
Cattle: testing required for an animal health and welfare review and endemic disease follow-up

Find out sampling, testing and laboratory requirements for cattle in reviews and follow-ups.

Applies to England


Vet summary template: cattle animal health and welfare follow-up PI Hunt done

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Vet summary template: cattle animal health and welfare follow-up PI Hunt not done

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A vet, or a team chosen by a vet, can do the sampling. 

A farmer will not be eligible for funding unless you follow the guidance on: 

Updates to this page

Published 19 June 2024
Last updated 21 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Warning about endemic disease follow-up not being available for dairy cattle removed. Details about sampling required added. Definition of a herd added. Reference to CHECS technical document on BVD removed.

  2. Laboratory added to laboratory requirements for cattle.

  3. First published.

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