Statutory guidance

Response to the call for evidence: ICES area VIId king scallop fishery closure

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), acting on behalf of all four UK Fisheries Administrations (UKFAs), sought views on a proposal to close UK waters in ICES area VIId (see annex 1) to king scallop (Pectens maximus) fishing between mid-August and mid-October 2021 to all vessels regardless of length, aligning with similar scallop fishing regulations in EU waters.

This publication was withdrawn on

No longer current government activity.



UK Fisheries Administrations are committed to ensuring fisheries are managed to a level where stocks are healthy and fished sustainably, environmental damage is minimised, and economic return is maximised whilst ensuring sustainable exploitation.

Stock assessments for 2017-2019 indicate harvest rates above the level associated with Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), suggesting stocks have a pattern of overexploitation. The assessments for 2020 have a provisional harvest rate estimate just below the MSY rate (21.4 vs 21.5). However, this may be subject to change once full international landings data become available; the rate is therefore currently uncertain. This supports the need for appropriate management to be strengthened to ensure scallop stocks are protected and the fisheries managed sustainably.

In light of this advice, UKFAs wished to explore the option of a closure to all vessels regardless of length. A similar proposal was received from the Scallop Industry Consultation Group (SICG).

In previous years UKFAs have closed area VIId to scallop dredging for periods of several weeks to vessels of 15 metres and over in overall length.

Having considered the call for evidence responses, and taking in to account further scientific advice on the stock biomass, UKFAs have agreed to introduce a closure of the area VIId, in UK waters, scallop fishery from 15 August to 18 October, with a two-tiered approach to opening times complementing existing measures in EU waters. The closure will apply to UK and EU vessels over 10m in length in UK waters, and to UK vessels of all lengths in EU waters. The arrangements are outlined below:

  • 15 August - 4 October for the whole of the area VIId scallop fishery in UK waters for all vessels over 10m.

  • The same closure will apply for all UK vessels, irrespective of size, in the whole area VIId scallop fishery in EU waters with the exception of the area south of parallel 49°42’ N (the Bay of Seine area), which will remain closed for all UK vessels between 15 August – 18 October.

This consultation ran from 26 July 2021 to 8 August 2021.

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Published 26 July 2021

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