
Changes to SIA licence-linked training

Updated 11 March 2025

1. Licence-linked qualifications

Questions in this section:

1.1 How long will the training take?

Please see the table below.

Qualifications With self-study Without self-study
Cash and Valuables in Transit 24 hours over 3 days 27 hours over 4 days
Close Protection 194 hours over 18 days 194 hours over 18 days
Door Supervision 44 hours over 6 days 52 hours over 7 days
Public Space Surveillance (CCTV) 22 hours over 3 days 30 hours over 4 days
Security Guarding 30 hours over 4 days 38 hours over 5 days

1.2 How much will the training cost?

Training providers will determine the costs. We do not set the costs of training.

2. Top-up training

Questions in this section:

2.1 Who needs to do the top-up training?

We explain this on our Changes to the training you need for an SIA licence page.

2.2 When do I need to do top-up training?

We explain this on our Changes to the training you need for an SIA licence page.

2.3 How long will it take to do the top-up training?

Close protection top-up training takes 5 days to complete.

You will need to complete first aid training before you take the top-up training. You must complete a level 3 first aid qualification or above, which is a minimum of 3 days.

2.4 What is included in the top-up training?

Close protection top-up training covers:

  • physical intervention for close protection operatives and door supervisors (knowledge and practical assessment)
  • knowledge of door supervisor responsibilities
  • updated terror threat awareness

2.5 How much does the top-up training cost?

Training providers will determine the costs. We do not set the costs of training.

2.6 How do trainers deliver the top-up training? Will the training be practical or via e-learning?

You can do the training using a range of options: face-to-face, self-study, or within a virtual classroom.

The practical elements of the physical intervention units can only be taught face-to-face.

2.7 How is the top-up training assessed?

The close protection top-up training is assessed by 4 exams (door supervisor knowledge for close protection operatives, terror threat awareness, physical intervention knowledge for close protection, and door supervision) plus 2 practical physical intervention assessments.

3. First Aid Qualifications

Questions in this section:

3.1 Do I need to send my first aid certificate to the SIA?

No, we will not verify first aid certificates. Your training provider must check that you have the correct first aid qualification before they allow you to do the licence-linked qualification.

3.2 I have an existing and valid first aid qualification. Can I present my existing qualification certificate?

Yes, your training provider will accept your existing qualification if it is still valid for a minimum of a year. It must also be on our list of acceptable first aid qualifications.

3.3 Why did the SIA choose the basic Emergency First Aid at Work for security guards and door supervisors, rather than a full first aid at work qualification?

We have to strike a balance between the need for greater skills, the level of risk, and the cost to you. That is why we chose the basic emergency first aid level.

3.4 Does the first aid requirement apply to security guards who are not public facing?

Yes. We base our qualification requirements on licensable activity. If you are applying for a close protection, door supervision or security guarding licence, you must fulfil our first aid requirement before starting your application.

3.5 What if I am disabled and cannot physically or mentally do the first aid qualification?

Speak with your training provider to see what reasonable adjustments can be made for you.

3.6 Are security staff obliged to carry out first aid now that they have training? What has been done to mitigate the risk of liability or malpractice/negligence?

The first aid requirement does not change the responsibilities or liabilities of employers or operatives to ensure safe working environments. We are raising the basic required skill set of licence holders, not changing the obligations individuals have to respond in an emergency.

4. Terror threat awareness training

Questions in this section:

4.1 How can I access the ACT Awareness and ACT Security e-learning courses?

Both e-learning modules are free. You can access the ACT e-learning by following the guidance on this page.

4.2 I have completed the ACT e-learning courses. Will I need to do them again when I renew?

Anyone applying to renew a close protection, door supervision or security guard licence will need to achieve a top-up or refresher qualification that includes content on counter-terrorism. Taking the ACT e-learning will enable you to refresh your training before you take the exam.

ACT Awareness and ACT Security can be taken at any time, and we have published guidance on how to get training and advice on counter-terrorism.

4.3 Where can I get help if I have a technical problem?

Technical support is provided by Highfield. Visit their ACT help centre or email them at

5. Physical intervention training

Questions in this section:

5.1 Why has knowledge of the risks of physical intervention been included in the security guarding qualification?

We want to help security officers manage the risks they may face in a proportionate manner.

We have included knowledge of physical intervention and personal safety to provide security officers with information on practices to avoid if they ever have to intervene physically, or in other occasions where their personal safety may be at risk. This includes identifying situations that might compromise personal safety, and implementing strategies like dynamic risk assessment.

The unit also covers the risks of inappropriate restraint, such as positional asphyxia, which is in the door supervisor qualification.

5.2 When will the SIA provide more effective physical intervention training that matches ‘real life’ situations?

As a regulator we set the minimum requirement. If an employer or venue identifies a need for further training following a risk assessment, then they should provide this training to their staff. The training is intended to give operatives safe skills to deal with the most common scenarios. It has been tested in coroners’ courts and is constantly reviewed by leading experts.

6. Close protection

Questions in this section:

6.1 Are close protection operatives required to do both the door supervisor and close protection physical intervention units?

Yes. In order for licence integration to continue, close protection operatives are required to do both the physical intervention training for door supervisors and the physical intervention training for close protection operatives.

6.2 Does the close protection qualification include terror-threat awareness training?

Yes. Terror-threat content has been added to the close protection qualification. This content was developed with input from external agencies including the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office.

6.3 What research did the SIA do in the development of the close protection qualification?

We carried out extensive research in 2018 with the private security industry. We also held 2 public consultations for all of the qualifications in 2018 and 2019, and a specific close protection consultation in 2020. In addition, we have worked closely with experts in the field to develop these requirements.

6.4 Who were the expert stakeholders and public consultants involved in the re-development of the close protection physical intervention content?

We established expert working groups to help develop the qualification. They comprised representative companies who were part of the Approved Contractor Scheme, training providers, awarding organisations and industry experts with expertise in close protection and physical intervention skills.

7. Refresher training

Questions in this section:

7.1 Who needs to do the refresher training?

You will need to take the refresher training if you will be renewing a door supervisor or security guard licence after 1 April 2025.

7.2 Why do I need refresher training?

For 2 reasons:

  • skills fade over time
  • threats to public safety evolve

The refresher training focuses on skills that are critical to public safety. It includes new content on how to keep people in vulnerable situations safe.

Terrorist threats change and evolve, so it is important that you have the most up-to-date knowledge in this area. Our training requirements are informed by consultation with the private security industry, and other sources such as coroners’ observations and findings from public inquiries.

Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive states that first aid certificates must be updated every 3 years so that you are still able to administer help safely. Also, since October 2024, trainers delivering the first aid qualification to security operatives have expanded on specific areas of the syllabus. This is so that we can incorporate lessons learned from the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

7.3 When will it become mandatory for me to take the refresher training?

You will not be able to renew your door supervisor or security guard licence after 1 April 2025 unless you have taken the training and achieved the qualification.

7.4 Why is there a 6 month gap between the new refresher training becoming available and becoming mandatory?

This 6 month period is to allow the private security industry and SIA licence holders sufficient time to prepare.

7.5 How long will the training take?

We do not deliver training. You should discuss the length of the course with your training provider.

The length of training will depend on which licence you want to renew:

  • door supervisor = 1.5 to 2.5 days of in-person training, depending on how much self-study you do
  • security guard = 0.5 days to 1 day of in-person training, depending on how much self-study you do

These times do not include the time required for you to take the first aid training.

7.6 How much will the refresher training cost?

We do not set the fees charged for training.

Training providers are independent commercial bodies. Each training provider sets the costs charged for their own courses.

7.7 What certificates will I need to show to the trainer?

You will need to show your trainer:

  • an up-to-date first aid certificate – this must have 12 months or more to run before it expires
  • certificates that show you have taken the ACT Awareness and ACT Security e-learning –you must have completed both within the last year

7.8 Will I have to repeat the refresher training every time I renew my licence?

Yes. It is important that your training is kept up to date and fresh. Skills and knowledge can fade over time. The refresher training is designed to refresh key skills and ensure they are kept up to date.

7.9 What is included in the refresher training?

You must hold a valid first aid qualification to take the refresher training.

For door supervisors:

  • terror threat awareness
  • physical intervention skills (knowledge and practical)
  • searching
  • vulnerability training, including how to spot and stop spiking

For security guards:

  • terror threat awareness
  • searching
  • vulnerability training

7.10 Will I need to take refresher training to renew my close protection licence?

We are still considering future refresher training arrangements for close protection. Currently to renew a close protection licence you need to hold the qualification introduced on 1 April 2022, or one of the older qualifications and the relevant ‘top-up’ qualification.

7.11 Can I renew my licence early before April 2025 to avoid completing refresher training?

You can renew your existing licence up to four months before it’s due to expire. From 1 April 2025, you will need to have completed the refresher training to renew your licence. If you renew your licence before 1 April 2025, you will not yet need to have completed the refresher training. However, we strongly encourage you to take the refresher training at the earliest opportunity so that you have up-to-date and refreshed safety-critical skills to better protect the public.

8. General

Questions in this section:

8.1 What is the awareness of vulnerable people training?

This is training content for security operatives on how to recognise vulnerable people and keep them safe. Vulnerable people can include:

  • people with a mental health issue
  • people with learning or physical disabilities
  • pregnant women
  • the elderly
  • children or under-age adults

The definition could also include someone who is acutely ill or under the influence of drink or drugs. There will be training about identifying behaviours that may be exhibited by sexual predators, as well as identifying indicators of abuse.

8.2 Do the new qualifications take disability into account?

Yes. Our guidance document ‘Working in the private security industry: a guide for disabled people’ is available from the Applying for an SIA licence: help and guidance page of our website.

Each awarding organisation and training provider has their own ‘reasonable adjustment’ policy, which should be used where applicable.