Called-in decision: land at Bullsmoor off Nottingham Road, Belper (ref: 3194115 - 11 October 2018)
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a called-in decision.
Applies to England
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a called-in decision for:
- a maximum of 6000 sq m of B1/B8 floor space for the manufacture / assembly of heating appliances/boilers and parts
- offices (non-ancillary)
- the storage and distribution of heating appliances/boilers and parts
- and for any other use or uses within Class B1 and / or B8; and a maximum of 6500 sq m (B1A - Offices) and maximum of 7,500 sq m (B1c - Light Industry) alterations to service yard, provision of car parking and vehicle manoeuvring areas