Calstock flood defence improvement scheme
What the Environment Agency is doing to manage the risk of flooding in Calstock, Cornwall, from the River Tamar.
Work to reduce the risk of flooding to the community of Calstock is now complete. This means that there is a new more resilient defence protecting homes and community assets.
Updates to this page
Substantial changes made to the document to reflect the completion of the scheme.
Removed 'bittern' from the species list as these have not been spotted at this location.
Updated all of the page content and images.
Construction update updated and aerial photo added.
Construction update brought up to date - work on flood scheme to restart on 24 May 2020.
Updated Construction update section:
Construction update added.
How the Environment Agency aims to start work on the scheme in September 2019
Letter added from Environment Agency Flood Risk Manager following Planning Decision for the Calstock Flood Defence Improvement Scheme
Plan of alternative permissive path added.
Majority of page updated with news of planning application.
Latest update section added, with feedback from the November drop in sessions.
Information on the public drop-in held in Calstock on 8 November 2017 added, and link to exhibition panels on Flickr.
Information added on work underway at Calstock this autumn 2017, and the public drop in being held on 8 November.
First published.