Call for UK Experts in Climate Change to scope IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
BEIS invites UK experts to express their interest in helping to scope the Sixth Assessment Report (“AR6”) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The IPCC are producing their Sixth Assessment Report about the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its causes, potential impacts and response strategies. The UK Focal Point, based in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), invites expressions of interest from UK experts to participate in the scoping of this report.
The Scoping Meeting will be held “tentatively on 1-5 May 2017” at a venue that is to be confirmed.
How To Apply
Applicants should have a broad understanding of climate change and related issues as well as expertise in at least one of the fields identified by the IPCC.
To be considered for nomination to take part in the Scoping Meeting, please complete the nominations form above, comprising two worksheets, and return in .xls or .ods format; with a CV no more than 4 pages long in .pdf format.
Deadline: Midnight, Thursday 10 November 2016
The Scoping Meeting
The Scoping Meeting will result in a draft outline (and explanatory notes as appropriate) of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report. The Panel, at its 46th Session to be held in September 2017, will review the draft Scoping Paper and will decide on further IPCC work on this Report
Participation in the Scoping Meeting for this Report will be decided by the IPCC and does not imply the participant will then be selected as an author. Author selection will be carried out by a separate, later, process.
Next steps
The UK Focal Point will submit nominations meeting expertise criteria and minimum application standards for this meeting as described by the IPCC.
Participant selection for the meeting will be made by the IPCC Working Group Bureau. In selecting the tightly limited number of scoping meeting participants, consideration will be given to the following criteria: scientific, technical and socio-economic expertise, including the range of views; geographical representation; a mixture of experts with and without previous experience in IPCC; gender balance; experts with a background from relevant stakeholder and user groups, including governments.
DECC is unable to guarantee travel & subsistence support for attendance at the Scoping Meeting. A level of assistance may be considered for exceptional cases, only once other reasonable potential avenues of sources of support, such as the applicant’s employer and learned societies to which the applicant belongs, have been exhausted. Applicants may seek such support from the team of the IPCC UK Focal Point by contacting for further information on the process. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis only after formal invitation to the meeting by the IPCC has been received and in advance of the meeting.