
Changes to SIA licence-linked training: flowchart

This document explains what the changes mean for people applying for a door supervisor or security guard licence.

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This page has been withdrawn because the flowchart is out of date. The top-up training it refers to is no longer available.


Changes to SIA training: flowchart

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In April 2021 we made some changes to the training you need to take before you can get a front line SIA licence. We will be making more changes in October 2021. This flowchart explains what these changes mean for people applying for a door supervisor or security guard licence.

You should also read Changes to the training you need for an SIA licence, which provides more detailed information.

Updates to this page

Published 22 June 2021
Last updated 29 November 2021 + show all updates
  1. Updated the flowchart to remove information about the process before 1 October, which is no longer relevant.

  2. First published.

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