Cain, Lee - Director of Communications at No. 10 - ACOBA advice
Advice to Lee Cain, former Director of Communications at No. 10, on business appointments after leaving Crown service.
Lee Cain left his role as Director of Communications at No. 10 in December 2020
Independent Consultancy
Lee Cain sought the Committee’s advice about taking setting up an independent consultancy (An accessible version of the letter is available here) and taking on commissions with:
Social Change Agency.](
Elliott Advisers (UK) Limited. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Triple P. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Camelot. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Kurdistan Regional government. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Premier League. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Orcadian Energy (CNS). (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
Coalition for a Digital Economy. (An accessible version of the letter is available here)
AP Wireless UK. (An accessible version of the letter is available here).
Mentor/Trustee, Social Mobility Foundation
Lee Cain sought the Committee’s advice about taking up an appointment with Social Mobility Foundation.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in July 2021. An accessible version of the letter is available here