Limit or remove goods or services (trade mark not yet registered)
Use this form if you are limiting or removing the goods and services from your trade mark application
Do not use this form if you want to:
- cancel or surrender some of the goods or services for which your trade mark is already registered, use form TM23 ‘Notice to partially surrender a registration’
- record changes in the name and address of the Trade Mark Owner, use form TM21A ‘Change of owner’s name, address or email’
- add classes, use form TM3 ‘Application to register a trade mark’
An additional continuation sheet is available to amend or remove a significant number of goods and service.
No fee
Updates to this page
A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.
A continuation form has been added.
Form TM21B: Data Privacy added.
First published.