Change of name (Transgender and Non-Binary) (CNG)
If you have changed your name (transgender and non-binary), use form CNG to update your name as a registered owner in our Land Register.
Applies to England and Wales
Use this form to change your name in the Land Register following a change of gender.
Fee and address
There is no fee for this application, send it completed to the address on the form.
Updates to this page
We have amended the wording in panel 2 to reflect the wording used in the Gender Recognition Act 2004.
We have updated the form to clarify our handling of applications and to incorporate the required warning note to the base of the form.
We have amended the form following a review of our practice in this area. The biggest change is that the list of evidence acceptable to support an application made on this form has been expanded.
We have added side notes to panel 3 to explain the situations where a customer’s previous name would still appear in the register and in documents filed with HM Land Registry.
We added a guidance note about our personal information charter, which explains how we process customer data.
The form has been amended to request name and contact details of the applicant, and to add information about evidence of gender requirements.
Added translation