
UK Joint Operations Doctrine (JDP 01)

Joint Doctrine Publication 01 introduces NATO operational-level doctrine and explains the context for a UK joint force commander and their staff.



Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 01, UK Joint Operations Doctrine (First Edition) introduces North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operational-level doctrine and explains the national context to ensure its utility for a UK joint force commander and their staff.

JDP 01 does not duplicate information contained within Allied joint operational-level doctrine; instead, it will reference the appropriate NATO publication.

It provides the strategic context for national and coalition operations, explaining: how our national military instrument works alongside other levers of national power in pursuit of policy objectives; our structures and processes for formulating strategy and for crisis management; and any differences between UK and NATO processes.

Who should read this publication

JDP 01 is written to assist a joint force commander and their staff on operations and in their education and training. Tactical commanders and headquarters who seek to understand the processes they are supporting will also find it useful.

It will also help other UK government departments and non-UK partners to understand our approach to operations.

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Published 21 December 2012
Last updated 7 November 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated links under 'you may also be interested in.

  2. Added JDP 01: UK Joint Operations Doctrine in place of the the previous Campaigning document.

  3. First published.

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