Grant-in-aid forms: flood risk management authorities
Flood and coastal erosion risk management grant-in-aid projects: approval forms and guidance for risk management authorities.
Guidance and forms required for technical and financial approval of flood and coastal erosion risk management projects funded by grant in aid.
The 2011 and 2012 grant memorandums are no longer provided directly on GOV.UK. These are available on request by contacting The Environment Agency.
Updates to this page
Added: 'There are certain activities for which we will consider an exception to this Grant Memorandum. For your project to be considered for an exception, you must complete the relevant form (FCERM 2 or 7) and follow the relevant guidance. You must still comply with all obligations of this Grant Memorandum' to section 4. Also updated links to the various forms - FCERM2, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 7 and 8; having deleted them as they can now be accessed via SharePoint.
Updated 'Form FCERM 7: Application of approval for preliminary studies and strategies'.
Updated 'Form FCERM 7: Application of approval for preliminary studies and strategies'.
Updated form FCERM 7
Added a memorandum relating to capital grants for other risk management authorities in England (2020).
The FCERM 3 Form for Application for interim payment of grant funding has been updated.
Update to FCERM 2 and FCERM 3 forms. Allows the opportunity to split out funding between FDGiA and Local Levy.
Updated Form FCERM 2: Flood risk management scheme − application for grant funding.
Updated Memorandum relating to capital grants for local authorities and internal drainage boards in England (2016) and Form CPA2: Application for formal approval of coast protection project.
Form FCERM 4: further advice on how best to complete this form and added in a 'Supplementary Information' section.
Updated attachment Form CPA 2: Application for formal approval of a coast protection project, June 2016
Updates to Forms CPA1, CPA2, FCERM 2, FCERM 3, FCERM 4, FCERM 5, FCERM 5A, FCERM 7 and FCERM 8.
Updated with new 2016 Grant Memorandum.
Updated forms: FCERM 7, 8 and CPA1. Changed PDF forms into Word format.
First published.