
Concessionary travel survey, questionnaire: 2024

Updated 27 November 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

The personal data you provide is purely for the purpose of DfT being able to contact you in regards to this survey and also to send you details of next year’s survey.

This information is gathered in connection with our public task as a government department. Further details on DfT’s privacy policy can be found online.

We will share your information with Kendata (our contractor who host the survey) so that your contact details can be included in the online survey form when you log in. Your personal data will be stored in an Excel database so we can send you next year’s survey. For any further correspondence about any of our surveys or publications, please contact bus statistics.


1 and 2. Give your contact details below

Question number Question description
1(a) Name of Local Authority (LA)
2(a) Your name
2(b) Your email address
2(c) Your telephone number


3. Please specify the average number of concessionary pass holders in your authority in the year ending March 2024, broken down by type of pass where possible

Question number Question description
3(a) Number of ENCTS passes for older or disabled people
3(a)i Of which ENCTS passes for older people
3(a)ii Of which ENCTS passes for disabled people
3(b) Discretionary passes for older people
3(c) Discretionary passes for disabled people
3(d) How many of the disabled passes listed in (a)ii and (c) include a companion entitlement - either as part of the disabled pass itself or an additional pass issued alongside the disabled pass?
3(e) If you have other companion concessions, please give details below. For example, issuing companion passes to those eligible on age grounds but have a disability that warrants the companion supplement
3(f) Please provide details of the basis for your estimates (for example, the method to calculate annual averages, treatment of individuals who qualify for ENCTS)


4. What was the number of concessionary bus journeys made by older - disabled people in the year ending March 2024 originating in your TCA which were subject to concessionary fare reimbursement?

Question number Question description
4(a) Total concessionary bus journeys by older - disabled people
4(b) Of which ENCTS statutory bus journeys
4(c) Please provide details of the basis for your estimates and assessment of the reliability of the figures - underlying the data in this question


5. Please provide figures for Total Net Current Expenditure on concessionary travel in the year ending March 2024 and a breakdown by statutory and discretionary net expenditure

Question number Question description
5(a) Total Net Current Expenditure (£)
5(b) Of which ENCTS statutory net expenditure (£)
5(c) Of which ENCTS enhancements net expenditure (£)
5(d) Of which Other concessions net expenditure (£)
5(e) Please provide details of the basis for your estimates (for example, methodology used to split expenditure between statutory and discretionary) and assessment of the reliability of the figures - underlying data


6. What was the total expenditure on reimbursement of bus operators for concessionary travel by ENCTS pass holders in the year ending March 2024?

Question number Question description
6(a) Total reimbursement due (£)


7. Please provide details of the revenue forgone component of the total reimbursement expenditure in the year ending March 2024

Question number Question description
7(a) Total revenue forgone (£)
7(b) Average fare forgone for the TCA (£)

8. Please provide details of the additional costs component of this total expenditure in the year ending March 2024

Question number Question description
8(a) Total generated journeys
8(b) Total additional costs (£)
8(b)i Of which Scheme administration costs (£)
8(b)ii Of which Total Marginal Operating Costs (MOCs) (£)
8(b)iii Of which Total Marginal Capacity Costs (MCCs) (£)
8(b)iv Of which Total Peak Vehicle Requirement (PVR) costs (£)

9. If you are unable to supply details of some or all of your reimbursement arrangements because they are different from the format requested, please provide further information below (for example fixed pots). Please provide any additional comments which you think may be helpful in understanding your data (for example significant changes since last year)

Question number Question description
9 Additional comments


Question number Question description Answer options
10 Do you have any fixed term arrangements for reimbursement? Yes - No
11 Are you using some or all elements of the DfT guidance, as either a starting point for negotiations with bus operators or to calculate reimbursement due in the year ending March 2024? Yes - No
12 Does your authority use smart ENCTS data as its primary evidence base for reimbursing bus operators? If not, please briefly describe what evidence is used? Yes - No (with detail)
13 Does your authority ‘hotlist’ invalid ENCTS passes? Yes - No
13(a) If yes, does your authority also share details of ENCTS permits it has ‘hotlisted’ with other authorities? Yes - No
13(b) If yes, does your authority include in its own master list details of ENCTS permits that have been ‘hotlisted’ by other authorities? Yes - No
14(a) If you use the guidance, do you use the Discount fare method for average fares? Yes - No
14(b) If you use the guidance, do you use the Basket of fares method for average fares? Yes - No
14(c) If you use the guidance, do you use the DfT RF Calculator (Single Demand Curve)? Yes - No
14(c)i If you use the guidance, do you use the Percentage change in operator-specific nominal fares between 2005/06 and the current reimbursement period? Yes - No
14(c)ii If you use the guidance, do you use the TCA-wide change in nominal average fares? Yes - No
14(c)iii If you use the guidance, do you use the National Bus Index? Yes - No
14(d) If you use the guidance, do you use the Marginal Operating Costs (MOCs) calculator? Yes - No
14(e) If you use the guidance, do you use the Marginal Capacity Costs (MCCs) model in DfT calculator? Yes - No
14(e)i If you use the Marginal Capacity Costs (MCCs) model in DfT calculator, do you use default values? Yes - No
14(e)ii If you use the Marginal Capacity Costs (MCCs) model in DfT calculator, do you use local values? Yes - No
14(e)iii If you use the Marginal Capacity Costs (MCCs) model in DfT calculator, do you use a mixture of default and local values? Yes - No
14(f) If you use the guidance, do you use the Peak Vehicle Requirement (PVR) calculations? Yes - No
15 If you do not use the guidance at all, or do not use certain elements of it, please provide brief reasons for this and specify what methods you use instead Free text

Questions 13, 13(a), and 13(b) are voluntary and not on the Single Data List.


16. Please specify what discretionary concessions you offer in the year ending March 2025 in addition to the statutory scheme and for various groups of people

Question number Question description
16(a) Older people below the eligible pension age
16(b) Disabled people who do not meet the statutory eligibility criteria
16(c) Companions to disabled people
16(d) Young people (please specify age group)
16(d)i 5 to 15 years
16(d)ii 16 to 18 years
16(d)iii 19 to 25 years
16(e) Unemployed people
16(f) Job Seekers
16(g) Apprentices
16(h) Care leavers
16(i) Others

Questions 16(d)i, 16(d)ii, and 16(d)iii are voluntary and not on the Single Data List.

17. Please specify what discretionary concessions you offer to ENCTS passholders in respect of time of travel in the year ending March 2025

Question number Question description Answer options
17(a) Statutory minimum only (9:30am to 11pm Mon to Fri and all day on weekends and public holidays) Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
17(b) Pre-9:30am start Mon to Fri Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
17(c) If a pre-9:30 concession is offered, please specify start times and whether a fare is charged  
17(d) Extension beyond 11:00pm Mon to Fri Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
17(e) Do you accept the use of discretionary companion passes that are issued by other TCAs? Yes - No

Question 17(e) is voluntary and not on the Single Data List.

18. Please specify what discretionary concessions you offer to ENCTS passholders in addition to the statutory scheme in respect of services plus any details of restrictions on services or eligibility in the year ending March 2025

Question number Question description Answer options
18(a) Trams - light rail - metro services Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(b) National rail services (excluding discounted Railcards) Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(c) Ferry services Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(d) Section 19 – Dial a ride Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(e) Park and Ride Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(f) Taxi tokens - travel vouchers - direct payments Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(g) Community transport local authority tendered services (excluding flexible bus services) Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(h) Other (for example discounted Rail Cards, heritage train services) Both older and disabled passholders - Older passholders only - Disabled passholders only
18(i) If you offer ‘other’ enhancements, please specify what these are  
18(j) Flexible Bus Services- DRT (includes S22 and PSV tendered services but not including section 19)  
18(k) Section 22 fixed route services (not including DRT/flexible bus services) - community transport with fixed routes  

19. If there are any restrictions on service or eligibility which you have not mentioned above, please do so here. You can also use this section to expand on the details of what you offer, explain concessions offered to non-statutory groups, variations across authorities within the scheme, or any other types of discretion not covered in this section


Question number Question description
20(a) Do the main bus operators in your authority - scheme offer commercial concessions to young people in the year ending March 2024?
20(b) If you have answered Yes to question 20(a) please provide further information
21(a) Do you publish a Transport Policy Statement for 16 to 19 year olds?
21(b) If you have answered Yes to question 21(a) please provide details of the web link
22 Please provide further details on the age groups covered, fare charged, time period covered, geographical restrictions and any other information as appropriate. Please do not include the statutory travel to school responsibilities or contracted school services
23 If you have any comments on the data supplied, please let us know.


Question number Question description
24(a) Do you provide details of concessionary travel offering available on a website?
24(b) If so, please provide the address
25(a) Do you provide details of reimbursement such as amount, calculation method or policy on a website?
25(b) If so, please provide the address


Question number Question description
26(a) Do you actively promote awareness of the concessionary travel scheme to residents in your Authority?
26(b) If yes please provide details of how you do this

Question 26 is voluntary and not on the Single Data List.


Question number Question description
27(a) Does your authority have a management contract in place for producing and distributing statutory passes?
27(b) If yes, please provide the name of the contractor or service provider
27(c) How does your authority order holograms for statutory passes?
27(c details) If you answered ‘Other’, please specify what arrangement is in place

Question 27 is voluntary and not on the Single Data List.


We appreciate that some of the data supplied may be commercially sensitive. Please let us know whether you would be happy for the following data items to be published at TCA-level.

Question number Question description
28(a) Statutory and discretionary expenditure
28(b) Number of concessionary journeys
28(c) Number of passes and journeys per pass
28(d) Total reimbursement and reimbursement per journey
28(e) Reimbursement methods used
28(f) Reimbursement costs breakdown

Final return complete - I confirm that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Question number Question description
29(a) Name of person completing form (in case of queries)
29(b) Contact email
29(c) Contact telephone number

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Contact details

Bus statistics


Media enquiries 0300 7777 878