2024 to 2025 ILR funding reports
Updated 21 January 2025
Applies to England
Introduction and purpose of the guidance
1: This guidance sets out the details of the funding reports we generate when you submit to Individualised Learner Record (ILR) or Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) data.
2: This guidance covers the funding reports generated through these funding models:
- community learning (funding model 10)
- tailored learning (non-formula-funded provision) (funding model 11)
- 16 to 19 (excluding apprenticeships) (funding model 25)
- adult skills (funding model 35) including devolved adult education
- adult skills fund (formula-funded provision) (funding model 38) including devolved adult skills fund
- skills bootcamps (funding model 37)
- apprenticeships from 1 May 2017 (funding model 36)
- other adult (funding model 81) - for trailblazer standards
- non-funded (funding model 99) - for provision funded through advanced learner loans which attracts loans bursary funding
Understanding our terminology
3: The terms ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’ and ‘ESFA’ refer to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
4: The term ‘devolved authority’ refers to the mayoral combined authorities and the Greater London Authority that can fund adult skills fund (ASF) provision in this funding year.
5: When we refer to ‘you’ or ‘providers’, this includes colleges, higher education institutions, training organisations, local authorities and employers who receive funding from us to deliver education and training.
6: The definition of a funding year is the year running from 1 August to 31 July.
Changes from the previous year’s guidance
7: We have added:
a new 16 to 19 report – the 16-19 Funding Calculation Full Output Report which provides easy access to all of the funding variables that are outputs of the 16-19 funding calculation
2 new reports for devolved skills bootcamps; a funding summary and an occupancy report
8: We have removed:
all European social fund (ESF) reports for 2024 to 2025 because ESF contracts have now ended and there are no further opportunities to submit ILR or supplementary data
the destination and progression report for 2024 to 2025 as these records were removed from the ILR at the end of 2023 to 2024
the traineeship section and funding lines as we expect all traineeship funding to have been earned by 31 July 2024
the funding lines for procurement from August 2021
9: We have changed:
- the funding line types for adult education budget (AEB) provision following the change to ASF and updated the equivalent DA funding lines. The changes are listed in table 1
Data Sources
10: To understand how we calculate the funding information contained in reports, or where we source the data from, please refer to:
- Funding rates and formula for how we fund Adult Skills Fund provision, apprenticeships and skills bootcamps
- 16 to 19 guidance for how we fund 16 to 19 except for apprenticeships
- ILR specification, validation rules and appendices
- Earnings adjustment statement (EAS) guidance
11: We primarily source the data in these reports from our funding calculations.
What are funding reports?
12: Funding reports are sets of detailed information showing the earnings we have calculated for you. We designed these reports to provide you with the key information to check you have recorded the correct information, be able to recreate the funding methodology, and be able to manage your funding. We produce and improve these reports and guidance based on data needs identified from research conducted with organisations receiving funding from ESFA.
13: We generate the reports after you submit an ILR file or an EAS. After each submission has been processed, the reports are available to download from Submit learner data. As well as the reports triggered by your submissions, we also generate apprenticeship reports after the ILR submission window has closed.
14: For most of these reports, there are additional checks made in our systems that could result in us not paying values shown in the report. For instance, if a value exceeds a maximum contract value or if there is no valid contract for that provision. You should check that all funding values are in the reports correspond with the contracts you have with us. The easiest reports to check at programme level are the Funding Summary Report, and the equivalent Funding Summary Reports for Devolved Adult Skills Fund and Skills Bootcamps.
15: The Funding Information System (FIS) software also produces some of these reports; these are indicative versions that do not include information we hold centrally. For apprenticeships, FIS does not have access to historical data which may change the calculated values when you submit an ILR file to submit learner data. This can result in differences between the FIS and SLD versions of reports.
16: The FIS does not calculate funding, or generate funding reports, for skills bootcamp delivery.
17: The reports range from headline funding reports that aggregate learner and learning aim information into the earnings by programme, to detailed reports at learning aim level.
18: Table 1 identifies all the reports and explains at a high level which report relates to each programme; the abbreviations in the header are advanced learner loans bursary (ALLB), adult skills fund (ASF), community learning (CL) and skills bootcamps (SB), apprenticeships (Apps), and tailored learning (TL).
Table 1: which report relates to each programme
16-19 | Apps pre- 1 May 2017 | Apps from 1 May 2017 | ALLB | ASF | SB | CL | TL | |
16-19 Summary of Funding by Student Report | X | |||||||
16-19 Funding Claim Report | X | |||||||
High Needs Students Summary Report | X | |||||||
High Needs Students Detail Report | X | |||||||
Maths and English Report | X | |||||||
16-19 Funding Calculation Full Output Report | X | |||||||
EAS Funding Report | X | X | X | X | ||||
Funding Summary Report | X | X | X | X | ||||
Funding Summary Report (produced at period end) | X | X | X | X | ||||
Apprenticeship Data Match Report | X | |||||||
Non-Contracted Apprenticeships Activity Report | X | |||||||
Apps Indicative Earnings Report | X | |||||||
Apps Monthly Payment Report | X | |||||||
Apps Additional Payment Report | X | |||||||
Apps Co-Investment Contributions Report | X | |||||||
Cross Year Indicative Payments Report | X | |||||||
Trailblazer Apprenticeships Employer Incentives Report | X | |||||||
Trailblazer Apprenticeships Occupancy Report | X | |||||||
Main Occupancy Report | X | X | ||||||
Summary of Funding Model 35 Funding Report | X | X | ||||||
Devolved Adult Education Funding Summary Report | X | |||||||
Devolved Adult Education Occupancy Report | X | X | X | |||||
Non-Contracted Devolved Adult Education Activity Report | X | X | X | |||||
Adult Funding Claim Report | X | X | ||||||
ALLB Occupancy Report | X | |||||||
Community Learning Summary of Learners by Non-Single Budget Category Report | X | |||||||
Skills Bootcamps Occupancy Report | X | |||||||
Skills Bootcamps Funding Summary Report | X | |||||||
Devolved Skills Bootcamps Occupancy Report | X | |||||||
Devolved Skills Bootcamps Funding Summary Report | X |
16 to 19 funding reports
19: We group funded students together into funding lines:
- 16-19 Students (excluding high needs students): All students aged under 19 (excluding 14-16 direct funded students), who have ESFA 16 to 19 funding and are identified in the ILR as ESFA - 16-19 funded (source of funding code = 107 and funding model = 25) and are not recorded as having high needs (HNS)
- 16-19 High Needs Students: All students aged under 19 (excluding 14-16 direct funded students), who have ESFA 16-19 funding and are identified in the ILR as ESFA - 16-19 funded (source of funding code = 107 and Funding model = 25) and are recorded as having high needs (HNS)
- 19-24 Students with an EHCP: we have a statutory duty to fund students who are 19 to 24 years old, and who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
- 19+ Continuing Students (excluding EHCP): 19 to 24 year old students not recorded as having an EHC plan who are continuing the study programme they started when they were aged under 19
- 14-16 Direct Funded Students: we fund 14- to 16-year-olds who are enrolled at ESFA-funded institutions who arranged to directly recruit young people in this age group
20: Each section below details the individual funding report.
16-19 Summary of Funding by Student Report
21: This report shows the funding earned by each individual student.
22: This report shows students who pass ILR validation and are recorded as having provision funded through the 16 to 19 funding model (Funding Model = 25).
23: The report shows all students who are recorded with basic post 16 eligibility, regardless of whether they qualify as a start (and therefore for 16 to 19 funding) or not. This is different to the funding claim report, which only shows students who are valid starts.
24: We show information for each student; we group them according to their funding line type. We also indicate which students are T Level students through the ‘T Level student’ column. A ‘Y’ value identifies students whose latest study programme is a T Level programme. A ‘N’ value identifies students where the latest study programme is not a T Level programme.
25: The following data items in this report help institutions check the accuracy of their T Level data:
- TQ Reference
- TQ Title
- OS Reference
- OS Title
- Programme Start Date
- Programme Planned End Date
- Programme Actual End Date
- Planned Programme length in months
26: TQ refers to the T Level Technical Qualification, OS refers to the T Level Occupational Specialism, the date information is taken from the latest T Level programme Aim. These columns are only populated for T Level students. T Level students are funded only on the latest T Level programme recorded in the funding year, you can use these T Level data items in conjunction with the other information in this report to ensure that each T Level student is recorded and being funded for the expected T level programme, specialism and funding band.
27: The report is a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
16-19 Funding Claim Report
28: This report contains one worksheet for students undertaking study programmes and one for students undertaking T Level programmes.
29: This report shows the funding earned by an institution according to the ILR return that has been loaded into FIS and SLD. It enables institutions to track how much funding they have earned to date.
30: This report shows only students who pass ILR validation, are recorded as having provision funded through the 16 to 19 funding model (Funding Model = 25) and who count for funding by passing the qualifying period.
31: Columns D and E in the report (titled ‘Filtered using 1st November’) include students funded in 2024 to 2025 as of 1 November and recorded in the ILR R04 return. Columns F and G (titled ‘Filtered using 1st February’) include students funded in 2024 to 2025 as of 1 February and recorded in the ILR R06 return.
32: We split the student numbers by funding line type and funding band. This allows institutions to ensure students are being recorded in the ILR correctly for, funding model and source of funding and, in particular, to identify any students in line D ‘19+ Continuing Students (excluding EHCP)’.
33: The ’16-19 Students (including high needs students)’ funding line, Band B, is a combined total of the number of students in the ‘16-19 High Needs Students’ and ‘16-19 students (excluding high needs students)’ funding line types.
34: Students in the ’14 to 16 Direct Funded’ funding line earn no funding through the 16 to 19 funding calculation and are therefore represented by student numbers only in all 16 to 19 reports based on the funding calculation.
35: The report also forms a key part of the funding claim that institutions return to us, which provides us with an assurance statement by the relevant accounting officer over the regularity of the institution’s funding claim and ILR data returns. The report includes a declaration for signing by the accounting officer where delivery ceases in-year before our formal final claim system opens or in exceptional circumstances where a signed declaration is needed to support any manual adjustment needed after the R14 and formal final claim systems close.
36: The line ‘2024 to 2025 Condition of Funding removal’ shows the funding we have removed from your 2024 to 2025 allocation due to students not complying with the maths and English condition of funding in 2022 to 2023.
37: The total funding (less condition of funding removal) figure will form the basis of the outturn (programme funding generated by the calculation using ‘in-year’ data) used for all institutions, to ensure that we calculate the outturn and allocation figures on a consistent basis.
38: The report is an Excel file.
High Needs Students Summary Report
39: This report contains one worksheet for students undertaking study programmes and one for students undertaking T Level programmes.
40: This report will help to improve recording of students with high needs.
41: This report shows only students who pass ILR validation, are recorded as having provision funded through the 16 to 19 funding model (Funding Model = 25), whose source of funding is ‘Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - 16-19’ (SOF = 107), and who count for funding by passing the qualifying period.
42: The report splits students in each funding line type according to whether they have an EHC plan, and their high needs student (HNS) status.
43: There is no link between EHC plan and HNS. It is possible to record a student with a HNS status and no EHC plan, or vice versa.
44: The ’16-19 Students (including high needs students)’ reporting band, Band B, is a combined total of the number of students in the ‘16-19 high needs students’ and ‘16-19 students (excluding high needs students)’ funding line types.
45: You must record students with the HNS learner FAM code for us to count them as high needs. If a student has an EHC plan, but does not have a HNS status in the ILR, then we do not count them as having high needs.
46: The report is an Excel file.
High Needs Students Detail Report
47: This report shows the same information as the high needs summary report (see section above) at student level. It shows you the EHC plan and HNS statuses for students. We also indicate which students are T Levels through the ‘T level student’ column. A ‘Y’ value identifies students whose latest study programme is a T Level programme. A ‘N’ value identifies students where the latest study programme is not a T Level programme.
48: The report is a CSV file.
Maths and English Report
49: This report gives the maths and English status of every student, showing whether they have achieved at least a GCSE grade C/4 in each subject and whether they are currently studying for a valid qualification in the subject. We also identify those learners exempt from the maths and English condition of funding and those where the condition of funding does not apply (this category includes all T Level students).
50: We also indicate which students are T levels through the ‘T level student’ column. A ‘Y’ value identified students whose latest study programme is a T Level programme. A ‘N’ value identifies students where the latest study programme is not a T Level programme.
51: The report reflects the maths and English condition of funding policy, and we designed it to help institutions check their data about the maths and English condition of funding and identify data recording errors in the key fields we use to determine the maths and English status.
Information used
52: The report uses several pieces of information to determine the student’s status.
GCSE qualification grade
MathGrade | Determines the prior attainment status of the student in relation to maths GCSE. Students with an A, A, B, C, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 GCSE maths qualification grade will show as having attained GCSE maths at grade A-C or GCSE grade 9 to 4 We recognise students with a grade D or grade 3 GCSE maths qualification will show as having a maths GCSE grade D or grade 3 |
EngGrade | Determines the prior attainment status of the student in relation to English GCSE. Students with an A, A, B, C, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 GCSE English qualification grade will show as having attained GCSE English at grade A-C or GCSE grade 9 to 4 We recognise students with a grade D or grade 3 GCSE English qualification will show as having an English GCSE grade D or grade 3 |
Funding and monitoring (FAM) type MCF/ECF
FAM type- MCF | Determines that a student is exempt from the condition of funding for maths. The student has met the GCSE Maths condition of funding as they hold an approved equivalent UK qualification. The student is undertaking / completing a valid maths GCSE or equivalent qualification at another institution through collaboration with the home institution. Students with this FAM type and code 1 or code 2 will show as being a maths exemption. Students with this FAM type and code 3 will show as having attained GCSE maths at grade A*C or grade 9 to 4. Students with this FAM type and code 4 will show as studying a recognised maths condition of funding qualification. Students with this FAM type and code 5 and prior attainment of grade 2/E or below in maths will show as being compliant for the subject by virtue of holding a functional skills level 2 pass. |
FAM type- ECF | Determines that a student is exempt from the condition of funding for English. The student has met the GCSE English condition of funding as they hold an approved UK overseas qualification. The student is undertaking / completing a valid English GCSE or equivalent qualification at another institution through collaboration with the home institution. Students with this FAM type and code 1 or code 2 will show as being an English exemption. Students with this FAM type and code 3 will show as having attained GCSE English at A*-C or grade 9 to 4. Students with this FAM type and code 4 will show as studying a recognised English condition of funding qualification. Students with this FAM type and code 5 and prior attainment of grade 2/E or below in English will show as being compliant for the subject by virtue of holding a functional skills level 2 pass. |
Funding and monitoring (FAM) type LDM (learning delivery monitoring)
LDM code 331 | Used to determine if the student is enrolled on a Prince’s Trust TEAM programme that meets the condition of funding. This code must be recorded on a core aim that is one of the following Prince’s Trust learning aim reference numbers: 60023995, 60027307, 60027629, 60032121, 60032868, 60033344 |
LARS validity
EFAConFundMaths | Determines if an aim in a student’s 16 to 19 study programme is recognised as meeting the condition of funding for maths. We identify aims with this LARS validity and condition of funding type 1 as a maths GCSE qualification. We identify aims with this LARS validity and condition of funding type 2 as a maths stepping stone qualification. |
EFAConFundEnglish | Determines if an aim in a student’s 16 to 19 study programme is recognised as meeting the condition of funding for English. We identify aims with this LARS validity and condition of funding type 1 as an English GCSE qualification. We identify aims with this LARS validity and condition of funding type 2 as an English stepping stone qualification. |
Possible statuses
53: There are 7 possible statuses for maths:
- Condition of Funding Does Not Apply
- Exempt from the GCSE Mathematics A*-C or 9 to 4 requirement
- Has Maths, Studying Maths
- Has Maths, Not studying Maths
- Has Maths GCSE Grade D or Grade 3, Not studying GCSE Maths
- Has Maths below GCSE grade D or grade 3, holds Maths FSL2 pass
- Doesn’t have Maths, Studying Maths
- Doesn’t have Maths, Not Studying Maths
54: There are 7 possible statuses for English:
- Condition of Funding Does Not Apply
- Exempt from the GCSE English A*-C or 9 to 4 requirement
- Has English, Studying English
- Has English, Not studying English
- Has English GCSE Grade D or Grade 3, Not studying GCSE English
- Has English below GCSE grade D or grade 3, holds English FSL2 pass
- Doesn’t have English, Studying English
- Doesn’t have English, Not Studying English
55: The category ‘Condition of Funding Does Not Apply’ will appear against these categories of student:
- T Level students who started before 1 August 2022
- students on a programme of less than 150 planned hours in the academic year
- students under the age of 16
56: The category ‘Has Maths GCSE Grade D or Grade 3, Not studying GCSE Maths’ will appear against students who match the following criteria:
- have a MathGrade of D or 3
Are in rate band:
- 1730 hours (T level band 9)
- 1580 hours (T level band 8)
- 1380 hours (T level band 7)
- 1180 hours (T level band 6)
- 540+ hours (band 5), or
- 450+ hours (band 4a)
Are not studying an aim which has:
- a LARS validity of EFAConFundMaths, and
- a condition of funding type 1
57: The category ‘Has English GCSE Grade D or Grade 3, Not studying GCSE English’ will appear against students who match the following criteria:
- have an EngGrade of D or 3
Are in rate band:
- 1730 hours (T level band 9)
- 1580 hours (T level band 8)
- 1380 hours (T level band 7)
- 1180 hours (T level band 6)
- 540+ hours (band 5)
- 450+ hours (band 4a)
Are not studying an aim which has:
- a LARS validity of EFAConFundEnglish, and
- a condition of funding type 1
58: Each maths and English qualification undertaken by a student also has to meet a qualifying period to count as a qualification meeting the condition of funding:
- 6 weeks for a qualification with a planned length of 24 weeks or more and,
- 2 weeks for a qualification with a planned length of less than 24 weeks).
59:The condition of funding relates to enrolments rather than exam entries. This means that a student who has enrolled on a valid maths or English qualification but who has not met the qualifying period will be shown as ‘…Not Studying Maths/English’.
60: The report is a CSV file.
61: You can use the CSV file to filter for statuses using Excel, enabling you to find students whose data you may need to correct.
16-19 Funding Calculation Full Output Report
62: This report outputs all of the calculated variables for every recorded 16 to 19 student from the 16 to 19 funding calculation. These have always been available through the SQL output and CSV exports in FIS but we have now made this information easier to access through an automatically generated report in both FIS and SLD.
63: The report is in Excel format with one sheet showing the data for all your 16 to 19 students and another containing a glossary explaining the content and derivation of each field output in the report.
64: As well as showing the variables that are used in calculating the student outturn figure the report outputs a number of ‘future’ factor variables that help you understand how your 2024 to 2025 ILR data looks in respect of funding factors such as retention, programme cost weighting and disadvantage. We created this report after requests from providers, to help you to ensure your submitted data is accurate.
65: Please note that the values output in this report may not match those used in a future lagged allocation. This information is provided primarily to help you ensure your data is accurate in year and not as an accurate representation of future allocation factors or funding.
Adult and apprenticeship funding reports
Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships
66: The line types in the funding reports for adult programmes are listed in Table 2. There have been some minor name changes to account for the AEB becoming the ASF –in table 1 we show the nearest equivalent funding line types. We determine adult funding line types using the:
- type of adult funding you receive, for example, free course for Jobs funding, or apprenticeship funding
- type of contract that funds your learning delivery, for example, procured or non-procured
- age of the learners within the previous 2 categories, for example, 16 to 18 or 19 to 24. Age in a funding line type indicates the age of a learner at the start of their learning
Table 1: Funding line type name changes
Previous name | New name |
ESFA AEB Adult Skills (non-procured) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured) |
ESFA AEB Adult Skills (procured from Aug 2023) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (procured from Aug 2023) |
ESFA national skills fund (NSF) Free Courses for Jobs (non-procured) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured) |
ESFA NSF Free Courses for Jobs (procured from Aug 2023) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured from 2023) |
Adult Education – Eligible for MCA/GLA funding (non-procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured) |
Adult Education – Eligible for MCA/GLA funding (procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (procured) |
NSF Free Courses for Jobs – Eligible for MCA/GLA funding (non-procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured) |
NSF Free Courses for Jobs – Eligible for MCA/GLA funding (procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured) |
67: The adult funding line types that receive funding from ESFA or the devolved authorities are listed in the table below and more details are in the following paragraphs.
Table 2: Funding line types and report headings
Funding Line Type from Occupancy Reports / Apps Indicative Earnings Report | Funding Summary Report / Devolved Funding Summary Report Heading |
ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund - core (non-procured) delivery |
ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (procured from Aug 2023) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund - core (procured from Aug 2023) |
ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund - Free Courses for Jobs (non-procured) |
ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured from Aug 2023) | ESFA Adult Skills Fund - Free Courses for Jobs (procured from Aug 2023) |
DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund - core (non-procured) |
DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund - core (procured) |
DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund - Free Courses for Jobs (non-procured) |
DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured) | DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund - Free Courses for Jobs (procured) |
16-18 Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
19-23 Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
24+ Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
16-18 Trailblazer Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
19-23 Trailblazer Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
24+ Trailblazer Apprenticeship | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
16-18 Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured) | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
19+ Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured) | Carry-in Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017 and non-procured delivery) |
16-18 Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured) | 16-18 Non-Levy Contracted Apprenticeships Budget - Procured delivery |
19+ Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured) | Adult Non-Levy Contracted Apprenticeships Budget - Procured delivery |
16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding* | Apprenticeships - Employers on Apprenticeship Service - Non-Levy* |
19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding* | Apprenticeships - Employers on Apprenticeship Service - Non-Levy* |
16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding* | Apprenticeships – Employers on Apprenticeship Service - Levy* |
19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding* | Apprenticeships – Employers on Apprenticeship Service - Levy* |
16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) | Apprenticeships - Employers on Apprenticeship Service |
19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) | Apprenticeships - Employers on Apprenticeship Service |
Advanced Learner Loans Bursary | Advanced Loans Bursary Budget |
Short term funding initiative 1 | ESFA ASF - Short Term Funding Initiative 1 |
Short term funding initiative 2 | ESFA ASF - Short Term Funding Initiative 2 |
Short term funding initiative 3 | ESFA ASF - Short Term Funding Initiative 3 |
Short term funding initiative 4 | ESFA ASF - Short Term Funding Initiative 4 |
- These funding line types are on period end reports only, not on submission reports.
Funding Line Types within ESFA ASF
68: ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured): Learning aims that are not within apprenticeships, where the learner was 19 or older on 31 August of the funding year when they started the learning aim and funded within ESFA ASF but not under a procured ESFA ASF contract.
69: ESFA Adult Skills Fund core (procured from Aug 2023): Learning aims that are not within apprenticeships, where the learner was 19 or older on 31 August of the funding year when they started the learning aim, where the learning aim started in August 2023 or later, and funded within a procured contract for ESFA ASF starting from August 2023.
70: ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured): Free courses for jobs learning aims funded by ESFA and not under a procured ESFA contract. This includes learning aims in free courses for jobs which started on 1 April 2021 or later, where the learner was aged 24 or older when they started the qualification.
71: * ESFA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured from Aug 2023)*: Free courses for job learning aims funded by ESFA within one of the procured contracts for ESFA ASF starting from August 2023. This includes learning aims in free courses for jobs which started on 1 August 2023 or later, where the learner was aged 24 or older when they started the qualification.
Funding Line Types within devolved Adult Skills Fund Budgets
72: DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (non-procured): Learning aims starting on or after 1 August 2019, funded within a devolved authority’s ASF but not under a devolved authority’s procured ASF contract.
73: DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund core (procured): Learning aims starting on or after 1 August 2019, funded within a procured contract for a devolved authority’s ASF.
74: DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (non-procured): Free courses for jobs learning aims funded within a devolved authority’s ASF but not under a devolved authority’s procured ASF contract. This includes learning aims in Free Courses for Jobs which started on 1 April 2021 or later, where the learner was aged 24 or older when they started the qualification.
75: DA/GLA Adult Skills Fund free courses for jobs (procured): Free course for jobs learning aims funded within a procured contract for a devolved authority’s ASF. This includes learning aims in free courses for jobs which started on 1 April 2021 or later, where the learner was aged 24 or older when they started the qualification.
Funding Line Types within the Apprenticeships Budget (for starts before 1 May 2017)
76: 16-18 Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship framework funded under the ‘Adult skills’ funding model (FM35) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged under 19 at the start, or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons.
77: 19-23 Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship framework funded under the ‘Adult skills’ funding model (FM35) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged 19 to 23 at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category) and a small number of apprentices who were aged 24 at the start of an apprenticeship framework that started before 1 August 2013.
78: 24+ Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship framework funded under the ‘Adult skills’ funding model (FM35) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged 24 or older at the start (apart from the exceptions in the 16 to 18 and 19 to 23 categories).
79: 16-18 Trailblazer Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship standard funded under the trailblazer funding pilot recorded under the ‘Other Adult’ funding model (FM81) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged under 19 at the start, or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons.
80: 19-23 Trailblazer Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship standard funded under the trailblazer funding pilot and recorded under the ‘Other Adult’ funding model (FM81) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged 19 to 23 at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category).
81: 24+ Trailblazer Apprenticeship: Apprentices who started an apprenticeship standard funded under the trailblazer funding pilot and recorded under the ‘Other Adult’ funding model (FM81) before 1 May 2017 and who were aged 24 or older at the start (apart from the exceptions in the 16 to 18 category).
Funding Line Types within the Apprenticeships Budget (for starts on or after 1 May 2017)
82: 16-18 Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured): Apprentices who are recorded as ACT2 in the Apprenticeship Contract Type field in the ILR, who are not funded within procured contracts, started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, and who were aged under 19 at the start or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons.
83: 16-18 Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured): Apprentices who are recorded as ACT2 in the Apprenticeship Contract Type field in the ILR, who are funded within procured contracts, started an apprenticeship from 1 January 2018 and before 1 April 2021, and who were aged under 19 at the start or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons.
84: 19+ Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured): Apprentices who are recorded as ACT2 in the Apprenticeship Contract Type field in the ILR, who are not funded within procured contracts who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017 and who were aged 19 or older at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category).
85: 19+ Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured): Apprentices who are recorded as ACT2 in the Apprenticeship Contract Type field in the ILR, who are funded under a procured contract, who started an apprenticeship from 1 January 2018 and before 1 April 2021, who were aged 19 or older at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category).
86: 16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding: This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged under 19 at the start or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons, or because the ILR record does not contain enough information to accurately calculate their age at start and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR) with a non-levy employer.
87: 19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding: This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged 19 or older at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category) and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) and are under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR) with a non-levy employer.
88: 16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding: This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged under 19 at the start or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16 to 18 for eligible reasons, or because the ILR record does not contain enough information to accurately calculate their age at start and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR) with a levy employer.
89: 19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding: This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged 19 or older at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16 to 18 category) and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) and are under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR) with a levy employer.
90: 16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service): This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged under 19 at the start or are older apprentices we treat as 16 to 18 year olds because they could not start when they were 16-18 for eligible reasons, or because the ILR record does not contain enough information to accurately calculate their age at start and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR). This category is currently shown on submission reports before the type of employer is determined.
91: 19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service): This category includes apprentices who started an apprenticeship from 1 May 2017, who were aged 19 or older at the start (apart from exceptions in the 16-18 category) and are being funded under the apprenticeships funding model (FM36) and are under a contract for services with the employer (recorded as ACT1 in the ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ field in the ILR). This category is currently shown on submission reports before the type of employer is determined.
Funding Line Types within the Adult Learner Loans Bursary
92: Advanced Learner Loans Bursary: This category is used for learning aims funded under an advanced learner loan that are either generating area costs or where the provider is claiming learning support and/or learner support for them.
Funding Line Types for Skills Bootcamps
93: The funding reports do not currently show a funding line type from the skills bootcamp funding calculation. The reports instead use the contract reference number to distinguish different bootcamps.
Funding Line Types for a Short Term Funding Initiative
94: These are funding line types reserved for future use that we have built into our systems to allow for reporting at short notice during the funding year, on new initiatives which may be required:
- short term funding initiative 1
- short term funding initiative 2
- short term funding initiative 3
- short term funding initiative 4
95: We will produce a new report for these initiatives and will allow these to be recorded within the earnings adjustment statement. The ILR will have Learning Delivery Monitoring (LDM) codes which correspond to these initiatives. You will only be able to use these funding line types or LDM codes if you have a specific contract to deliver them, and we will provide further instructions to use these codes, if and when they are required.
Funding Summary Report
96: This is the summary report for earnings recorded under:
- Non devolved funding model 35 (Adult skills)
- Non devolved funding model 38 (ASF)
- Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from 1 May 2017)
- Funding model 81 (Other Adult – for trailblazer standards only).
- Funding model 99 (Non-funded) where the learner attracts loans bursary funding
97: We generate this report after you submit the ILR.
98: This report aggregates the funding for each month by funding age band, by programme and key funding line type. It also combines earnings from the ILR and the EAS. The months in this report are the months when you delivered the learning, or other dates from the ILR such as the actual end date for achievements, rather than the month of payment.
99: This report only shows funding earned with ESFA, so it will not show your devolved ASF earnings. You must use your Devolved Adult Education Funding Summary Report to see your earnings with each devolved authority.
100: For Funding model 36 apprentices, this report gives a summary of total earnings per apprentice, which may include a contribution from the employer. As we produce this report during the ILR submission window, it does not show the payments from levy or co-investment, as we do not know this information at this point. However, we will produce another version of this report at period-end that will show details of payments. See Funding Summary Report (produced at period end) for more information.
101: See the Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships section for information on the funding line types for adults and apprenticeships.
102: If your ILR and/or EAS submissions generate no earnings, this report will be blank.
103: This is an Excel file.
Funding Summary Report (produced at period end)
104: This version of the report includes the apprenticeship payments we calculate when we match ILR data with the apprenticeship service at the end of each ILR collection.
105: The structure is like the Funding Summary Report produced following ILR submissions (as described from paragraph 96). However, we base the figures for apprenticeships that started from 1 May 2017 onwards on the payments calculated at the end of each collection. This will show the split between payments from co-investment and from levy accounts.
106: This report will also show apprenticeships funded through a contract for services with the employer (ACT 1), who have an employer on the service, split out into levy and non-levy on the service. This will show the split of how your payments are apportioned for these funding line types in more detail than the version of this report which we produce on submission.
107: The figures shown for each month in the report will relate to the month of delivery, which is a different basis to reports such as the Apps Monthly Payment report that shows payments against the 14 collection periods in a year.
108: We show contract numbers on this report to help you to match it with your remittance advice. If cash values are shown with “No Contract” then it generally means we will not pay those cash values to you.
109: If your ILR and/or EAS submissions generate no earnings or payments, this report will be blank.
110: This is an Excel file.
EAS Funding Report
111: This report shows data you submit through the EAS data collection, for funding that you cannot report through the ILR.
112: This report shows only the valid rows of data from the EAS Data submission it has been generated for and displays these valid rows as they appeared in your submission.
113: We generate this report after you submit the EAS. If you do not submit EAS data, we will not generate this report.
114: This report is a CSV file.
Apprenticeship (FM36) funding reports
Apprenticeship Data Match Report
115: This is a report for provision under Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from 1 May 2017). This report matches the key information between the ILR and the apprenticeship service where the apprentice is under a contract for services with the employer (recorded under Apprenticeship Contract Type (ACT) 1). From the 2019 to 2020 year, both levy and non-levy apprentices can appear in this report if you have recorded them as ACT 1 on your ILR.
116: We generate this report after every ILR file submission, and again just after the end of the collection period. This allows for changes made in the apprenticeship service after the ILR submission.
117: If the data matches between the two systems, the reports are blank. If one of the key elements we attempt to match does not match, we will record this in this report. We refresh the apprenticeship service data hourly during the ILR window being open. If the correction needs making on the apprenticeship service, you do not need to resubmit your ILR file if you are confident that this is the only mismatch although we recommend resubmitting the ILR file to ensure there are no further errors with the other data aspects we match.
118: The example of the data matching error report in paragraph 121 shows the different errors we report and the description of these. Where we find multiple errors for the same apprentice, there will be a corresponding line in the report for each error. Where possible, we will group these by the ‘Learner reference number’.
119: We supply the apprenticeship service value where we have been able to match the ULN. We supply these to make it easier to compare the values and decide which value needs correcting.
120: We have added a new error code; you can now identify when the employer has either paused or stopped payments.
121: A sample of a data matching error report is below:
Rule Name | Description | ILR value | Apprenticeship service value |
DLOCK_01 | No matching UKPRN record found | 9999999 | 8888888 |
DLOCK_02 | No matching ULN found | 123456789 | (blank) |
DLOCK_03 | No matching standard code found | 21 | 22 |
DLOCK_04 | No matching framework code found | 440 | 441 |
DLOCK_05 | No matching programme type code found | 2 | 3 |
DLOCK_06 | No matching pathway code found | 9 | 7 |
DLOCK_07 | No matching negotiated cost of training and assessment found | 7250 | 7300 |
DLOCK_08 | Multiple matching records found on the apprenticeship service | 123456789 | Multiple values will not be reported |
DLOCK_09 | The learning delivery start month is before the agreed start month | 10/06/2018 | (blank) |
DLOCK_10 | The employer has stopped the apprenticeship | ||
DLOCK_11 | The employer is not currently a levy payer | ||
DLOCK_12 | The employer has paused payments for this apprentice |
122: If there are no data matching errors, this report will be blank.
123: You can visit gov.uk for information about how to fix apprenticeship service data mismatches.
124: This is a CSV file.
Non-Contracted Apprenticeships Activity Report
125: This report shows learning aims for apprenticeships starting from 1 May 2017 where the ILR details for the learning aims have passed validation and we have calculated earnings, but where there is no relevant contract in place that would allow us to make payments for those earnings.
126: An example is where a provider has a non-Levy contract for adult apprentices, but not for apprentices aged 16 to 18. Because the ILR validation rules do not reject the ILR data if the apprentice’s age does not match the contracts held by the provider, we will generate earnings for these apprentices.
127: The report shows some ILR details for each learning aim, and some derived funding information such as the funding line type and the total earnings in each month. Where a learning aim has multiple price episodes within the year, we show a row for those price episodes without a matching contract.
128: This is a CSV file.
Apps Indicative Earnings Report
129: This is a report for earnings generated under Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from 1 May 2017). It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
130: This is a detailed report for apprenticeships and contains the key information about each apprentice, their learning activity and their expected earnings generated each month.
131: This report shows a row for each learning aim, except in cases where you negotiate a new price during an apprenticeship, when we show multiple rows for one learning aim with different prices.
132: We generate this report during the ILR submission window, before the payment process at the end of the collection period occurs. As a result, this report does not show how the total earnings for programme funding break down into contributions expected from the employer and payments from co-investment or the levy account, because this breakdown is not known at the point the report is processed.
133: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for apprenticeships.
134: All Funding model 36 aims are included in this report, regardless of whether there are earnings. If there are no Funding model 36 aims in your ILR submission, this report will be blank.
135: This is a CSV file.
Apps Monthly Payment Report
136: This is a report for payments generated under Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from May 2017). We will only generate this report when the ILR submission window has closed so that we can match ILR data with the apprenticeship service at the end of each ILR collection. It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
137: To make this report simpler for providers, we have not included earnings in this report. For earnings, please see the Apps Indicative Earnings Report section.
138: In the 2023 to 2024 year we added a new column to this report labelled: “Employer name at start of price episode”. We populate this with the employer name from the apprenticeship service, where this is available. However, this field will not be populated for some apprenticeships that started before April 2021 without an employer on the apprenticeship service.
139: The report explains how we will pay earnings; through co-investment, from a digital account, or a combination of the two.
140: This report contains the key information about each apprentice, their learning activity, and the funding earned each month (both programme funding and additional payments) and the payments generated.
141: This report shows a row for each learning aim, except in cases where you negotiate a new price during an apprenticeship, when we show multiple rows for one learning aim with different prices. If you change the contract type for an apprentice, this will generate multiple rows for each learning aim.
142: We base the rows shown in this report primarily on the payments made for each collection from R01 to R14.
143: Where there are no longer ILR earnings (for example, an apprentice has been removed from an ILR file) the details from the ILR file will not be shown, but the negative payments generated will be shown. In this scenario, it is likely that we will show a positive payment in this report in a column for an earlier collection and a negative payment in this report for the collection where you removed the apprentice.
144: Because we do not base the rows in this report on the latest ILR file, there will be some instances where the aim sequence number shown on the report does not match the aim sequence number in the latest ILR record.
145: Where there are earnings generated but no payments made (for example, if there is a data matching error for the apprentice), the apprentice will not be included on this report.
146: There are payments columns corresponding to the end of each ILR collection period, as these payments depend on the information in the apprenticeship service at that point. For example, an apprentice who started in June but was not included in the ILR returns until the ‘R14’ return would appear in this report with payments shown in the R14 columns. These payments would depend on the balance available in their employer’s account as at the end of the R14 collection.
147: We have split the employer payments from the payments for learning support, English and maths, and additional payments for providers.
148: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for apprenticeships.
149: We show contract numbers on this report to help you to match it with your remittance advice. If cash values are shown with “No Contract” then it generally means we will not pay those cash values to you.
150: If your ILR submission generates no payments, this report will be blank.
151: This is a CSV file.
Reconciling the Apps Monthly Payment report with remittance advice documents
152: We will not show the values you have entered in the Earnings Adjustment Statement in the Apps Monthly Payment report. However, they are included in remittance advice documents and in payments, so these values cannot be reconciled using this report.
153: The Apps Monthly Payment report shows payments derived from ILR data for the 2023 to 2024 year only. However, the remittances near the start of the 2024 to 2025 year may contain funding relating to 2023 to 2024 ILR data as well as the funding related to the 2024 to 2025 year.
154: The payments for the two years are shown as a single combined payment on the remittance advice but include payments relating to both the current and previous funding years, as shown below:
September payment
- R01 2024/25 = ILR submission window closes on 5 September 2024
This is paid as a single payment on the 14th Working day in September
October payment
- R13 2023/24 = ILR submission window closes on 16 September 2024
- R02 2024/25 = ILR submission window closes on 4 October 2024
These are combined into a single payment on the 14th working day in October
November payment
- R14 2023/24 = ILR submission window closes on 17 October 2024
- R03 2024/25 = ILR submission window closes on 6 November 2024
These are combined into a single payment on 14th working day in November
155: In some cases, the Apps Monthly Payment report shows records with a funding line type of ‘None’. These instances can occur when your ACT dates do not match the dates of the learning aim and the funding calculation cannot identify which funding line type to allocate to that funding. For example, the ACT date is only one month long but the programme aim is one year long – after the first month, the funding line type will be ‘None’. We will not pay any values against this funding line type, so we recommend you filter out this funding line type when reconciling with remittance advice documents.
156: Changes to remittance titles:
- 16 to 18 levy funded apprenticeships includes 16 to 18 levy apprenticeships funded by ESFA
- 19+ levy funded apprenticeships includes 19+ levy apprenticeships funded by the ESFA
157: The list below shows how the columns in the report correlate to the classifications in the remittance advice documents.
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is: -‘16-18 Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured)
Sum the following fields for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14):
- the ‘Co-investment payment for’ column
- the columns for:
- ‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’ ‘English and maths payments’ ‘Provider additional payments’ (this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments) |
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers (carry-in)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
- ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured)’
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
16-18 Apps Non-Levy (procured)Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
- ‘16-18 Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the following fields for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14):
- the ‘Co-investment payment for’ column
- the columns for:
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
(this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
16-18 NonLevy Additl Paymnts Employers (procured)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
- 16-18 Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals (procured)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
- ‘16-18 Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
19+ non-levy apprenticeships
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
‘19+ Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured)’ OR
‘19+ Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the following fields for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14):
the ‘Co-investment payment for’ column
the columns for:
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
(this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
19+ non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
‘19+ Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured)’ OR
‘19+ Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
19+ non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is:
‘19+ Apprenticeship (From May 2017) Non-Levy Contract (non-procured)’ OR
‘19+ Apprenticeship Non-Levy Contract (procured)’
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
16 to 18 levy funded apprenticeships
Sum the ‘Levy payment for’ the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding
16 to 18 levy apprenticeships funded by co-investment
Sum the ‘Co-investment payment for’ the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
16 to 18 levy apprenticeships funded by ESFA
Sum the columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14) for
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’ (this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
16 to 18 levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
16 to 18 levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
19+ levy funded apprenticeships
Sum the ‘Levy payment for’ column for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
19+ levy apprenticeships funded by co-investment
Sum the ‘Co-investment payment for’ column for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
19+ levy apprenticeships funded by the ESFA
Sum the columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14) for
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’ (this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
19+ levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
19+ levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Levy funding’
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships funded by levy (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Levy payment for’ column for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships funded by co-investment (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Co-investment payment for’ the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships funded by ESFA (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14) for
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ’16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’ (this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers (employer on app service)
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
16 to 18 non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals (employer on app service)
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘16-18 Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
19+ non-levy apprenticeships funded by levy (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Levy payment for’ column for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
19+ non-levy apprenticeships funded by co-investment (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Co-investment payment for’ column for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
19+ non-levy apprenticeships funded by ESFA (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14) for
‘payments for learning support, disadvantage and framework uplifts’
‘English and maths payments’
‘Provider additional payments’
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’ (this excludes the employer and apprentice additional payments)
19+ non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for employers (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Employer additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
19+ non-levy apprenticeships additional payments for individuals (employer on apprenticeship service)
Sum the ‘Apprentice additional payments’ columns for the appropriate periods (August (R01), September (R02) up to the latest collection which may include R13 or R14)
Where the ‘Funding line type’ is ‘19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service) Non-Levy funding’
Apps Additional Payment Report
158: This is a report for earnings generated under Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from 1 May 2017). We will only generate this report when the ILR submission window has closed. This does not include any earnings claimed through the EAS as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
159: The report shows the additional payments generated for you or the employer or for the apprentice where the apprentice is a 16- to 18-year-old or an eligible 19- to 24-year-old.
160: The intention of the report is to show which employers have had an additional payment generated for them. The report shows the employer identifier from the ILR and the employer name from the Apprenticeship Service where one or both of these are present.
161: We base the rows in this report primarily on the payments made for each collection from R01 to R14, rather than having a row for each apprentice in the latest ILR return. Where there are no longer ILR earnings (for example, an apprentice has been removed from an ILR file) the details from the ILR file will not be shown, and there will be no earnings, but the negative payments generated will be shown. In this scenario, it is likely that a positive payment will be in a report for an earlier collection and a negative payment for the collection where you removed the apprentice.
162: Where we generate apprentice, provider and employer additional payments, we will show these payments on separate rows.
163: Where there are earnings generated but no payments made (for example, if there is a data matching error for the apprentice), the apprentice will not be included on this report.
164: This is a CSV file.
Apps Co-Investment Contributions Report
165: This is a report for earnings generated under Funding model 36 (Apprenticeships from 1 May 2017). We will only generate this report when the ILR submission window has closed. It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
166: The “Employer-level co-investment” tab will show co-investment information from when funding starts with each employer. The intention is that this may be helpful when one apprenticeship spans multiple employers and where some co-investment is calculated. The tab “Co-investment and PMRs” shows information equivalent to last year’s reports and this tab is replicated in CSV format.
167: The “Employer-level co-investment” tab is now populated.
Co-investment report: General information
168: The report will identify apprenticeships in the current year’s ILR, meeting one or both of the following criteria:
- the apprenticeship has co-investment values generated for payments due from employers in this year or in previous years
- the apprenticeship has one or more ILR “PMR ” records
169: If no co-investment is required, and you have not recorded payments collected from the employer as an ILR “PMR” record, this report will be blank.
170: For small employers, co-investment is not required for some apprentices depending on their age, and they will not be included on this report if the entire apprenticeship was funded at 100% ESFA co-investment (and assuming no PMR records were collected). See the Apprenticeship Technical Funding Guide for starts from May 2017 for more information.
171: If you are delivering apprenticeships to your own staff, you do not need to record any co-investment payments on the ILR. In these cases, please record the Learning and Delivery Monitoring (LDM) code 356 (“Apprenticeship being delivered to own employees”). However, these apprentices will still be included in this report to indicate the co-investment that is still required, even though we do not expect to see payment transactions recorded in the ILR.
172: In some exceptional cases we may authorise you to use LDM code 361 (‘Waiver to record payment records for apprenticeships’) for apprenticeships not being delivered to your own staff, if we agree there is no requirement for co-investment payments to be recorded. However, these apprentices will still be included in this report to indicate the co-investment that is still required, even though we do not expect to see payment transactions recorded in the ILR.
173: This report includes a column on each tab to indicate when you have used LDM code 356 or 361.
Co-investment report: Co-investment and PMRs tab
174: This section shows information specific to the tab “Co-investment and PMRs” in the Excel version of this report. This information also applies to the CSV version of the report.
175: For apprenticeships identified by the criteria in paragraph 168 above, the report will show rows for learning start dates where there are employer co-investment values, payments from employers, completion earnings or completion payments, associated with a programme aim with that learning start date.
176: This report shows the co-investment required from employers which we have calculated for each month, for each apprentice. We identify the employer using the Employer identifier recorded in the ILR. We display the employer name from the apprenticeship service where the apprenticeship is linked to an employer’s account.
177: The report includes columns to show completion earnings and the resultant payments. These are intended to help you to identify situations where we have not paid the completion payment due to outstanding co-investment. We only show completion earnings and completion payments for apprentices with co-investment. The 2 columns for this are:
- completion earnings in this funding year
- completion payments in this funding year
Co-investment report: Employer-level co-investment
178: This section shows information specific to the tab “Employer-level co-investment “ in the Excel version of this report.
179: This tab is intended to give more information on how apprenticeship co-investment values generated in our calculation relate to employers, especially when one apprenticeship is related to multiple employers.
180: This tab of the report will include apprenticeships in the current year’s ILR where the apprenticeship has co-investment values generated for payments due from employers in this year or in previous years.
181: The criteria for this tab do not use information about PMR values, and the tab does not show any information on PMR values or earnings information, as it is not always possible to relate PMR values to a specific employer in a reliable way.
182: If an apprentice does not appear on this “Employer-level co-investment” tab but does appear on the “Co-investment and PMRs” tab, it is likely to indicate that you have recorded PMR values where we have not calculated matching employer co-investment for that apprentice. This may happen when a PMR has been collected in advance of the programme starting, but if other payments have been calculated (without co-investment) since that employer change, you may want to check that the PMR values for this apprentice are as you expect.
183: The report shows a row for each apprenticeship standard/ framework/ pathway for an apprentice, with a new row whenever there is a change in employer name, and in cases where we can determine a change of employer ID for ACT2 contracts.
184: The column “Employer applies from this month” shows the calendar month, in year-month format (yyyy-mm) from which the first payments relating to this employer were generated. This column is used to indicate how rows in this tab relate to time, because we do not show learning start dates on this tab, because there can be employer changes without a change of learning start date.
185: Where the apprenticeship relates to an employer on the apprenticeship service (ACT1) then the Employer Name is shown. Where the apprenticeship relates to an employer not on the apprenticeship service (ACT2) then “ACT2 Contract” is shown instead of the employer’s name. If there is a change in employer name (including changing to or from ACT2) then there should be a new row on this tab of the report.
186: Where we have been able to match an employer name to an employer ID in the ILR data, we include the employer ID in this report. A change in employer ID should also generate a new row in this report. Sometimes this field may be blank on this tab where it is not straightforward to determine uniquely which employer ID the employer name relates to.
Co-investment report: Columns in the report
187: The following table shows the columns included on the two data tabs of the report:
Columns in the co-investment report | |||
Present on tab | |||
Column heading | Description | Co-investment and PMRs | Employer-level co-investment |
Learner reference number | Identifies the apprentice. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | X |
Unique learner number | Identifies the apprentice | X | X |
Family name | Identifies the apprentice | X | X |
Given names | Identifies the apprentice | X | X |
Learning start date | Learning start date of the programme aim. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | |
Programme type | Identifies the apprenticeship. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | X |
Standard code | Identifies the apprenticeship. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | X |
Framework code | Identifies the apprenticeship. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | X |
Apprenticeship pathway | Identifies the apprenticeship. One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | X |
Employer applies from this month | Identifies when funding started for this employer. In year-month format (calendar years/months). One of the fields which identifies this row in the report | X | |
Software supplier aim identifier | ILR field of the same name. | X | X |
Learning delivery funding and monitoring type - apprenticeship contract type | ILR ACT code from learning delivery funding and monitoring | X | X |
Funding line type | Funding line type for this apprenticeship with this employer | X | |
Employer identifier (ERN) | ILR Employer Identifier | X | X |
Employer name from apprenticeship service | Employer name from apprenticeship service. On the “Employer-level co-investment” tab, where apprenticeship contract type is ACT=2, this field displays “ACT2 Contract” | X | X |
Count of employer IDs | Count of ILR employer identifiers. If this value is greater than 1, it potentially highlights a more complex scenario for you to be aware of, when working with the apprentice’s employers. | X | |
Count of employer names | Count of employer names (for apprenticeships where the employer is on the apprenticeship service). If this value is greater than 1, it potentially highlights a more complex scenario for you to be aware of, when working with the apprentice’s employers. | X | |
Employer co-investment percentage | The expected co-investment percentage applicable to this row of the report. For apprentices starting before 1 April 2019 this will be 10% if co-investment is required, and for apprentices starting on 1 April 2019 or later, the percentage will be 5% if co-investment is required. | X | X |
Applicable programme start date | The date we have used to calculate the percentage in the “Employer co-investment percentage” column. In some cases, this may be blank if the underlying ILR data was used to calculate a payment in a previous month but the apprentice’s ILR data is no longer present and the earlier payment has been cancelled out. | X | X |
Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in previous funding years | Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in previous funding years, as recorded on this programme aim | X | |
Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in previous funding years | Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in previous funding years | X | X |
Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in this funding year | Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in this funding year, as recorded on this programme aim | X | |
Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in this funding year | Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in this funding year | X | X |
Percentage of co-investment collected (for all funding years) | Percentage of co-investment collected. This uses the PMR values recorded against this programme aim and also co-investment payments calculated a learning aim with this learning start date. In some cases the PMR or co-investment payments can be spread across multiple records in this report. If this happens, care is needed in interpreting this percentage. | X | |
LDM 356 or 361? | To indicate whether LDM code 356 or 361 has been recorded for this apprenticeship | X | X |
Has this apprenticeship been funded by levy or a levy transfer? | If an apprenticeship has attracted some levy funding, but also is on this report due to co-investment or PMR records, then the co-investment to collect from the employer will generally not be a simple 5% or 10% of the total price. Therefore, we indicate this scenario in this column to make these less straightforward apprenticeships easier to find | X | X |
Has this apprenticeship been funded for some of the time with 100% ESFA co-investment and no employer contribution expected (due to small employer waiver or redundancy)? | If we have funded at 100% at some point, the co-investment will not be a straightforward 5% or 10% of the total price. Therefore, we indicate this scenario in this column to make these less straightforward apprenticeships easier to find | X | X |
Completion earnings in this funding year | The completion earnings column (together with the completion payments) is intended to help you to identify situations where we have not paid the completion payment due to outstanding co-investment. We only show completion earnings and completion payments for apprentices with co-investment. | X | |
Completion payments in this funding year (including employer co-investment) | Completion payments | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for August (R01) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for September (R02) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for October (R03) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for November (R04) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for December (R05) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for January (R06) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for February (R07) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for March (R08) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for April (R09) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for May (R10) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for June (R11) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for July (R12) | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for R13 | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
Co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer for R14 | Co-investment calculated at this ILR collection as being due from the employer. | X | X |
OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE | Marks the report as containing information categorised as Official-Sensitive | X | X |
188: This is an Excel file.
Cross Year Indicative Payments Report
189: You can use the Cross Year Indicative Payments Report to understand the payments you receive from August to November, for apprenticeship contracts which cross over multiple funding years. We issue this report for R12 in 2023 to 2024 and we issue this report for collections R01 to R03 for 2024 to 2025.
190: We will issue the report again at R12 in the 2024 to 2025 year, to start covering the overlap with the 2025 to 2026 year.
191: Your remittance advice shows a single payment line for each element of funding but this single payment line includes payments relating to both the current and previous funding years, as shown in paragraph 154.
192: The report uses information which we make available to you already though other sources, such as the ILR Funding Summary Reports that we produce at period end and contract information, to give an indicative version of the combined value which we will pay. The “Reconciliation” and “Capping” columns should correspond with the equivalent payment descriptions in your remittance advice and Manage your education and skills funding.
193: For this report, we have focussed on the specific apprenticeship funding lines where we add funding together from two different funding years. This report is not intended to show all apprenticeship funding but is intended to assist with apprenticeship contracts where we combine payments across years. These contracts are for non-levy (procured) apprenticeships and apprenticeships funded through a contract for services with the employer (ACT 1), who have an employer on the service (both levy and non-levy funded).
194: This report will show indicative payments from R12 of 2023 to 2024 up to R03 of the 2024 to 2025 year:
- these indicative payments are made up of indicative Reconciliation and Capping values which are intended to correspond with the Reconciliation and Capping values on a remittance advice
- the reconciliation payment value is calculated from the new cumulative total for the contract to date, minus the value paid in this contract so far
- the capping value is the amount that the actuals in a time period exceed the allocation value for that time period. In this report, this applies to the non-levy procured contract only, where the time period for each allocation value is a financial year from 1 April to 31 March. This capping value (if applicable) is subtracted from the reconciliation value to give an indicative payment value
195: Working from left to right in the report:
- the report starts with payment data and report information up to R11 of the 2023 to 2024 year
- then we show the indicative calculation for August, which should correspond with payments made in August based on funding calculated at R12. We have started from R12 data as a way to introduce the structure of the report using values which are from a single funding year and therefore less complex to reconcile
- from the R01 version of the report we will show the indicative calculation for September, which will start to include some cross-year information as we combine totals from the R01 funding summary report with totals from the R12 funding summary report
- from the R02 version of the report, the indicative calculation for October will include information from R13 and R02 funding summary reports, which will contribute towards indicative payments made in October
- the R03 version of the report will show the indicative calculation for November including information from R14 and R03 funding summary reports, which will contribute towards indicative payments made in November
- for every month we will restate the contract allocation values for your non-levy (procured) contracts. We take these values from the working day after each ILR collection. If a new contract was signed around that time, these values may be inaccurate and indicative capping values may be inaccurate as a result
196: Manual (“template”) payments are not automatically generated through our systems, and therefore these are not included in this report. You will need to account for these separately when using this report. From October 2019, we identify these in your remittances as descriptions ending with “_manual payment”, but prior to this they may have been referenced differently in your remittance advice.
197: This report is an Excel file.
Trailblazer Apprenticeships (FM81) funding reports
Trailblazer Apprenticeships Employer Incentives Report
198: This report shows the employer incentives that have been generated for each employer for apprenticeship standards funded under the trailblazer pilot; recorded under Funding model 81 (Other Adult).
199: If your ILR submission generates no earnings, this report will be blank.
200: This is a CSV file.
Trailblazer Apprenticeships Occupancy Report
201: This report shows the detailed information at learning aim level for apprenticeship standards funded under the trailblazer pilot; recorded under Funding model 81 (Other Adult) and where the programme type (Progtype) = 25 (Apprenticeship standard).
202: All aims recorded under the trailblazer pilot are included in this report, regardless of whether there are earnings. If there are no aims recorded under the trailblazer pilot in your ILR submission, then this report will be blank.
203: This is a CSV file.
Adult skills (FM35), Adult Skills Fund (FM38), Adult Learner Loans funding and Community Learning reports
Main Occupancy Report
204: This is the detailed report for adult skills; recorded under Funding model 35 (Adult Skills), funding model 38 (Adult skills fund) and Source of Funding 105 (Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - Adult).
205: It contains the key information about the learning aims, the learner and the funding generated each month. It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
206: For Funding model 35 provision and funding model 38 provision, we show a row for each learning aim.
207: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the updated funding line types for adults and apprenticeships.
208: All aims recorded under the Funding models noted in paragraph 206 are included in this report, regardless of whether there are earnings. If there are no aims recorded in your ILR return for the Funding models noted in paragraph 206, this report will be blank.
209: For the 2024 to 2025 year, the funding calculation includes fields for completion which includes monthly earnings, completion percentage and totals. We have also added a funding band field for FM38, and a field showing starts for funding purposes.
210: We have removed traineeships fields and earnings boost category as these are no longer required.
211: This is a CSV file.
Summary of Funding Model 35 Funding Report
212: This report shows the earnings generated under Funding model 35 (Adult skills) by the programme type. This will not be updated to include FM38 learners.
213: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for adults and apprenticeships.
214: If your ILR submission generates no earnings, this report will be blank.
215: This is a CSV file.
Adult Funding Claim Report
216: This is a report to show what will be included in the funding claims process for adult skills; recorded under Funding model 35 (Adult skills) and Funding model 38 (ASF), excluding apprenticeships and any provision funded under a procured contract.
217: It combines earnings from the ILR and the EAS and we generate this after you submit the ILR.
218: This report does not contain any funding for apprenticeships or procured ASF provision as we pay these monthly on ‘actuals’. This report also does not include non-formula funded provision, such as Community Learning and Innovation Funding. See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for adults.
219: If your ILR and/or EAS submissions generate no earnings for the categories in this report, this report will be blank.
220: This is an Excel file.
Devolved Adult Education Occupancy Report
221: This is the detailed report for devolved adult education. This report includes learning aims recorded with a Source of Funding (SOF) for a devolved area (SOF 110 - 120) and either Funding model 35 (Adult skills) or Funding model 38 (ASF), Funding model 10 (Community Learning) or Funding model 11 (Tailored Learning).
222: It contains the key information about the learning aims, the learner and the funding generated each month. It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
223: This report shows a row for each learning aim.
224: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for adults and apprenticeships.
225: For the 2024 to 2025 year, the funding calculation includes devolved ESOL rates and LARS rates where appropriate where the devolved authority has varied them from ESFA rates. We have added in the completion element from FM38 into this report as well.
226: All aims recorded under the combination of Funding models and SOFs noted in paragraph 206 are included in this report, regardless of whether there are earnings. If there are no aims in your ILR submission recorded under those combinations of Funding models and SOFs, this report will be blank.
227: This is a CSV file.
Devolved Adult Education Funding Summary Report
228: This is the summary report for earnings recorded under devolved funding model 35 (Adult skills) and funding model 38 (Adult Skills Fund).
229: We generate this report after you submit the ILR.
230: This report covers the devolved Adult Education Budget programmes (for provision which is formula-funded) run by the devolved authorities.
231: Your funding for each devolved authority is shown on a series of sheets within the Excel file. Where you have no earnings with a devolved authority, their corresponding sheet will be blank.
232: This report aggregates the funding for each month by funding age band, by programme and key funding line type. It also combines earnings from the ILR and the EAS. The months in this report are the months when you delivered the learning, or other dates from the ILR such as the actual end date for achievements, rather than the month of payment.
233: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for adults and apprenticeships.
234: If your ILR and/or EAS submissions generate no earnings for learning delivery to devolved authorities, this report will be blank.
235: This is an Excel file.
Non-Contracted Devolved Adult Education Activity Report
236: This report shows learning aims for devolved adult education (funding model 10, 11, 35 and 38) where the ILR details for the learning aims have passed validation and we have calculated earnings, but where the devolved authorities have not told us they have a contract with you which would allow them to make payments for those earnings.
237: The report shows some ILR details for each learning aim, and some derived funding information such as the funding line type and the total earnings in each month.
238: This report is similar to the Devolved Adult Education Occupancy Report, and contains the similar columns. We have now reviewed and removed columns that are not needed as they can be sourced from the occupancy report and making the report more specific. Where we do not have information that you have a contract with a devolved authority, the learning aims affected will appear both in this report and in the Devolved Adult Education Occupancy Report.
239: We generate this report after you submit the ILR.
240: This report covers the devolved adult skills fund programmes run by the devolved authorities.
241: See section Funding line types for adults and apprenticeships for information on the funding line types for adults and apprenticeships. However, inclusion in this report is likely to mean that no payment will be made, regardless of the funding line type shown.
242: If your ILR contains no learning aims where the source of funding is one of the devolved authorities, or if you have an appropriate contract in place with all devolved authorities you’ve recorded learning delivery for in your ILR, then this report will be blank.
243: This is a CSV file.
ALLB Occupancy Report
244: This is a detailed report that contains the funding for support payments and area costs for learners funded through an Advanced Learner Loan; recorded through Funding model 99 (Non-funded) with a Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type ‘ADL’ (‘Advanced Learner Loans indicator’). It does not include EAS data as the EAS data is at an aggregate level, not at a detailed level.
245: This report contains the key information about the learning aim references, learners and the month your data generated any earnings.
246: Funding model 99 aims are included in this report if one of the following conditions is met:
- the ADL code and ALB code have been returned
- the ADL code has been returned and an area cost uplift has been earned
247: If there are no Funding model 99 aims in your ILR submission with the ADL and ALB code, or the ADL code and an area cost uplift, this report will be blank.
248: This is a CSV file.
CL Summary of Learners by Non-Single Budget Category Report
249: This is an aggregated report detailing the number of learners and enrolments for the former ‘Community Learning’ programme recorded under Funding model 10 (Community Learning).
250: All Funding model 10 learning aims for source of funding 105 are included in this report. If there are no non-devolved funding model 10 learning aims in your ILR submission, this report will be blank.
251: This is an Excel file.
Skills Bootcamp (FM37) reports
Skills Bootcamp Occupancy Report
252: This is the most detailed report for the Skills Bootcamp programme; recorded under funding model 37.
253: This report is generated after the ILR is submitted.
254: This contains the key information about the bootcamp, the learning aims that comprise it and the learner. This information will be enriched with data about the earnings that have been generated by the learner.
255: This is a CSV file.
Skills Bootcamp Funding Summary Report
256: This is the summary report for the skills bootcamp programme recorded under Funding model 37.
257: We generate this report after you submit the ILR.
258: We show this report as a spreadsheet with a tab for each relevant contract allocation number. Each tab aggregates the funding for each month by individual bootcamp and the type of full or co-funding being used to pay for the bootcamp.
259: On the tab for each contract number, the report shows the range of months applicable to that contract, which will often be different to the months in the current funding year.
260: If your ILR submissions generate no earnings, this report will be blank.
261: This is an Excel file.
Devolved Skills Bootcamp Occupancy Report
262: This is the detailed report for devolved skills bootcamps; recorded under funding model 37 and is funded by a devolved authority or local authority.
263: This report is generated after the ILR is submitted.
264: This contains the key information about the bootcamp, the learning aims that comprise it and the learner. This information will be enriched with data about the earnings that have been generated by the learner and who is funding the learner.
265: There is additional data compared to the non devolved occupancy report to identify percentages for the four milestones, funding organisation and contract status.
266: This is a CSV file.
Devolved Skills Bootcamp Funding Summary Report
267: This is the summary report for devolved Skills Bootcamps; recorded under Funding model 37 and is funded by a devolved authority or local authority.
268: We generate this report after you submit the ILR.
269: We aggregate funding by month for Skills Bootcamps provision that is being funded by devolved authorities.
270: We show contract information for the bootcamps and monthly payments for this report split by milestones.
271: This is an Excel file.