Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Delay to NICs Reforms of Termination Payments and income from sporting testimonials Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Insurance contracts: response to new accounting standards Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
CGT private residence relief: review of ancillary reliefs Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
IHT – trusts settlement definition Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Amendments to guidance for VAT groups on bought in services Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Landfill Communities Fund – 2019 to 2020 Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Alcohol Duty: Simplification Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Small Brewers Relief Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
ATED increases in Annual Chargeable Amounts for the 2019-20 chargeable period Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Online platforms role in ensuring tax compliance Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Amendments Harmonisation Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Amendments to the General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR) Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Penalties Reform Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates
Amending HMRC’s Civil Information Powers Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates