Annexes: Information for British nationals arrested or detained in Cape Verde
Updated 14 January 2025
Annex 1: Information leaflet on how to transfer funds to UK nationals overseas via the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Please note that most prisons in Cabo Verde will allow direct bank transfers. Please contact the British Consulate for details of the relevant prison’s bank details and to enquire about any specific bank transfer requirements.
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) operates a service which allows you to pay funds to us in the UK which we will then pay out in local currency to your relative or friend. The various payment methods are detailed below.
Under the Consular Fees Order of 2013/2014, we are obliged to charge for this service. The fee is dependent on the amount that you wish to transfer as follows:
Amount being sent | Fee |
One monthly payment up to £100 | Free |
Each additional payment or amount of £ 0.01 - £ 99.99 | £10 |
Each additional payment or amount of £ 100 - £ 499.99 | £30 |
Each additional payment or amount of £ 500 and above | £80 |
When forwarding funds, you should add the above fee to the amount that you wish to transfer. For example, if you want the recipient to receive £150, you will need to send us £160 (£150 to forward plus £10 fee). If other friends and family also plan to transfer funds in the same month, you should consider coordinating payments so you know what FCDO fees to expect. We retain the right to further deduct any local overseas charges we may incur in passing the fees to the recipient.
Should we be unable to pay the funds locally to the recipient, our policy is to refund amounts above £5 to the depositor by bank transfer. In this case, we would contact you for your bank details. Refunds may take several weeks as our internal processes can only start once all relevant costs have been cleared with local authorities.
I hope this clarifies our service for you, but should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note that our office in Milton Keynes is only responsible for payments. All correspondence concerning your relative/friend in prison should continue to be addressed to the Consulate.
Options to transfer funds to UK nationals overseas via the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Please note that we can only advance funds to the person overseas once your payment has cleared in our account.
Electronic bank transfers
Payment by electronic/internet bank transfer can be made either using online or telephone banking, or at your local bank or building society.
For all bank transfers, you will need to include the following details:
Bank: National Westminster Bank
Account Name: FCO Multi Vote
Sort Code: 60-70-80
Account Number: 10012362
Reference: FCDO case reference number (if known), surname and first name of the person you are sending the funds for, plus country name if possible, e.g. SMITH JOE-CABO VERDE
IBAN: GB56NWBK60708010012362
You may also need our bank address which is: London Corporate Service Centre, CPB Services, 2nd Floor, 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4RB.
By post
Payments by Postal Order, Bankers Draft, Building Society Cheque or personal cheque should be crossed and made payable to “The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office”. They should be sent to:
Accounts Receivable
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Corporate Service Centre
PO Box 6108
Milton Keynes
MK10 1PX
We recommend that you use Special Delivery.
Please ensure that you include a note briefly explaining who the money is for, why you are sending these funds and quoting the FCDO case reference number. You may wish to use the payment slip on the next page.
If you would like a receipt, please include a stamped addressed envelope.
Please note that it can take approximately 15 days for personal cheques to clear and for payment to be received. Please write the cheque guarantee number and expiry date, and the FCDO case reference number, on the back of the cheque.
We are unable to receive payment by credit or debit card, or by cash.
Payment slip
To: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
FCDO case reference number:
Please find enclosed funds for:
Full name:
Country/place the above is in:
Amount enclosed:
Fee to be deducted:
Payment method:
My name is:
My address is:
Annex 2: Glossary of terms
English | Portuguese |
Access to file (by Lawyer) | Acesso ao processo (pelo advogado) |
Acquitted | Absolvido |
Adjudication | Julgar, decidir |
Administration of justice | Administração da justiça |
Appeal | Recurso |
Appeal or complaint | Recurso / Reclamação |
Application | Requerimento / Pedido |
Application forms (prison) | Formulários da prisão (admissão) |
Bar Association | Ordem dos Advogados |
Blood test | Análise de sangue |
Charge | Acusação |
Police Officer | Polícia |
Attorney-General’s Office | Procuradoria Geral da República |
Code of criminal procedure | Código de Processo Penal |
Complaints system | Procedimento de reclamações |
Conjugal Visit | Visita íntima |
Court file reference | Número de Processo |
Criminal code | Código Penal |
Criminal Court | Vara Criminal |
Custody hearing | Audiência |
Custody order | Mandado de Condução à Prisão |
Danger of interfering with the course of justice | Perigo em interferir com o curso da justiça (ou da investigação). |
Deportation order | Ordem de Expulsão |
Duty of obedience | Dever de Obediência / Respeito |
Evaluation of evidence | Avaliação de Provas |
Expert Witness | Perito |
Extradition | Extradição |
Immigration Police | Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras |
Police (for Public Safety) | Polícia de Segurança Pública |
Police (Judiciary) | Polícia Judiciária |
File | Processo/Arquivo |
Final public trial | Julgamento |
Guilty | Culpado |
High Court | Tribunal da Relação |
Lower Court | Tribunal de Primeira Instância |
Supreme Court | Supremo Tribunal de Justiça |
Interpreter | Intérprete |
Investigating Judge | Juiz de Instrução |
Judge | Juiz/Juiza |
Judgement | Acórdão |
Jurisdiction | Jurisdição |
Lawyer | Advogado |
Legal Aid Lawyer | Advogado Oficioso |
Trainee Lawyer | Advogado Estagiário |
Prison rules | Regulamento Geral |
Offence | Delito |
Minister of Justice | Ministro da Justiça |
Minor offence | Contravençao |
Notary | Notário |
Officer of the Court | Técnico de Justiça |
Criminal proceeding | Procedimento Penal |
Permit, entitlement | Autorização |
Physical examination | Exame físico |
Plaintiff | Autor |
Police Chief Inspector | Inspector Chefe |
Police Commissariat | Comissário de Polícia |
Police station | Esquadra de Polícia |
Police Inspector | Inspector de Polícia |
Power of Attorney | Procuração |
Preliminary detention / remanded in custody | Prisao Preventiva |
Prison | Prisão |
Prison Director | Director do Estabelecimento Prisional |
Prison house rules | Regras internas da prisão |
Prison newspaper | Jornal da prisão |
Prison rule book | Livro ou manual de regras prisionais |
Prison rules regarding supervised visit | Regras prisionais relativas a visitas supervisionadas |
Prison Warder | Guarda Prisional |
Prisoners | Reclusos |
Private prosecution | Acção Penal Privada |
Procedural complaint against official | Representação contra autoridade |
Proof of evidence | Prova |
Proportionality | Proporcionalidade |
Public Prosecutor | Procurador do Ministério Público |
Public Prosecutor’s Office | Ministério público |
Punishment cell | Solitária |
Rehabilitation | Reabilitação |
Release | Colocar em liberdade |
Release order | Ordem de liberdade |
Remand rules | Regras para prisão preventiva |
Representative of the Local Authority | Representante de Autoridade Local |
Riot squad | Polícia de choque |
Security | Segurança |
Social Worker | Assistente social |
Suspended sentence | Pena suspensa |
Temporary detention | Detenção temporária |
The accused | O acusado |
To buy | Comprar |
To change money | Trocar dinheiro |
To deport | Deportar |
To file an application | Submeter um requerimento |
Transfer to another prison | Transferir para outro Estabelecimento Prisional |
Treason | Traição |
Valid or legal | Válido ou legal |
Visit | Visita |
Visiting permit | Autorização de Visita |
Warder | Guarda Prisional |