List of business critical models April 2019
Updated 20 June 2019
Department | Model Name | Model Type | Model Purpose |
Army | Recruitment Partnering Project | Investment Appraisal | Cost Model |
Army | The Defence Fire and Rescue Project | Investment Appraisal | Cost model |
DE&S | 2018 Pay Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model to provide an illustrative allocation of the DE&S Pay awards for DE&S. |
DE&S | ABEL Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (IG) | supporting an Initial Gate submission for Project ABEL |
DE&S | Apache IOS Cost Resource Breakdown System Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | CRBS model to support Review Note for Apache Mk1 Pricing Period. |
DE&S | AWACS Capability Sustainment Programme Approval Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Support AWACS CSP Forecasting. |
DE&S | AWACS Capability Sustainment Programme Options Down select Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Previous AWACS CSP Model to support cost forecasts. |
DE&S | BIMS Investment Appraisal Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | BIMS Investment Appraisal and Approval Budget Limit Forecast Model for Business Case Review Committee. |
DE&S | BRIMSTONE 3b ABL Model | Investment Appraisal (Main Gate, Review note) | Cost Approvals Model to inform B3B Project Main Gate approval |
DE&S | Challenger II Life Extension Programme Model | Investment Appraisal (Main Gate, Review note) | Cost model to inform the Initial Gate Business Case Review Note / value for money case, and outturn cost forecast for the Assessment, Demonstration, Manufacture and In-Service phases. |
DE&S | Chinook Mk6 Main Gate Review Note Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Review Note Supporting Chinook Mk6 Project |
DE&S | DCS&S Boeing CAE Generic Air Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Programme Level cost for DOT(C) Air |
DE&S | DOT(C) Air RW_AMEND Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | To estimate programme Level cost for DOT(C) Air |
DE&S | DSALT2 Extension Review Note Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | DSALT Extension & Upgrade Estimates |
DE&S | ECRS Mk2 on Generic Air Model | Investment Appraisal (Main Gate, Review note) | Model to support Business Case for Main Gate approval of ECRS Mk2 Phase 1 |
DE&S | Follow on Modernisation CSR Review Note Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Model to support Lightning II C2D2 CSR Project Review Note |
DE&S | Future Boats Support Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | MG Business Case Submission supporting CSS Future Boats Support Project. |
DE&S | Future in-Service Support C2 MR5 Main Gate Business Case Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | FISS Competition 2 Main Gate Business Case |
DE&S | Future in-Service Support MR7.6 Main Gate Business Case Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model supporting CISS Project FISS Main Gate Business Case |
DE&S | Indicative Performance Award Aug 19 Bonus Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model to provide an illustrative allocation of the DE&S Performance award for DE&S. |
DE&S | JAMES Robust Global Navigation System Model | Investment Appraisal | IA for MG support TOPNT R-GNS Project. |
DE&S | LIGHTNING II Review Note Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Review Note estimates supporting Lightning ACURL Project |
DE&S | Lightning Review Note Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | MG Review Note estimates supporting Lightning II CSR Project |
DE&S | Logistic Commodity Services Transformation Review Note Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Model to support the LCS(T) Review Note. |
DE&S | Merlin & Apache Engines Contract Extension Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | CBRS model to support MAECE Main Gate submission |
DE&S | MERLIN IMOS PP4 Should Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | CRBS model to support PP4 Main Gate |
DE&S | MEWSIC Initial Gate Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Cost estimate for MEWSIC RESM Initial Gate |
DE&S | MHC Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Estimate costs for second release of Assessment Phase Estimates supporting MHC project. |
DE&S | NCSISS Phase 2.2 Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to provide an independent view of Value for Money |
DE&S | Peacetime Reaper Review Note Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | This model has been used for the PROTECTOR RN and is also used for each QRPC. |
DE&S | Protector Review Note Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | This model has been used for the PROTECTOR RN and is also used for each QRPC. |
DE&S | Reinvigorated Long Term Partnering Agreement Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Comparison to LDPC Cost Models to show effect of efficiencies. |
DE&S | Shadow LTS Generic Air Model | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Main Gate approval supporting Shadow LTS Project |
DE&S | SKIPTAIL Cost Resource Breakdown Structure Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Main Gate Business Case Model Estimates supporting SKIPTAIL Project |
DIO | ABP Benefits Model | Forecasting & Financial Evaluation | The financial model which sets out the likely financial benefits which the ABP can expect to achieve over the life of the programme and beyond. |
DIO | Accommodate | Payments | Validates and Verifies Utilities Bill Payments |
DIO | Algorithm | Forecasting tool | Forecasts staffing requirements |
DIO | Aquatrine Package A PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Aquatrine Package B PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Aquatrine Package C PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Aquatrine Total Approval Monitoring Model | Forecasting | To keep track of the future forecasted outturn for Aquatrine PFI Contract, to ensure that we do not breach approval limits. |
DIO | ARMADA PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Army Basing Programme Financial Model (CoA8) | Financial and Schedule Forecasting | Model holding financial and schedule baseline and forecast data for 46 ABP infrastructure project and Programme level consolidation. |
DIO | Colchester PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Corsham PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | DEO Financial Portfolio Model | Financial Evaluation & Forecasting | A Portfolio Financial Model for the Defence Estates Optimisation Programme, that produces a programme level Investment Appraisal and Affordability position. |
DIO | Facilities Condition Management | Financial Evaluation & Forecasting | Utilises building conditioning ratings data to forecast estimated maintenance spend. |
DIO | FDIS SCM (Should Cost Model) | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard Facilities Management Cost Model |
DIO | Fuel and Light Scheme | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the utilities cost per property type for SFA |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (Cyprus) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 1000 SFA across Cyprus, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (Germany) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 6000 (reducing with drawdown) SFA across Germany, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (UK) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 600 selected SFA, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. |
DIO | Future Defence Infrastructure | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic case (NPV) and financial case (affordability) of a number of options. |
DIO | Future Overseas Procurement (FOP) | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic case (NPV) and financial case (affordability) of a number of options. |
DIO | LiCRA 2 | Scenario Modelling | The model performs detailed 30-year condition simulations for every level 3 component of any selected level 2 assets, allowing users to specify different asset policies depending upon current and future criticality |
DIO | Main Building PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | MGS2021 | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Model to support the evaluation of options to seek efficiencies with the Military Guard Service. |
DIO | Northwood PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | PAC Finance Dashboard Model | Forecasting & Financial Evaluation | The financial model used for accurately reporting the state of ABP PAC PFI finances and brings confidence to ABP’s PAC financial forecasting. |
DIO | Replacement Leased Accommodation Services | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support the IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic and financial case of a number of options. |
DIO | Strategic Business Partner Transition | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support the IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic and financial case of a number of options. |
DIO | Third Party Recoveries | Payments | Processing and Raising Utilities Invoices for Payment |
DNO | Hawthorne | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model estimates supporting AWE M&O project team estimates. |
DNO | LOCHNER Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Approvals Model supporting PPSO Project LOCHNER Estimates |
DNO | LOCHNER Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Approvals Model supporting PPSO Project LOCHNER Estimates |
DNO | Teutates MG Confidence Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Estimates supporting SW TEUTATES Project |
DNO | Teutates MG Confidence Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Teutates Review Note Confidence Model WH TEUTATES Project |
DSTL | CBR Capability Planning Suite | Planning | A suite of models to support CBR capability planning |
DSTL | Close Action Environment (CAEn) | Planning | CAEn is a multi-sided close combat interactive wargame and simulation, representing the all arms close combat battle. |
DSTL | CUTLASS | Planning | A Man-In-The-Loop simulation facility primarily to assess the Operational Effectiveness of fighter aircraft. |
DSTL | Force Structure Cost Model (FSCM) | Forecasting | The model estimates the cost of the Defence Programme out to 30 years. |
DSTL | Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) | Science-based | US hazard prediction model used to provide advice on hazard areas in the event of a Chemical or Biological release. |
DSTL | Hubris | Planning | Maritime tactical decision aid. |
DSTL | MaxSurf | Science-based | Hull design and analysis software. |
DSTL | MPPERER | Planning | Power and thermal management systems tool. |
DSTL | MRoMM | Planning | Missile flyout model designed to represent ballistic and anti-ballistic missiles. |
DSTL | ODIN | Planning | Used to model maritime platform encounters and interactions. |
DSTL | PALETTE | Planning | Weapon lethality model for land based Hard targets. |
DSTL | RF Propagation suite | Planning | RF propagation modelling suite. |
DSTL | SADM | Planning | Model used to support Naval Operational Planning |
DSTL | SALEM | Planning | A missile flyout modelling software suite |
DSTL | SAM, GAPS and DEBRIEF | Planning | A suite of software tools for the replay and analysis of data recorded during submarine operations. |
DSTL | ShipScheduler | Financial Evaluation | Model to support procurement decisions for major naval platforms. |
DSTL | Strategic Balance of Investment Toolset (StratBoI) | Financial Evaluation | A balance of investment toolset. |
DSTL | Tarview | Planning | Weapon lethality model for land based mobile and relocatable targets. |
DSTL | Total Mine Simulation System | Planning | Simulation of ship and mine interaction. |
DSTL | UK CDM | Planning | Model provides collateral damage and risk assessments of UK weapons pre-strike. |
DSTL | UWM-WTI | Financial Evaluation | Collection of models to assess the vulnerability of UK platforms (including personnel) to threat weapons and the lethality of UK weapons on threat targets. |
DSTL | Variant CDM | Planning | Predicts the effectiveness of weapon systems. |
DSTL | WinProp RF Propagation - Reachback | Science based | Models the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic radiation. |
DSTL | WISE | Financial Evaluation | Formation (Div/Bde) or unit (BG) level all-arms combat model |
Head Office | Manpower Models (Navy/Army/Air/Civilian) | Planning | Modelling use of manning levers to achieve future personnel commitments |
Head Office | New Employment Modelling | Forecasting | Forecasts of MOD military pay bill under New Employment Model |
ISS | Dismounted Situational Awareness | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | The cost model supporting Review Note 3 has been developed and reviewed by CAAS. There is an existing model (also approved by CAAS) that is currently being used to support the outstanding FCRs currently with the DT to re-cost the project (Oct ‘18) |
ISS | EMPORIUM | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model used to support the Main Gate submission and used for forecasting and planning |
ISS | FALCON 2 Trinity | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model used to support the Initial Gate submission and used for forecasting and planning for the Main Gate Business Case |
ISS | Grapevine 2 - Connectivity Services | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Model currently being created to support the Review Note Submission |
ISS | Grapevine 2 - Integrated User Services | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Model to support the Main Gate submission |
ISS | Integrated User Services (IUS) | Contract Financial Model | Used for tracking Contract performance and adding changes. |
ISS | MODNet Evolve (Assessment Ph 3) | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Cost model was initially used to support the Review Note Oct 18 |
ISS | MORPHEUS | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | The cost model supporting Review Note 3 has been developed and reviewed by CAAS. There is an existing model (also approved by CAAS) that was used to cost the Option that reset the funding profile |
ISS | New Style of IT (Deployed) | Procurement and commercial | Model to support the Main Gate submission |
ISS | SHAMAN | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model used for forecasting and planning process |
ISS | Skynet 6 | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Cost Model to support the Initial Gate submission |
ISS | Crypto Enabling Services (CES) | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Model to support the Main Gate submission. Model will continue to be used to support forecasting and planning |
ISS | NSoIT B - Grapevine 1 - 1-year Service Charge | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Cost model to support the NSoIT(B) Review Note June 18. |
ISS | NSoIT B - Implementation and Rollout of Win10 | Scenario Modelling | Cost Model to support the NSoIT (B) Review Note Mar 19. |
ISS | NSoIT(B) -Residual Services | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Cost Model to support the NSoIT (B) Review Note Mar 19. |
ISS | NSoIT(B) - 2- and 3-year Extension | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Cost Model to support the NSoIT (B) Review Note Mar 19. |
ISS | New Style of IT Base (NSoIT(B)) and ModNET Evolve (inc FOSM) Whole Life Cost Model | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Live model showing whole life cost to support MODNET Evolve Oct 18 Review Note, NSoIT(B) March IAC Review Note, future approvals and QRPC submissions. |
Navy | RNCOMM | Planning | Forecasting tool for planning useable strength constraints against Long Term Operating Schedule. |
Navy | Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Workforce Model | Planning | Modelling use of manning levers to achieve future RFA workforce commitments |
SDA | ACTS Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to provide an independent view of the current ACTS Project Estimates. |
SDA | CHRAR Cost Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model to provide Contractor forward costs supporting Submarines CPC CHIRAR Estimates. |
SDA | Infra Platform Cost Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Investment approvals model providing analysis supporting DSST Infrastructure project estimates. |
SDA | Initial Dismantling Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Initial SDP Primary feeder model to supplement programme estimates. |
SDA | ISS Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | ISS Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Periscope | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | A joint cost model used to calculate rates and inform QRPC. |
SDA | PEW - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | PEW Primary feeder model to supplement the SDP model estimates. |
SDA | Platform Cost Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Support the Control Point One Business Case for Successor PCM project. |
SDA | Regeneration CHRAR Cost Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model to provide Contractor forward costs supporting Submarines CPC CHIRAR Estimates. |
SDA | RPV - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | RPV Primary feeder model to supplement the SDP model estimates. |
SDA | SALMON Deal Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to support SALMON business case submission for commercial transition arrangements. |
SDA | SDP Programme and FOO WLC Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Whole life cost model for the proposed options supporting the SDP Estimates. |
SDA | SMLT Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Tool to provide long term costings to support QRPC Estimates |
SDA | SRP - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | SR Primary feeder model to supplement the SDP model estimates. |
SDA | Sustain Cost Model | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Model to provide Contractor forward costs supporting Submarines CPC Sustain Estimates. |