
Check a UK VAT number — service availability and issues

Updated 19 September 2024

Service availability

New VAT registrations may not appear on the Check a UK VAT number service between 8am on Monday 14 October 2024 to 5pm Friday 18 October 2024.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

You will still be able to use the service during this time to check a UK VAT number.

Check a UK VAT number.

Planned downtime


Service issues

VAT registration numbers

In December 2023 work was completed to stop VAT registration numbers showing as invalid when using the check a UK VAT number service.

There may be times where you check a UK VAT registration number (VRN) and it still shows as invalid.

If you find a VRN that is invalid, use the ‘Is this page not working properly?’ link at the bottom of the page to get help.

We are working to resolve this issue and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause.

Non-UK addresses

Currently, UK VAT registered traders with non-UK addresses are returned on the UK VAT checker with an HMRC address. These VAT registrations are valid registrations.

Invalid UK VAT registrations will return as ‘invalid’. If required, a VAT registered trader can prove their principal place of business using their VAT certificate.

Other services

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