
Call for bids – Strengthening democracy and human rights in DRC and the CAR

The British Embassy Kinshasa is inviting proposals for projects aimed at strengthening democracy and human rights in DRC and the CAR in 2021/22.

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This call for bids closed on 9 September 2021.


[Withdrawn] Project proposal form

[Withdrawn] ABB Example


The UK aims to strengthen democracy and human rights in DRC and the CAR by tackling the root causes of human rights violations, strengthening institutions and governance, promoting and protecting human rights and supporting democracy and the rule of law.

2021/22 Programme

The target thematic areas for this programme in 2021/22 are to improve respect of human rights in DRC and the CAR, including through reinforcing the rule of law and access to justice for all.

We are particularly interested in bids that include elements focussing on some or all of the following: support for parliamentary scrutiny through parliamentary committees; support for proper implementation of laws; access to justice for marginalised and vulnerable individuals, reinforcement of due process and reinforcement of institutional support for human rights, such as proper functioning of existing human rights monitoring mechanisms.

We are looking to fund a maximum of 1-2 project in DRC and 1 in CAR and we would therefore welcome bids for projects of $30,000 - $100,000.

How to bid

Applicants are invited to submit a project proposal and Activity Based Budget in English and send them electronically to copying
Please include ‘DRC: Human Rights and Democracy’ in the subject field. The deadline for submitting concept bids is 17.00 (GMT) 9th September 2021.

Selection Criteria

Please consider the below tips when designing your project:

  • Projects should aim to start in September 2021 and end in March 2022.

  • Projects should plan to spend 90% by the end of December 2021.

  • Payments are normally made quarterly. Payments are normally made after the completion of project activities. Advance payments are not usually possible.

  • We require monitoring reports, which should include a detailed financial report. At the end of a project, we require a completion report, including a detailed financial report.

  • Project bids should ensure that the services are designed and implemented in a manner that respects international human rights norms, considers gender impact and is designed and implemented in accordance with the ‘do no harm’ principle.

  • We have a zero-tolerance approach to aid diversion, including any associated inappropriate behaviours, and the implementing partner would be required to comply with our strict fraud and misuse of funds mechanisms.

  • We have a zero tolerance for inaction in tackling sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH). The implementing partner would take all reasonable and adequate steps to prevent SEAH.

  • Duty of care for all staff and participants in the engagement activities shall lie with the implementing partner.

We are particularly looking for suppliers who can demonstrate:

  • A strong track record of successful project delivery in DRC and/or the CAR and who will be able to draw on previous lessons learned to mitigate against unintended consequences of interventions.

  • Active consideration of gender inequality including by ensuring that where possible women are offered places in any training and capacity building activities funded by HMG, and included in training and consultative panels.

Please Note: Due to the volume of bids expected, it is unlikely we will be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

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Published 27 August 2021

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