Business plan quarterly data summary (QDS)
The QDS are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its budget, the results it has achieved and how it is deploying its workforce.
Before using this data people should ensure they take full note of the caveats noted in the measurement annex and treat it with necessary caution.
At the moment, people should not be using this data to make direct comparisons between departments for several reasons. Firstly, the business of each department is unique and it does not make sense to compare some measures across all departments. Secondly, many of the measures are not directly comparable because they do not have common definitions, time periods, or data collection processes.
The Cabinet Office now publish this data on the Government Interrogation Spending Tool (GIST) website.
Contact details
Public enquires: Members of the public should email the HMRC Performance Team.
Press enquiries: Members of the media should contact the News Desk on 020 7147 2327.