CEMEX cement works, Rugby, Warwickshire
Published 19 January 2014
Applies to England
CEMEX is a global company producing cement, ready-mixed concrete and aggregates. Their Rugby plant has the largest kiln in the UK and a production capacity of 1.8 million tonnes of cement a year.
There has been a cement works in Rugby since the 19th century and the site has a history of public concern due to its proximity to housing, the potential for air pollution, and use of fuels derived from waste.
The Environment Agency regulate the plant under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010. They inspect the site regularly to make sure CEMEX complies with their permit and also carry out independent testing of the plant’s emissions.
1. The solution
The Environment Agency have undertaken noise surveys on and around the site to measure noise levels. They have also completed audits of the company’s management systems, which are in place to control the noise emitted from the site.
CEMEX has been working on these recommendations and has carried out work on redirecting emission points, replacing silencers, providing additional noise barriers and relocating noisy operations. Additional noise monitoring is planned.
2. Reporting concerns
To report an environmental incident or concern call the Environment Agency’s 24 hour, free phone, incident hotline:
0800 807060
Contact the Environment Agency by emailing midlandscustmerserv@environment-agency.gov.uk.