Chapter 8, section 1: spouses
Chapter 8, section 1 of the immigration directorate instructions deals with spouses under the family members transitional arrangements.
Chapter 8, section 1 of the immigration directorate instructions deals with spouses under the family members transitional arrangements.
For applications made before 9 July 2012.
Updates to this page
Updated chapter 8: Family members transitional arrangements, section 1, annex A3, English language requirement for spouses.
Updated annex A3 for use on or after 19 November 2015.
Updated part 8: Annex F guidance.
Updated chapter 8: Family members, transitional arrangements, section 1, annex F, family members, maintenance and accommodation guidance.
Updated English language requirement – Family Members under Part 8, Appendix FM and Appendix Armed Forces of the Immigration Rules guidance.
Updated annex 3 guidance.
Updated annex A3 guidance.
First published.