Marine Electro-Technology Written Examination Syllabus
Published 6 May 2014
The expected learning outcome is that the student:
1. Electric Circuit Principles
1.1 Solves direct current (dc) linear circuit problems under steady and transient conditions.
- States Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws.
- Solves steady-state dc circuit problems involving not more than three unknowns using Kirchhoff’s laws.
- Predicts graphically transient voltage and current relationships in simple resistance-inductance (R-L) and resistance-capacitance (R-C) circuits when switched on and off a steady dc supply.
- States the time constants of simple R-L and R-C circuits as τ = L/R and τ = CR respectively.
- States the form of exponential growth and decay formulae applied to R-L and R-C circuits.
- Uses exponential growth and decay formulae to obtain particular values of current or voltage at a given time or vice-versa in simple R-L and R-C circuits.
1.2 Solves dc non-linear circuit problems under steady-state conditions.
- States that a non-linear device is one that does not obey ohm’s law.
- Shows that a non-linear element may be described by its V/1 characteristic in a graphical or mathematical form.
- Lists typical examples of non-linear devices eg generators, rectifier elements, transistors, thermistors etc.
- Estimates dc and ac resistances of a non-linear element under given operating conditions.
- Derives graphically an overall (dynamic) V/1 characteristic for a simple dc series or parallel circuit including a non-linear element and a linear resistor.
- Solves simple dc non-linear circuits mathematically given the V/1 law of the non-linear element.
- Solves simple dc non~linear circuits graphically using load-line technique or dynamic characteristics.
1.3 Understands operation of single-phase and three-phase ac circuits.
- Describes using phasor diagrams, voltage and current relationships obtained in pure resistance, pure inductance and pure capacitance circuits when energised from a single phase sinusoidal ac supply.
- Calculates impedance M of simple R-L-C circuit combinations in series and in parallel.
- Defines circuit power factor as ratio of active power to apparent power and as cosφ = R/Z.
- Solves simple series and parallel ac circuit problems including pf correction.
- Sketches voltage and current phasor diagrams representing simple R-L-C series and parallel circuits.
- Recognises that voltage and current resonance occurs when series and parallel R-L-C circuits respectively operate at unity power factor.
- Derives f = 1/2π√LC as the resonant frequency of a series R-L-C circuit.
- Defines active power (P), apparent power (S) and reactive power (Q).
- Sketches a power triangle (P Q and S) to represent operating conditions in a single-phase circuit.
- Solves single-phase circuit problems using P Q and S quantities.
- Sketches the interconnection of three separate single phases to form 3-phase star and delta connections.
- Sketches 3-phase voltage and current phasor diagrams to represent balanced star or delta connection.
- Derives relationships VL = √3 Vph for star and IL = √3 Iph for delta balanced connections using phasor diagrams.
- Shows mathematically that total 3-phase power is given as P = √3VLILCosΘ for both star and delta connections.
- Solves 3-phase balanced circuit problems using voltage, current and power relationships.
2. Electronic Circuit Principles
2.1 Understands the operation of junction diodes in rectification circuits.
- Recognises typical forward and reverse V/I characteristics for Si and Ge diodes.
- Compares half-wave, bi-phase and bridge rectification circuits supplied from single and three phase power supplies.
- Sketches typical dc output waveforms from rectifier circuits in 2.1.2.
- Calculates mean dc voltage at output of half and full-wave single-phase circuits given the ac input supply and vice-versa.
- Describes the action of a simple C-only smoothing circuit in conjunction with a rectifier.
- Tests complete dc power supply circuits.
2.2 Understands the operation of the Thyristor as a controlled rectifier.
- Describes the construction of a thyristor as a 4-layer p-n device with anode, cathode and gate terminals.
- States bias voltage polarities necessary for “turn-on” of a thyristor.
- States conditions necessary for thyristor turn-off.
- Sketches simple circuit diagram of series connected thyristor controlling a dc load from an ac supply (no gate circuitry required).
- Describes circuit action of 2.2.4 under variable phase shift gate pulse control and block firing control.
- Sketches typical load current and voltage in a simple ac driven thyristor controller with variable phase shift gate control.
- Tests a complete single-phase thyristor power controller.
2.3 Understands the function of a Zener Diode as a dc voltage stabilizer.
- Defines voltage stabilisation as the ability of a power supply to maintain its output voltage against changes in loading and input voltage.
- Describes the action of a p-n junction Zener diode with forward and reverse bias voltages applied.
- Recognises that a Zener diode must be worked with reverse voltage bias to become a stabilising element.
- States that a Zener diode is rated in terms of its Zener voltage (V Z ) and its power handling ability.
- Describes the action of a simple voltage stabilising circuit of a Zener diode and current limiting resistor in series across an unregulated dc supply.
- Calculates values of voltages, currents and powers in a given simple dc stabiliser circuit under changes in supply voltage and loading conditions.
- Tests a complete dc voltage stabiliser circuit.
2.4 Understands the action of a transistor and its function as a switch and signal amplifier device.
- Describes the basic construction of p n p and n p n bi-polar transistors.
- Describes the current distribution in p n p and n p n transistors when the emitter-base junction is forward biased and the collector-base junction is reverse biased.
- Defines dc current relationships as hFB = Ic/Ie and hFE = Ic/Ib.
- Sketches the basic common-base, common-emitter and common-collector connections of a transistor.
- Recognises static transistor characteristics in common-emitter and common-base mode.
- Describes the “cut-off” condition of a transistor when the base-emitter junction is zero or reverse biased.
- Describes the “fully-on” (saturated) condition of a transistor when the base-emitter junction is heavily forward biased.
- Compares cut-off and saturation of a transistor with an ideal electric switch.
- Describes the action of a simple transistor switching circuit used for alarm and/or control purposes.
- Sketches a practical common-emitter circuit arrangement showing dc bias arrangements, temperature stabilisation resistor and input and output signal connections.
- Describes the action of a common-emitter circuit as a small-signal amplifier.
- Draws a load-line onto the static output characteristics of a transistor to predict current gain.
3. Generation
3.1 Understands the principles of operation of a dc generator.
- Reviews basic operation of a dc generator.
- Derive the emf equation E = (2pΦ)(Z/A).
- Evaluates generated emf.
- Describes self excitation and states factors which may prevent it.
- Estimates generated emf from magnetisation curve and given shunt field resistance.
- Estimates critical shunt field resistance from a given magnetisation curve.
- Sketches field and armature circuits for shunt and compound wound machines (long shunt and short shunt).
- Explain voltage control using shunt field regulator.
- Describes armature reaction and its effects.
- Describes commutation, its effect and method of improving commutation eg brush shifting and interpoles.
- Solves problems involving E, V, Ia, Rf and Ra.
- Sketches V/I load characteristics of shunt and compound generators (cumulative and differential connections).
- Estimates voltage regulation from (E - V)/V.
- Lists typical marine applications of generators in 3.1.7.
- Calculates series turns required to produce given terminal voltage on load.
- Describes the connection of a dc compound generator to live busbars and effects of varying excitation.
- Explains the use of the equalising connection.
- Describes method of disconnecting a generator from the busbars.
- Solves load sharing problems graphically and mathematically for shunt and compound generators.
- States the reasons for a dc generator failing to excite.
- Describes the methods of exciting dc generators that have lost their residual magnetism.
- Explains the need for preference trips.
- Describes, with the aid of a schematic diagram, the operation of a preference trip.
- Explains the need for a reverse current relay.
- Describes the operation of a reverse current relay.
3.2 Understands the principles of operation of alternating current (ac) generators.
- Describes the arrangement of an armature winding to produce a three phase emf.
- Sketches wave form diagram of three phase voltages.
- Derives relationship between frequency, poles and speed.
- Derives emf equation E = 2⋅22.Φz.f.
- Sketches equivalent circuit per phase including Eph, Xs assuming resistance to be negligible.
- Explains the effect of load and power factor on terminal voltage.
- Calculates emf given terminal voltage inductive load conditions and winding reactance.
- Estimates voltage regulation from (E - V)/V.
- Describes connection of a three phase generator to live busbars, disconnection and shut-down.
- Explains the effects of operating:
- governor;
- field regulator.
- Solves load sharing problems where information is limited to kW, kVA, kVAr.
- Describes the construction of salient and cylindrical pole ac generators.
- Appreciate the reason for the 2 types of rotor.
- Explains why an AVR is required for ac generators.
- Describes the methods of exciting ac generators.
- Describes, with the aid of diagrams, how brushless ac generators are excited using:
- rectifiers;
- silicon controlled rectifiers (thyristors).
- Describes, with the aid of a schematic diagram, the operation of a compounded ac generator.
- States the advantages and disadvantages of:
- the insulated neutral system;
- the earthed neutral system for marine ac generators.
- Explains the need for a reverse power relay.
- Describes the operation of a reverse power relay.
- Explains the need for preference trips.
4. Distribution
4.1 Understands typical arrangements of marine ac and dc distribution systems.
- Calculates current distribution and load potentials in dc:
- radial feeders;
- ring mains;
- double fed systems using dissimilar voltages.
- Describes three phase, three wire and four wire systems.
- Calculates value of the neutral current in a three phase, four wire unbalanced system.
- Describes the function of the transformer in an ac distribution system.
4.2 Understands the principles of operation of a transformer.
- Relates induced emf to rate of change of flux linkages.
- Derives voltages and currents from turns ratios of single phase transformer.
- Derives emf equation E = 4⋅44.fΦz.
- Sketches phasor diagrams on and off load lag pf only and solves related problems.
- Sketches three phase connections e.g. star/delta, star/star etc. using correct terminal markings.
- Solves problems involving three phase transformers using turns and voltage ratios.
- Sketches circuit diagram of auto-transformer.
- Explains principles of operation of auto-transformer.
- Solves problems on auto-transformers involving voltages, turns and tapping point.
- Lists losses which occur in transformers.
- Calculates efficiency of a transformer given load conditions and losses.
- Explains the need for instrument transformers.
- Explains the reasons for earthing the secondary winding of instrument transformers.
5. Utilization
5.1 Understands the principles of operation of a dc motor. Reviews the basic operation of shunt, series and compound dc motors.
- Derives speed equation n = (V - IaRa)/kΦ.
- Explains speed control using shunt field regulator, diverter resistance, tapped field or armature voltage control methods.
- Derives torque equation T = (pΦ)(Z/a), Ia/2π = kΦIa.
- Sketches torque/ armature current, speed/ armature current characteristics and derives from these torque/speed curves for shunt, series and compound motors (cumulative only).
- Solves problems involving changing load, field and/or circuit conditions.
- Lists the losses which occur in dc motors and generators.
- Calculates constant losses from no-load input as a motor and hence estimates efficiency of motor or generator under load conditions.
- Tests a dc motor using Swinburne test and assesses efficiency under stated load conditions.
5.2 Understands the principles and operation of the three-phase induction motor.
- Explains the production of a magnetic field rotating at synchronous speed by a three phase stator winding.
- Calculates slip given number of poles, frequency and motor speed.
- Evaluates rotor frequency.
- Shows that input to rotor equals motor input minus stator losses and that this input equals 2πTns watts.
- Calculates rotor output = 2πTnr watts.
- Evaluates rotor resistive power loss from difference between 5.2.4 and 5.2.5.
- Calculates motor output = 2πT1n.
- Calculates efficiency from 5.2.4 to 5.2.7.
- Describes the construction of single, double-cage and slip ring motors.
- Sketches typical torque/slip curves for single, double-cage and slip-ring motors.
- Describes with the aid of sketches the following starters: D.0.L.: Star/Delta : slip-ring.
- Explains the reasons why a motor may “single-phase”.
- Describes the effect of a motor “single-phasing”
- Describes the motor enclosures used in the marine environment.
- Describes the methods of varying the speed of ac induction motors.
5.3 Understands principles of operation of 3-phase synchronous motor.
- Relates synchronous motor to ac generator.
- Describes pony motor and induction motor starting methods.
- Describes effects of changing load and excitation.
- Solves problems of pf improvement type.
- States marine applications of the synchronous motor.
- Describes with the aid of a sketch, the operation of a fluorescent lighting circuit.
- Sketches a navigation lighting circuit.
- Describes, with the aid of sketches, how earth faults are detected for:
- 1-phase and
- 3-phase supplies.