Carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) deployment: Track-1 expansion: HyNet cluster
Call for applications from CCUS projects wanting to take part in the expansion of the Track-1 HyNet cluster by 2030.
Update: 22 March 2024
Updated clarification questions.
The application window is open for potential CCUS projects wishing to connect to HyNet by 2030.
Read the Application Guidance for information on the process steps, timelines, eligibility and assessment criteria for the HyNet Track-1 expansion (T1x) process.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Projects intending to apply to join the HyNet network must submit an EOI form by 11.59pm on 2 February 2024.
Send your completed EOI form to
You will only be given access to the online submission portal if you have submitted your EOI by this date.
Engagement sessions and clarification process
To support you in preparing application submissions that meet the T1x eligibility criteria, we will host engagement sessions to explain:
- the HyNet T1x objectives and criteria
- how to accurately fill out the application forms
We held the first engagement session on 10 January, covering the application process, eligibility and assessment criteria - see the recording:
CCUS Track 1 expansion HyNet: 10 Jan 2024 engagement session recording
We will hold a second session on Tuesday 6 February 2024, by invite only for Projects who have submitted an Expression of Interest. It will step through how to complete the application forms.
Clarification process
If you have any questions, please use the clarification process outlined in the Chapter 2 of the Guidance. If you believe your query sits outside of this process, please email
How to apply
Read the Application Guidance document for full details.
You must submit the following forms via the online portal by 11.59pm on 28 March 2024:
- Annex A: Project Plan form
- Annex B: Initial Cost Information form
- Annex C: Financial Statement form
- Annex D: Economic Benefits form
Update: 22 December 2023 - Note for hydrogen applications to the Track-1 Expansion HyNet Process
The Hydrogen Production Revenue Support (Directions, Eligibility and Counterparty) Regulations 2023 (“the Regulations”) came into force on 20 December 2023.
Following revision of the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard applicable for the purposes of the Regulations, potential applicants are advised that submissions made by them in response to the invitation issued on 20 December will be assessed against version 3 of the Standard. This aligns the requirements in the Regulations and the Track-1 Expansion: HyNet Application Guidance, which sets out that in order to be eligible to apply, hydrogen projects must demonstrate how their projects are capable of meeting the requirements of version 3 of the Standard.
Updates to this page
Clarification questions updated.
Clarification questions updated.
Clarification questions updated.
Clarification questions updated.
Updated clarification questions.
Updated clarification questions.
Updated clarification questions and Annex A4 - GGR Project Plan; text box added to Section 2. Eligibility p20.
Clarification questions updated; Annexes A1-5 section 4 - T&S Connection: word count added (1,000 words).
Updated clarification questions.
Added clarification questions with responses, and recording of the CCUS Track 1 expansion HyNet webinar, 10 January 2024.
Application Guidance updated to reflect the latest strategic policy decision on blending. Hydrogen Project Plan updated to: redress an error in Section 3.2 where the wrong metric was listed fore the Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard calculation, add a word limit for section 4.1.3.
Updated in relation to the Hydrogen Production Revenue Support (Directions, Eligibility and Counterparty) Regulations 2023, which came into force on 20 December 2023.
First published.