List of business critical models April 2021
Published 12 August 2021
Dept. | Model Name | Model Type | Model Purpose |
Air | SLIM Demand Model | Forecasting | Model to forecast 10 year Workforce Requirement plan for the RAF. |
Army | Recruitment Partnering Project | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting | Cost Model |
Army | The Defence Fire and Rescue Project | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting | Cost Model |
DD | Dismounted Situational Awareness | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Model used for ABC purposes and preparation for the IGBC of this CAT A project (Jun-20). |
DD | MORPHEUS v4 | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | The cost model is MORPHEUS v5 (from Feb-20). |
DD | Trinity | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Model used to support the AP RN1 submission (Feb-20) and used for forecasting and planning for future AP RNs and Main Gate Business Case. |
DD | Falcon | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Model used for ABC purposes and to support Falcon RN2 |
DD | Grapevine (GV2) – GC and Integrated User Services | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Model to support the Main Gate submission |
DD | Connectivity Services | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Model used to support the Oct 20 Information Note, submitted to the IAC and Cabinet Office. |
DD | Connectivity Services | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions | Models being developed to undertake investment appraisal to support the Next Generation Communications Network (NGCN) Outline Business Case, to be submitted to the IAC and Cabinet Office Oct 21. |
DD | EMPORIUM | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model used to support the forecasting and planning and will be updated to support RN Submission Jun 20. |
DD | Cortisone | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost Model used to support IABC1 submission Dec 18, Cost Model used to support IABC2 IAB submission Mar 21 & current PCR Bid |
DD | IdAM/Directories | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost Model used to support Cat C BC submission Nov 18, Cost Model used to support current PCR Bid |
DD | Land Systems Reference Centre (LSRC) | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost Model used to support Cat C MGBC submission Feb 19, Cost Model used to support current PCR Bid |
DD | New Style of IT (Deployed) MGBC2 RN | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions, | Model (Mar 21) to support the Main Gate BC2 RN submission. |
DD | Crypto Enabling Services (CES) | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions, planning allocation and forecasting | Model to support the IAC submissions (2021 RN). Model will continue to be used to support forecasting and planning. |
DD | Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions. Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model to support the IAC submissions (2020 FBC). Model will continue to be used to support forecasting and planning. |
DD | Cyber Resilience Programme | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions. Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model to support the IAC submissions (2020 SOC RN). Model will continue to be used to support forecasting and planning. |
DD | End Crypto Unit Modernisation (ECU M) | Economic and financial cases to support approval decisions. Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Model to support the IAC submissions (2021 FBC). Model will continue to be used to support forecasting and planning. |
DD | NSoIT B - Implementation and Rollout of Win10 | Scenario Modelling | Cost Model to support the NSoIT (B) Review Note Mar 19. |
DD | NSoIT(B) - 2- and 3-year Extension | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Cost Model to support the NSoIT (B) Review Note Mar 19. |
DD | New Style of IT Base (NSoIT(B)) and ModNET Evolve (inc FOSM) Whole Life Cost Model | Planning, Allocation and Forecasting | Live model showing whole life cost to support MODNET Evolve Oct 18 Review Note, NSoIT(B) March IAC Review Note, future approvals and PCR submissions. |
DD | MODNet Evolve End User Services (Assessment Ph 3) | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support RN Dec 19 and ongoing PCR bids |
DD | MODNet Evolve (Assessment Ph 3) | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Cost model was initially used to support the Review Note Oct 18/Aug 19 |
DD | MODNet Evolve TRIO (Assessment Ph 3) | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Cost model to support RN Jul 20 and ongoing PCR bids |
DD | MODNet Evolve Secret Strategic Outline Case | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Strategic Outline Case Dec 20 |
DD | MODNet Evolve Secret Outline Business Case | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Outline Business Case |
DD | MODNet Evolve Secret Whole life Cost Model | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Whole life cost model to support MODNet Evolve Secret approval submissions |
DD | NSOIT(B) Sustain | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Review Note Jun 21 |
DD | Integrated User Services (IUS) | Contract Financial Model | Used for tracking Contract performance and adding changes. Used for source data for multiple other |
DD | IUS - Contract Extension | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support RN Feb 20 and ongoing PCR bids |
DD | Skynet 6 | Planning Allocation and Forecasting | Cost Model to support the Initial Gate submission |
DD | Skynet 6 Service Delivery Wrap (SDW) | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support IAC submission June 19 |
DD | Skynet 6 Enduring Capability (EC) | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support IAC submission March 19 |
DD | Skynet 6A Phase 1 | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Phase 1 review note Q2 2020 |
DD | Gabriel FBC | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost Model to support Gabriel FBC – In Service provision from April 2021 |
DD | Blacker | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Blacker MOU with US – 10-year costs |
DD | DSRS | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Cost model to support Defence Strategic Radio Service (DSRS) replacing Defence High Frequency Communications Service (DHFCS) ending in Dec 21 |
DD | Above Secret Evolve | Planning Allocation, Forecasting & support to approval decisions | Overall Programme level cost model used in support of FBC IAC approval |
DE&S | Multi Role Vehicle Package 2 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | UK Ground Bulk Fuels | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Challenger 2 Life Extension Programme (CR2 LEP) | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP) | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | ABEL - NGMS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Apache LTTSS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | FASGW Integration | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | ASTER MLR | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Sea Viper CAMM | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Phoenix II Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Sea Viper Evolution | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | Merlin RTM322 Engine - Future Support | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Crowsnest Interim Support | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Scout SV Cost Model (AJAX) | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | C-17 ISS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | CAAP | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | Hawk 2020 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | C130J ISS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | AirSeeker ISS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | UKMFTS FW | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | CSAT Recap | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | C-17 STS | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Poseidon Pricing Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | TELUM Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | TFST Infra Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Lightning RN9 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Lightning RN7 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | MHC Block 1 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | MCAST | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | MEWSIC - Increment 1 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | FMSP Should Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | FSS WLC Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | Type 26 Global Combat Ship – Batch 2 Long Lead Items (LLIs) | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | FMSP Will Cost Model | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | T45 Power Improvement Project | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Guardian RN | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | MML | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | GBAD-FI RN | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | SKIPTAIL | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support FBC |
DE&S | Marshall PP2 | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Marshall WLC | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support RN |
DE&S | Bridging The Gap (LISS) | Procurement & Commercial | Cost model to support OBC |
DE&S | 2019 Pay Model | Policy Simulation | Model to provide a illustrative allocation of the DE&S Pay award for each DE&S level based on various performance rating distributions and budget figures |
DIO | Future Overseas Procurement (FOP) | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic case (NPV) and financial case (affordability) of a number of options. |
DIO | Aquatrine Package A PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Aquatrine Package B PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Aquatrine Package C PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Colchester PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Main Building PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Northwood PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Corsham PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | ARMADA PFI Financial Model | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes. | PFI Financial Model jointly owned with Service Provider, used to set original contract price and price changes due to in-service amendments. One ESCROW model plus variants for scenario modelling. Currently used to inform decisions on PFI savings initiatives. |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (UK) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 600 selected SFA, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. Establishes the bill for large SFA houses that have inefficiencies. |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (Germany) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 6000 (reducing with drawdown) SFA across Germany, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. |
DIO | Fuel Subsidy Scheme (Cyprus) | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the balance between energy bills paid by the MOD for around 1000 SFA across Cyprus, against energy used by these properties and monies taken from pay through F&L payments to determine if each SFA Occupant on the scheme owes money, is owed money, of that their account is in balance. |
DIO | ABP Benefits Model | Forecasting & Financial Evaluation | The financial model which sets out the likely financial benefits which the ABP can expect to achieve over the life of the programme and beyond. |
DIO | Aquatrine Total Approval Monitoring Model | Forecasting | To keep track of the future forecasted outturn for Aquatrine PFI Contract, to ensure that we do not breach approval limits. |
DIO | Replacement Leased Accommodation Services | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support the IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic and financial case of a number of options. |
DIO | Strategic Business Partner Transition | Economic and financial case to support approvals decisions. | Model to support the IGBC down selection point to a preferred option. Evaluates the economic and financial case of a number of options. |
DIO | Fuel and Light Scheme | Personnel Allowances & Payments | Establishes the utilities cost per property type for SFA. |
Establishes the discount for SFA | |||
DIO | FDIS SCM (Should Cost Model) | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard Facilities Management Cost Model |
DIO | DEO Financial Portfolio Model | Financial Evaluation & Forecasting | A Portfolio Financial Model for the Defence Estates Optimisation Programme, that produces a programme level Investment Appraisal and Affordability position. |
DIO | Army Basing Programme Financial Model (CoA) | Financial and Schedule Forecasting | Model holding financial and schedule baseline and forecast data for 50 ABP infrastructure projects and Programme level consolidation. |
DIO | Asset Lifecycle and Replacement Model (ALaRM) | Scenario Modelling | The model preforms detailed 30 year condition simulations for every level 4 component, allowing users to specify different asset policies depending upon current and future criticality |
DIO | FDIS SCM Accomm NAMS (Should Cost Model) | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard Facilities Management Accommodation Cost Model |
DIO | FDIS SCM Training Estate | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard Facilities Management Training Estate Cost Model |
DIO | FDIS Pricing booklet NAMS Accommodation | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard FM Accommodation Pricing Booklet |
DIO | FDIS Pricing booklet Training Estate | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard FM Training Estate |
DIO | USVF Should Cost Model | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | USVF Should Cost Model |
DIO | USVF Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | USVF Pricing Booklet |
DIO | FDIS Pricing Booklet Built Estate | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard FM Built Estate Pricing Booklet |
DIO | Gibraltar SCM | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Gibraltar Should Cost Model |
DIO | Gibraltar Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Gibraltar Pricing Booklet |
DIO | South Atlantic Islands Should Cost Model | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | SAI SCM |
DIO | South Atlantic Islands Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | SAI Pricing Booklet |
DIO | Cyprus Soft FM SCM | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Cyprus Soft FM SCM |
DIO | Cyprus Soft FM Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Cyprus Soft FM Pricing Booklet |
DIO | Cyprus Hard FM SCM | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Cyprus Hard FM SCM |
DIO | Cyprus Hard FM Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Cyprus Hard FM Pricing Booklet |
DIO | Germany Europe SCM | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Germany Europe SCM |
DIO | Germany Europe Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Germany Hard FM Pricing Booklet |
DIO | RLAP Should Cost Model | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | RLAP Should Cost Model |
DIO | RLAP Pricing document | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | |
DIO | Catterick Leisure Centre Should Cost Model | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | CLC SCM |
DIO | Catterick Leisure Centre Pricing Booklet | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | Catterick Leisure Centre Pricing Booklet |
DIO | SLA Model | Decision Support & Portfolio Analysis | At level '0' this is a Strategic Level Model. An initial strategic recommendation made as to whether to refurbish or provide new build |
DIO | Future And Current Contract Tracker (FACCT) | Current Contracts Information and Future Pipeline Requirements | Database of all DIO Contracts and Future Pipeline |
DIO | Commercial Pipeline | Current Contracts Information and Future Pipeline Requirements | MI report taking data from FACCT and CP&F |
DIO | Segmentation Model | Supplier assessment | Excel Spreadsheet strategic assessment tool of supplier |
DIO | FDIS SCM Accomm RAMS (Should Cost Model) | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard Facilities Management Accommodation Cost Model |
DIO | FDIS Pricing booklet RAMS Accommodation | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | FDIS Hard FM Accommodation Pricing Booklet |
DIO | NTEP Training Estate Pricing Review Note | Economic and financial case to support approval decisions | NTEP Contract Extension Pricing Model |
DIO | RAF Henlow Closure | Economic and financial case to support approvals decision. | Model to support the OBC down selection point to a preferred option. Modelled using verified DEO Cost Model Template. |
DIO | DBS WPP | Economic and financial case to support approvals decision. | Model to support the DBS WPP IN and FBC submissions. |
DIO | Hestia RN | Contract model forecasting costs and estimating contractual changes | Contract extension cost forecast |
DIO | 20201102-DEO_Cost_Model_Template_v4.00 | Forecasting | 1 Provide a standardised and structured mechanism for financial forecasting and financial option appraisal for a DLG within the DEOP; 2 Provide standard data output to feed the financial reports for the OBC and FBC - covering both affordability assessment and investment appraisal and also capture how it is intend to package up the DLG for tendering purposes; 3 The model is structured to provide financial forecasts and conduct Monte Carlo risk and uncertainty analysis for every option for a DLG within a single Microsoft Excel Workbook. |
DIO | Project Finances - Marchwood | Project Financial Profile Forecast | Model holds accruals for current stage and forecast costs for subsequent stages, supporting the decisions made by the project's SRO and higher authorities |
DIO | Project Reports and Cost Plan | Stage 3 Project Report | 1 Stage 3 Report and Appendices A to O currently stored on Defence Share detailing the development of the Stage 3 design and costs; a. accounts for the directed change of the requirement by ECAB; b. design development and surveys; c. schedule, costs and risk management; d. P50 assured time and costs |
DNO | 201600923-Generic Model V2.2_ProjectL_MG1v1.0 | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Approvals Model (Maritime Generic Model (Mike Simmon's Model) Template) |
DNO | 201600923-Generic Model V2.2_ProjectL_v1.0_AP3A Master | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Approvals Model (Maritime Generic Model (Mike Simmon's Model) Template) |
DNO | 20190612 - Generic Maritime Cost Model v3.2 - AP3B | Procurement & Commercial (other model supporting MG, RN) | Approvals Model (Maritime Generic Model (Mike Simmon's Model) Template) |
DSTL | CBR Capability Planning Suite | Planning | A suite of models to support CBR capability planning |
DSTL | Close Action Environment (CAEn) | Planning | CAEn is a multi-sided close combat interactive wargame and simulation, representing the all arms close combat battle. |
DSTL | CUTLASS | Science-based | A Man-In-The-Loop simulation facility primarily to assess the Operational Effectiveness of fighter aircraft. |
DSTL | Force Structure Cost Model (FSCM) | Forecasting | The model estimates the cost of the Defence Programme out to 30 years. |
DSTL | Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) | Science-based | US hazard prediction model used to provide advice on hazard areas in the event of a Chemical or Biological release. |
DSTL | Hubris | Planning | Maritime tactical decision aid. |
DSTL | MRoMM | Science-based | Missile flyout model designed to represent ballistic and anti-ballistic missiles. |
DSTL | ODIN | Planning | Used to model maritime platform encounters and interactions. |
DSTL | NVESD | Science Based | Suite of models for predicting the performance of electro-optical equipment. |
DSTL | PALETTE | Science Based | Weapon lethality model for land based Hard targets. |
DSTL | SADM | Planning | Model used to support Naval Operational Planning |
DSTL | SALEM | Science Based | A missile flyout modelling software suite |
DSTL | SAM, GAPS and DEBRIEF | Science Based | A suite of software tools for the replay and analysis of data recorded during submarine operations. |
DSTL | ShipScheduler | Financial Evaluation | Model to support procurement decisions for major naval platforms. |
DSTL | Strategic Balance of Investment Toolset (StratBoI) | Financial Evaluation | A balance of investment toolset. |
DSTL | Tarview | Science Based | Weapon lethality model for land based mobile and relocatable targets. |
DSTL | Total Mine Simulation System | Science Based | Simulation of ship and mine interaction. |
DSTL | UK CDM | Science Based | Model provides collateral damage and risk assessments of UK weapons pre-strike. |
DSTL | UWM-WTI | Science Based | Collection of models to assess the vulnerability of UK platforms (including personnel) to threat weapons and the lethality of UK weapons on threat targets. |
DSTL | Variant CDM | Science Based | Predicts the effectiveness of weapon systems. |
DSTL | WinProp RF Propagation - Reachback | Science based | Models the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic radiation. |
DSTL | WISE | Financial Evaluation | Formation (Div/Bde) or unit (BG) level all-arms combat model |
DSTL | SIMBAT | Planning | A simple command and control based combat simulation at the Battlegroup level |
DSTL | ATLAS | Planning | An entity level multi-sided combat simulation at Battlegroup level |
Head Office | Manpower Models (Navy/Army/Air/Civilian) | Planning | Modelling use of manning levers to achieve future personnel commitments |
Head Office | New Employment Modelling | Forecasting | Forecasts of MOD military pay bill under New Employment Model |
Head Office | Civilian Pay Model | Forecasting | Forecasts of MOD civilian pay bill and options costing. |
Navy | RNCOMM | Planning | Forecasting tool for planning useable strength constraints against Long Term Operating Schedule. |
Navy | Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Workforce Model | Planning | Modelling use of manning levers to achieve future RFA workforce commitments |
SDA | Submarine Load Tool (SMLT) | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Tool to provide long term costings to supprot QRPC and Nuclear Provisions calculations |
SDA | SDP Programme and FOO WLC Model (includes all costs beyond 2054 inc provision for in-service Astute Class | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Whole life cost model for the proposed options supporting the Submarine Dismantling Programme. |
SDA | Initial Dismantling Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Initial Dismantling Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Interim Storage Solution Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Interim Storage Solution Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Reactor Pressure Vessel Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Reactor Pressure Vessel Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Submarine Reccyling Project - WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Submarine Recycling Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Programme and Emergent works WLC | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Programme and Emergeant works Primary feeder model to the Submarine Dismantling Programme model. |
SDA | Alliance Joint Cost Model (AJCM) | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Used to inform and support the Annual Budgeting Cycle for the Dreadnought Alliance excluding DSST |
SDA | Alliance Joint Cost Model (AJCM) - DSST Element | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Used to inform and support the Annual Budgeting Cycle for the DSST element of the Dreadnought Alliance |
SDA | Alliance Joint Cost Model (AJCM) - Infrastructure | Planning, Allocation & Forecasting (model supporting ABC QRPC) | Used to inform and support the Annual Budgeting Cycle |
SDA | 006 20200921- SDDP Cost Plus Model | Investment Appraisal (Main Gate, Review note) | Statistical model to give indication of the P10/50/90% outturn of the DDLP project |
SDA | SDDP COST PLUS FEEDER Data Model | Investment Appraisal (Main Gate, Review note) | Statistical model to give indication of the P10/50/90%. Feeder data model to run the SDDP Cost model |
SDA | Revised MGM V3.1 VACAS IG AP | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | VCAS/ACAS Cost Model supporting the approvals process for Initial Gate. |
SDA | 20191009-VDAD RN Cost Model v2.0 | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | JAMES Model to inform Review Note submission in Q4 2019 that has since been approved. |
SDA | Astute OBC | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Supporting HMS Astute DMP OBC |
SDA | 018 20200203 HMS Vanguard RN2 MGCM Full Model Option 1 V9 | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Inform RN following commercial deal |
SDA | Vulcan NRTE Decommissioning Cost Model V1 | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model informed the down selection of Decommissioning option for RN |
SDA | Joint Cost Model II | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to support Futures business case submission to OBC/FBC |
SDA | Generic Estimating Model | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to support Futures business case submission to OBC/FBC |
SDA | CRBS | Investment Appraisal (MG, RN) | Model to support Futures business case submission to OBC/FBC |