
Frequently asked questions

Updated 23 September 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

This guidance was withdrawn on

Applies to England

Process and application

1. When is the deadline?

26 September 2021.

2. How much information is needed to submit a bid?

See the template Expression of Interest form.

3. What is the timescale between submission of an Expression of Interest (EoI) and receiving the grant?

Local authorities should expect to receive initial grant funding in autumn 2021, subject to ministerial approval.

4. Is there a limit to the number of Changing Places Toilets (CPTs) that can be applied for?


5. We can only provide estimated costs subject to survey in the EoI – is this OK?

Local authorities should endeavour to identify costs as accurately as possible in the EoI but we recognise that cost estimates will fluctuate once contracting for projects begins. Any additional costs will need to be met by the local authority and / or its delivery partners. MHCLG will not provide additional funding.

6. How will allocations be calculated?

The model is set out at Annex B of the funding prospectus.

7. Can we upload other documents?

MHCLG is not requesting that any further documents be provided over and above the information requested in the EoI form. Any documents emailed in will not be considered.

8. Can funding be used retrospectively?

The Changing Places Fund aims to add value by funding new CPTs in existing buildings. Following the award of a grant, capital costs incurred in the creation of new CPTs is eligible expenditure. The purpose of the fund is to ensure additional activity and local authorities must ensure that funding is not used to replace funding already secured for CPTs already built or in progress.

9. If we do not receive the full amount requested, can we decide not to accept the funding offer?

Yes. Local authorities are not obliged to apply for or to accept grant funding that is offered.

10. If a local authority is applying to the fund simply to reflect projects submitted by 3rd parties, how do we decide on the allocation of that funding? What if we have some projects that are well advanced and some that are weaker?

EoIs will be considered as a whole and the deliverability of proposals will be taken into account as part of the assessment of quality. It is for local authorities to propose projects that they assess to be deliverable and best fit the goals of the programme and needs of local users.

11. Are we expected to have planning, design etc prior to EOI?

No, although some projects will have. We recognise that projects will be at different stages of development. However, grant allocations will be determined by the contents of EoIs and additional funding will not be provided by MHCLG.

12. What extent of consultation are you looking for?

Local authorities should engage with local users as set out in the funding prospectus. MDUK can assist in linking with local user groups.


13. What if we cannot secure co-funding?

The funding prospectus sets out the expectation that co-funding will be provided by local authorities and partners. At an absolute minimum, local authorities must commit to the ongoing maintenance and cleaning of new CPTs and the first 3 years of these costs may be included as co-funding.

14. Can you advise on where we can source co-funding to fund the ongoing maintenance, cleaning and admin costs?

Local authorities are responsible for identifying co-funding and must commit to the ongoing maintenance and cleaning costs. Examples are provided in the funding prospectus of where private sector partners have developed CPTs.

15. If the project underspends, will the amount of co-funding need to remain at the same level as at approval stage?

We expect co-funding levels to remain as set out in Expressions of Interest. Any changes would need to secure prior agreement from MHCLG as part of the monitoring throughout the delivery stage.

16. Could local authority officer time be counted as co-funding?

Eligible co-funding includes capital contributions, the first 3 years of revenue maintenance and cleaning costs and any in-kind contributions directly related to the delivery of new CPTs (e.g., dedicated staff time and technical support such as surveys and plans). A clear and robust methodology for how this has been calculated will need to be provided.

17. What is the expected level of co-funding?

We are keen to see as much co-funding brought to bear as part of this programme as possible to increase the overall number of Changing Places across England. Whilst no expected level has been set, the level of co-funding within the project is taken into account as part of the allocations methodology.

Contract management and funding

18. If projects prove to be unfeasible at a later stage can we rework our bid?

Local authorities are expected to manage project delivery on the basis of the EoI and grant offer letter. Any changes would need to be agreed with MHCLG. No top-up funding will be provided.

19. If costs prove to be higher than expected, can we request additional grant?

Any additional costs will need to be met by the local authority and / or its delivery partners. MHCLG will not provide additional funding.

20. Can you confirm the profile requested as part of the EoI is indicative only?

The profile requested as part of the EoI should be accurate and represent currently available information. If there is a need to amend the profile, this will need to be agreed with MHCLG as part of the issuing of a grant offer.

21. Can we propose spending more for a greater number of CPTs than suggested by the indicative allocations (or the same number for a higher or lower cost)?

Yes. We are aiming to achieve the build of as many CPTs as possible using this funding. EoIs should set out how many CPTs can be delivered for what level of funding. The indicative allocations are provided only as a guide, the offer of grant funding a local authority will receive will vary dependent upon the quality of the EoI and how it achieves the programme aims and factors of assessment as set out in the prospectus.

22. Will local authorities be expected to directly procure and deliver this installation work themselves, or will it be possible for the receiving authority to grant funding to a partner organisation (for example, a local voluntary sector organisation running a community building, or a local leisure attraction)?

Local authorities are responsible for any contracting and procurement arrangements. Where a third party is to receive the funding, local authorities must satisfy themselves that sufficient contractual arrangements are in place. Local authorities remain accountable to MHCLG for expenditure and must report on project progress as set out in the prospectus.

23. Is there any guidance around state aid and commercially / private buildings, e.g. shopping centres?

Local authorities providing funds to third parties should assure themselves that any grant payments are in compliance with subsidy control rules.


24. How often will MHCLG require monitoring reports?

It is expected that local authorities will provide monitoring reports to MHCLG every 6 months. Further details will be set out in grant offer letters.

In / out of scope

25. Are mobile facilities in scope?

Although the main focus of the funding is to increase provision in existing buildings, extending Changing Places toilet provision through the use of mobile Changing Places toilets which could align and contribute to activities supporting economic recovery (e.g. events to encourage people back to town centres) may also be considered.

However, it is clear from user engagement that it is critical that they know that facilities are available in order to plan their movements. Therefore, whilst mobile units may play a part in local authority plans this must be carefully considered and balanced with the fact that due to their peripatetic nature users will find it more difficult to plan journeys. For the avoidance of doubt, the hire of temporary facilities, either mobile or static is not eligible under the fund.

26. If we need to reconfigure existing non-CPT toilets in order to fit in the new CPT, would that expenditure be in scope?

Yes, as long as there is no net loss of existing toilet provision and the new CPT is additional to existing provision.

27. Would a ‘pod’ attached to or adjacent to an existing building be eligible under the current programme?

This would be in scope as long as the structure is i) an addition to an existing structure, ii) permanent, iii) publicly accessible, iv) does not detract from existing toilet facilities of any kind and v) meets government requirements and the required specifications as outlined in the prospectus and vi) is able to be registered by the Changing Places consortium.

28. Does all of the funding have to be used to create the CPT itself or can we use some of it to provide additional access (e.g. a ramp or footpath to access a CPT in a park or at a beach?)

Capital costs that ensure that a newly installed CPT, delivered through this fund in an existing building, is accessible will be in scope for this funding. Local authorities must assure themselves that any expenditure relates directly to the provision of the CPT.

29. Where a building already has a high number of accessible toilets would funding for conversion still be considered?

Conversion and reconfiguration is permitted only where it does not detract from existing toilet provision of any kind. i.e. it is not permitted to remove an accessible toilet to create a CPT with this funding.

30. I have a facility that is not compliant with the rules for it to be considered a CPT and which will require some amendments to bring it up to spec. Is this reasonable to include in the application?

Yes, you can use this funding to convert a non-spec CPT into a registered CPT.

31. Can we make an application to include a CPT in a new building under construction?

No, new builds and those buildings currently under construction are out of scope, we aim to increase the number of Changing Places Toilets in existing buildings which are accessible to the public.

Ferries and other modes of transport are not eligible for funding as they are not considered a building in the recognised sense and are therefore not covered by building regulations.

Public access

33. Is there an expectation that CPTs will need to remain in use for a certain period of time?

MHCLG expects that local authorities assure themselves that any CPT funded through this programme should be sustainable.

34. What if a venue closes or changes its opening hours?

Local authorities should assure themselves that any CPT project is deliverable and will remain accessible to the people that need it on a sustainable basis.

35. What if a venue has paid entry to the public?

CPTs may be funded in premises where it is necessary to pay an entry charge if the general public have accessibility. CPTs may not be funded in privately accessed premises.