Change details of a corporate member of a limited liability partnership (LL CH02)
Use form LL CH02 to change the details of a corporate member of a limited liability partnership (LLP).
You can only use this form to tell Companies House about the changes to an existing LLP’s corporate member’s details. This form is not to make a new appointment.
Use the online service to update your information as quickly as possible.
It takes longer to process paper forms sent to us by post.
Do not use the paper form if your LLP is in the protected online filing (PROOF) scheme.
EEA corporate officers
The filing requirements for a UK company or LLP with EEA corporate officers have changed. You must now provide the corporate officer’s:
- name
- registered (or principal) office address
- legal form and its governing law
- register and registration number (if applicable)
This change does not affect a company or LLP which has a UK registered limited company as a corporate officer.
Updates to this page
Published 3 May 2010Last updated 31 December 2020 + show all updates
Form updated following the end of Brexit transition.
Guidance added for changes from 1 January 2021.
New version uploaded
Online filing option added
First published.