Corporate report

List of businesses for tax year 2018 to 2019 that have not complied with the 2017 money laundering regulations

Updated 13 March 2025

As a supervisor of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, which came into effect on 26 June 2017, HMRC has a duty to publish details of businesses that do not comply with the regulations.

The published address is the one that the business or individual registered with HMRC for anti-money laundering supervision.

Please be aware that:

  • the published person may have changed their behaviour
  • the published person may no longer be based at the published address
  • the business currently at the published address may have no connection with the published business
  • the business currently at the published address may have the same name as the published business but could be under new, and completely different, management

1. Full publication

1.1 Compliance and registration penalties

Businesses that received a penalty notice between 1 November 2018 and 5 April 2019

Business name Registered address Regulation breach Description Penalty amount Appeal status
Gem Craft Lapidary Ltd Second Floor, 25a Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8BN 19(1), 27(3), 28(2) (4), 30(2), 40(1) These breaches are failures in having the correct policies, controls and procedures; failures in conducting due diligence; timing of verification; and record keeping. £1,289 No appeal
Ram Jewellers Ltd 116 Belgrave Road, Leicester, LE4 5AT 19(1) (3), 40(1) These breaches are failures in having the correct policies, controls and procedures; and record keeping. £1,834 No appeal
Accstax Consultants Ltd 5 Dorchester Park, Runcorn, WA7 1QA 18(1) (4), 19(1), 40(1) These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessment; having the correct policies, controls and procedures; and record keeping. £519 No appeal
Jewellery Hub of London Ltd 34-35 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8DX 66 This breach is for failure to provide requested information or documents. £500 No appeal
Bakaal Worldwide Ltd 178A Wandsworth Road, South Lambeth, London, SW8 2LA 66 This breach is for failure to provide requested information or documents. £500 No appeal
Britaniashaw Ltd 104 Vicarage Road, London, E10 5DZ 66 This breach is for failure to provide requested information or documents. £500 No appeal

Businesses that received a penalty notice between 1 August 2018 and 31 October 2018

Business name Registered address Regulation breach Description Penalty amount Appeal status
Countrywide Estate Agents Ground Floor, County House, 100 New London Road, Chelmsford CM2 0RG Regs 20(1), 27(2), 28, 30(2), 40(1) These breaches are for failing to ensure policies, controls and procedures at group level; and for failures in conducting due diligence; timing of verification and proper record keeping. £215,000 No appeal
Tepilo Limited Copenhagen House, Fourth Floor, 5-10 Bury Street, London EC3A 5AT Regs 18(1), 19(1), 27, 28, 33(1), 35(1) These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessments; having the correct policies, controls and procedures and customer due diligence (Tepilo Ltd went into administration in December 2018 and the company now owning the Tepilo brand name was not involved in the breaches). £52,691 No appeal
UK Settled Limited 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DN Regs 18(1), 18(4), 19 (1), 24, 27(1), 28(1) (2) (4), 30(1) These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessments; having the correct policies, controls and procedures; staff training; customer due diligence; and timing of verification. £3,245 No appeal
Rishworth Baxter Limited 26 Cheapside, Wakefield WF1 2TF Regs 18(4), 19 (1), 24, 27(1), 30(2), 40(1) These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessments; having the correct policies, controls and procedures; staff training; customer due diligence; timing of verification and record keeping.. £3,245 No appeal
Phantom Motor Company Limited Unit 2-3 Couplands Road, Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4GS Reg 66 This breach is for failing to provide requested information or documents. £500 No appeal

Businesses that received a penalty notice between 26 June 2017 and 31 July 2018

Business name Registered address Regulation breach Description Penalty amount Appeal status
Delta Tax Agents Ltd 18 Cote Farm Lane, Bradford, BD10 8WH Regs 18, 19(1), 27(1), 28(16) These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessments; having the correct policies, controls and procedures; and conducting due diligence. £5,992 Appeal upheld
Sheridans Ltd 88/89 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1NX Regs 27, 28, 30, 40 These breaches are failures in conducting due diligence; verification of identity and proper record keeping. £3,553 No appeal
Vail Williams LLP 550 Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1RA Regs 18(1), 18(4), 19(1)(b), 19(1)(c)(ii), 27(1)(a), 28(4), 28(16) & 24 These breaches are failures in carrying out risk assessments; having the correct policies, controls and procedures; and conducting due diligence and staff training. £3,462 No appeal
EZI Tax Ltd Suite 27, Craven Park Tec, Preston Road, Hull, HU9 5HE Reg 66 This breach is for failing to provide requested information or documents. £500 No appeal

Note: numbers in this table have been rounded up or down to the nearest pound.

Please refer to the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 for detailed descriptions of the breaches.

2. Prohibition on Management (Regulation 78)

A Prohibition on Management legally prevents someone from holding an office or management role that involves responsibility and decision-making in relation to a defined entity.

Prohibition from 17 December 2018 to 16 December 2023: Alexander Grundy, 53 Weighton Grove, Hull, HU6 8ND.

3. Anonymous publication

HMRC has decided that publishing the full identity of the business or individual would be disproportionate and is publishing anonymously.

There are none published for either of the 3 periods listed on this page.

4. Minor penalties

HMRC has decided not to publish in full because the penalty is of a minor nature.

4.1 Total number and value for the period

Total number and value from 1 November 2018 to 5 April 2019

Total number of minor penalties Total value of minor penalties
2 £158.74

Total number and value from 1 August 2018 to 31 October 2018

Total number of minor penalties Total value of minor penalties
3 £924.30

Total number and value from 26 June 2017 to 31 July 2018

Total number of minor penalties Total value of minor penalties
2 £466.50

4.2 Total penalties under the 2007 regulations

HMRC may issue penalties under the 2007 regulations if the breach occurred before June 2017.

Total number and value of these penalties from 1 November 2018 to 5 April 2019

Total number of 2007 penalties Total value of 2007 penalties
6 £21,032

Total number and value of these penalties from 1 August 2018 to 31 October 2018

Total number of 2007 penalties Total value of 2007 penalties
10 £136,378

Total number and value of these penalties from 26 June 2017 to 31 July 2018

Total number of 2007 penalties Total value of 2007 penalties
535 £2,410,762.61

Please note: the total number or value of penalties may change to reflect the outcome of appeals or reviews.