Bumblebees: licence for emergency release of non-native species for pollination (CL28)
Get a licence to release non-native bumblebee species in commercial glasshouses or polytunnels for crop pollination when native species are not available.
Applies to England
If you own, manage or assist in a commercial horticultural business, you can register to release non-native bumblebee colonies in:
- glasshouses
- polytunnels
With this class licence you can release these species and their hybrids:
- Bombus terrestris terrestris
- Bombus terrestris dalmatinus
This licence can only be used in an emergency when commercial native bumblebees are not available. You cannot use this licence for non-commercial situations, such as in gardens, allotments or orchards.
How to register to use this licence
You can only use this licence if you are registered to use it (the registered person) or an assistant to the registered person.
You can only register if your commercial horticulture business has been registered with Natural England.
To register to use this licence you must send the following information to wildlife@naturalengland.org.uk:
- the name of a responsible person (such as the owner or manager)
- the name and address (including post code), phone number and email address of the premises where you plan to release the non-native species
- a short description of the premises (such as greenhouse, polytunnel) and the types of crops that’ll be pollinated
- the estimated number of non-native bee hives that will be used
- evidence of why native commercial bumblebees weren’t available and what action was taken to try to obtain native hives
- evidence that the non-native bee hives have been, or will be, disease tested
The licence can only be used at the address supplied to Natural England and by the registered person and their assistants. You need to reregister each year to use this licence.
How to report your actions
You must send an annual report to Natural England of any actions taken under this licence by 31 October each year.
Updates to this page
Updated this licence to cover the period 1 January to 31 December 2025. Removed references to 'research' and 'research establishment' as this purpose is no longer permitted under this licence. On the cover page, updated the section on 'How to register to use this licence' and amended the annual reporting date. On the licence, reworded several sections to make the information clearer, including the section on 'Recording and reporting requirements. Updated the registration requirements in the 'Registering to use this licence' section. Amendments made to licence condition 3 and information and advice note d.
There is an update to this licence for 1 January 2024.
Annual licence update, valid from 1 January 2023.
Annual licence update, valid from 1 January 2022.
Annual licence update.
Accessible licence added (HTML).
Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2020
Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2019
Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2018
Annual licence update 2017.
Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2016.
CL22 has been replaced by CL28, valid from 1 January to 31 December 2015
First published.