Burden of Disease Study for England
Estimates of the main causes of death and disability, attributable risk factors and the effect of deprivation, modelled for England and its regions.
The information contained on this page assesses the scale of health lost from diseases and injuries in 2013, and estimates of the attributable impact of risk factors. The works were conceived and produced jointly by Public Health England and the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington.
The paper reports health lost by UK country, 9 English regions, age, gender and deprivation.
The study:
- shows the main causes of health loss in a country or area
- shows causes which are getting worse or are improving
- compares causes between different areas and countries
- assesses where is the greatest potential to reduce burden
- assesses the effect of deprivation and other risk factors on disease patterns
The GBD England data and outputs are available in an online interactive visualisation tool which allows you to take a more specific look at the data for specific diseases or age groups.
See the post explaining the findings and the post on how to use the tool on Public Health Matters blog.
Copyright © Newton et al. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY.
Published online September 15, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00195-6.
Please direct enquiries, or questions to BurdenofDisease@phe.gov.uk.
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Published 15 September 2015Last updated 12 October 2016 + show all updates
Updated link to visualisation tool.
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