CHIEF error codes E00001 to E00199
Updated 21 November 2018
Error code | Error Report | Solution |
E00001 | Export Entry does not exist | Check entry export reference number is correct. |
E00003 | Export Entry already exists | Export Entry already exists. |
E00004 | Commodity Code does not exist | Check the Commodity Code input into Box 33 (Comm Code). If correct please refer to Tariff Management Team to check for validity. |
E00005 | Commodity Group for Customs Procedure Code (CPC) does not exist | Commodity Group does not appear on first screen of CPC |
E00007 | Country does not exist | Refer to the Volume 3 of the Tariff Appendix C1 to validate the country code. Check transaction DCTY (Display Country) and confirm country is on Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) compatible . For further information contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00009 | CPC Series does not exist | Use transaction ‘LTBE - CPCS’ (List table) for correct table entry code. |
E00010 | Customs Procedure does not exist | Check the information input into Box 37 (CPC) Refer to Tariff, appendix E4 and E5. |
E00011 | Use of licence for Type is declared but a waiver is also declared | XW = waiver claimed, see appendix C10. |
E00012 | EC Supplement does not exist | Check Customs and Excise Tariff, Volume 2 for correct code. |
E00013 | Waiver for Licence Type declared but use of a Licence also declared | XW = waiver claimed, see appendix C10. |
E00014 | Month of Account does not exist | For further information contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00016 | Current SAD Waiver declared but related Licence(s) also declared | XW = waiver claimed, see appendix C10. |
E00017 | Commodity and EC Supplement incompatible | Contact Tariff Management Team at, an additional code may be on licence but not on the Commodity code measure. |
E00018 | Freight location does not exist | Check the information entered into Box 30 (Locn goods) for guidance on validity of what is entered please refer to Tariff, Appendix C2 or C3. |
E00019 | Trader does not exist | a) Trader file has not got 00 set against VAT Reg code. For Pseudo TURNs effective date of Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) is before date on entry. b) if you have already completed a C88 on CHIEF before requesting a Pseudo EORI number, then any amendment to that entry will generate this error. Entry must be cancelled in order to use the new Pseudo number SAD H - could be that a EORI is being declared in Box 2 of an import entry in the following way GBUSAIRWAYS. If declaring an EORI in this field it needs to be an EORI that will be recognised by CHIEF. |
E00020 | Transport Mode does not exist | See Volume 3, part 3, page 3-5 for codes. |
E00021 | Warehouse does not exist | Scrutinise the information provided within Box 49 (WHSE). CHIEF does not recognise this as a valid Warehouse Number. If you need to seek clarification, see Volume 3, part 3, page 3-18 for further information. Contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00022 | Location of Goods not a valid Freezone | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00023 | Location not a valid Port, Airport or Boundary | Refer to the Tariff Volume 3 to check coding. |
E00024 | CPC not valid for Exports | Check the CPC entered. CPC should start with 10, 21 or 31. Guidance on export CPC’s available for use can be found in the Tariff Appendix E4 and E5. |
E00025 | Value and ‘Low-Value’ incompatible | Statistical value of goods does not meet with CPC criteria. £600 is the limit. |
E00026 | Number of items incorrect | Number of items inserted does not match with the number declared in Box 5 (items). |
E00027 | Commodity and CPC incompatible | CPC is restricted to a set group of Commodity Codes. Group listed on CPC. If list on CPC is incorrect, for further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at, otherwise use the correct Commodity Code or CPC. |
E00028 | CPC and Destination Country incompatible | Country of destination is not in destination group on CPC. |
E00029 | Location of Goods must be entered | Box 30 (Shed operator) of your declaration must be completed. See volume 3, part 3, page 3-6. |
E00030 | CPC’s must all be for the same CPC series | Only items to the same/similar regimes can be entered together on the same entry. Display the CPC, on the first screen is a CPC series field with a number in it. All items must have the same number on their CPC’s to be declared together. This rule also applies to entries that have been legally accepted. If you are amending the CPC on the entry, the CPC that it is being amended to needs to be within the same CPC series code. |
E00031 | CPC & Consignor incompatible | CPC restricted to certain importers. EORI limit to or prohibited from this CPC listed on last screen of CPC. If the list is incorrect contact the Policy Division for the regime, otherwise use the correct TURN or CPC. |
E00032 | Port of Departure incompatible with CPC | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00033 | Transport Details must be entered | CPC requires Box 21 to be completed. See Volume 3, part 3, page 3-5. On Export Supplementary declarations (or when any of the intended departure details are entered) the identity of the transport should be entered e.g Flight no / vessel name. |
E00035 | Supplementary Units not compatible with Commodity | Box 41 (Supp units) supplementary units does not need to be completed. |
E00037 | Declaration & Country incompatible | Box 1 (Decln) and Box 17 are not compatible. |
E00039 | Entry cannot be cancelled | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00040 | CPC not compatible with Export Entry Scheme | Export CPC requires a full export entry. Display export CPC. Last indicator on first screen ‘Full Pre Entry Required’ will be set to ‘Y’. |
E00041 | Date invalid | Check the date entered. |
E00046 | EPU does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00048 | Unit of Quantity does not exist | Refer to Tariff, Volume 3, Appendix C5 to validate the code. |
E00049 | Converted Amount too large to display | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00052 | Trader does not exist | Check using transaction ‘DTDR’ (Display Trader) to check whether the trader exists. |
E00053 | Duty Required too large to display | Duty Required too large to display. |
E00057 | Invalid Inland Mode of Transport declared | Check Box 26 (Inld mode of trpt) of your declaration, guidance on valid information can be found on page 3-6. |
E00058 | Goods Location entered, Inland Mode of Transport required | The location of goods has already been input in Box 30 (Locn goods). Completion of Box 26 (Inld Mode of Trpt) is therefore required. For coding see Volume 3, part 3, page 3-6. |
E00059 | Country already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00060 | Preference should not currently be used | Preference should not currently be used. |
E00062 | CPC requires Preference to be left blank | Only entries being entered to free circulation have Box 36 (Preference) of the entry completed. Check second screen of CPC if entry is being entered to free circulation. |
E00063 | Customs Procedure already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00065 | EC Supplement already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00067 | Preference invalid for Generalised Preference | Incompatible information recorded in Boxes 36 (Preference) and 47c (Calculation of Taxes), ie code 100 in Box 36, normal tariff arrangements, no preference certificate is not comparible to a claim for a preferential rate of customs duty (code ‘G’ in Box 47c). |
E00068 | Detain or Release action is not permitted on an anticipated arrival | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00072 | Trader already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00073 | Preference invalid for Agreement Preference | Incompatibility between preference code in Box 36 (Preference) and customs duty rate in Box 47c (Calculation of Taxes), eg for a Commodity Code with a customs duty rate under a preferential agreement in Box 47c (Calculation of Taxes) ie ‘A’ a preference code of 300 would be appropriate. A list of commodity preferences can be found in Volume 3, Part 3, prt 3-8 or on CHIEF using role RLAUDIT, transaction ‘LTBE’ (List Table) and key ‘PREF’ in table entry field. |
E00074 | Unit of Quantity already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00075 | Warehouse already exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00076 | Preference incompatible with Tax Rate | Incompatible information recorded in Box 36 (Preference) and Box 47c (Calculation of Taxes), ie code 200 in Box 36 (Preferences) Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) is not comparable to paying the full rate of customs duty in Box 47c (Calculation of Taxes). |
E00077 | Preference invalid for Suspension Tax Rate | Incompatibility between preference code in Box 36 (Preference) and customs duty rate in Box 47c (Calculation of Taxes), eg For a tariff suspension subject to a specific End Use, ‘F’ - ‘K’ in Box 47c, a preference code of 115 would be required in Box 36 (Preferences). Check Tariff, for a list of community preference codes (pg 46) or using role RLAUDIT on CHIEF through transaction ‘LTBE’ (List Table) and key ‘PREF’ in table entry field. |
E00078 | Preference invalid for End Use CPC | Preference code entered in Box 36 (Preference) is not compatible with End Use Customs Procedure Code (CPC), eg code 100 (normal tariff arrangement - no preference certificate) is not compatible with End Use CPC (7 numeric) . Check Tariff, page 3-8 for list of community Preference codes or using role RLAUDIT on CHIEF, transaction ‘LTBE’ (List Table) and key PREF in table type field. |
E00079 | Preference incompatible with Quota Declaration | The information that is being declared in Box36 on the entry is not correct. Please see Volume 3, prt 3, pg 3-8 of the Tariff for the appropriate code to be declared. Generated on multi item entry when quota items are recorded prior to non quota items. As a interim workround, reversal of sequence ie non quota items prior to quota items, or insertion of a separate entry for quota/non quota items will allow validation. |
E00081 | Preference incompatible with Quota and End Use CPC | Incompatibility between preference code entered in Box 36 (Preference) and claim to Box 39 (Quota) using an End Use Customs Procedure Code (CPC) in Box 37 (7 numeric (CPC). If claim to quota using an End Use CPC is correct, check list of Preference codes in Tariff, pg 3-8/ 3-10. A preferential agreement code will commence with a number 3. |
E00083 | Preference incompatible with Quota and OPR CPC | Check entry in Box 36 (Preference) is compatible with CPC and quota. |
E00084 | CPC requires Preference to be declared | A condition of using the CPC in Box 37 (CPC) is that Box 36 (Preference) must be completed with any claim to preference details even if you are not claiming. Guidance can be found in the Tariff. |
E00085 | When Net Mass is entered, it must be greater than zero | A figure greater than zero must be entered in Box 38 (Net mass). |
E00086 | EC Supplement in use - deletion rejected | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00087 | Commodity Origin found for both EC Supplements | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00088 | At least one undischarged line has an EPU controlled RFS | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00090 | This entry has already been requested for re-transmission | This entry has already been requested for transmission. |
E00091 | Trader in use - deletion rejected | Another session is in amend or delete trader. Check with other users or try again later. |
E00092 | Re-transmission request accepted | Re-transmission request accepted. |
E00093 | Failure to store request | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00094 | Commodity code must be present for a secured MOP | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00095 | Units of Quantity incompatible | Units of Quantity incompatible. |
E00096 | Source Unit of Quantity does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00097 | Target Unit of Quantity does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00098 | Check digit failure on TURN | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00099 | Help does not exist | Help does not exist. |
E00100 | Community Preference Code does not exist | Community Preference code entered in Box 36 (Preference) does not exist. A list of extant Preference codes can be displayed on CHIEF in RLAUDIT role, transaction ‘LTBE’ (List Tables) and keying ‘PREF’ in table type field. |
E00101 | Notice board does not exist | Check notice board number; possibly mis-keyed, article deleted or does not exist. The role you are trying to delete/amend Notice board does not have permission, LGEN will show role which created Notice board. |
E00102 | 2nd EC Supplement not to be declared without 1st EC Supplement | 2nd EC supplement not to be declared without 1st EC supplement. The second box of the EC supplement fields cannot be used when the first box is blank. |
E00103 | Commodity & Warehouse incompatible | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00110 | 2nd EC Supplement cannot be the same as 1st EC Supplement | CHIEF will not accept duplication of codes entered in both fields contact local Entry Processing Unit (EPU) for correct procedure. |
E00111 | Tax line with over ride code of PDY must not be present | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00114 | Both EC Supplements define same CAP Measure Type | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00117 | 2nd EC Supplement should not currently be used | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00118 | Data Type does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00119 | Transaction Type does not exist | Transaction Type does not exist. Refer to documentation ‘Transactions on CHIEF IES Service’. |
E00122 | Start date & time must be before End date & time | Check keying as time/date you wish to start from must be before the time/date you wish it to end. |
E00123 | Future Version exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00124 | Inland Mode of Transport should not currently be used | Remove entry in Box 26 (Inld mode of trpt). |
E00125 | Insufficient balance &/or Suspense entries present | Will probably generate when using transaction AECL to manually clear an entry which has an immediate payment to FAS, MOP “D” for a DTI entry. To clear the entry further funds need to be applied to the traders FAS Account using transaction IFPW or alternatively the FAS Suspense queue can be amended, on instruction, using transaction AFSQ. |
E00126 | Calendar Date must be not more than 4 months ago | Contact DAS Helpdesk for assistance. |
E00127 | Action not permitted – Licences are already attributed | 1. Trader could be trying to delete an entry (XTCE). 2. When the trader initially made the entry into CHIEF they declared a status code of (AE) – (Document attached exhausted by this entry) therefore the trader is unable to cancel the entry as the licence has exhausted this entry, and will not be able to be re-used. NB – This maybe referring to Import entries as well as Exports.Trader is trying to amend an entry that has been departed already on CHIEF. This can also generate when a attempt to amend a departed entry is made. Instead of completing the EPU/Entry Number/Date you need to complete the DUCR field then complete the Part Number, this will then default to Supp Dec? Y. Then you will be asked for a Reason for amendment and you should be able to amend the entry without any problems. Check the entry as you are unable to make changes after the entry ahs cleared. |
E00128 | Deferment Account does not exist | No Deferment Account (Box 48 - DAN1 / DAN2) set up for trader. Put trader in contact with the ASD - Central Deferment Office. |
E00129 | FAS Account does not exist | The FAS Account has not be inserted onto CHIEF, or has been deleted. It is possible that the FAS Account does actually exist on CHIEF and is owned by another Role as the Role signed into does not have permission to view / use data owned by the other Role. For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00130 | Import Entry does not exist | Entry may not be in a fit state for clearance eg stored amendment exists for an accepted entry. |
E00131 | Import Clearance Status does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00133 | Management Information Code does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00134 | No outstanding Credibility failure, confirmation is not required | Trying to confirm a FEC which does not exist. |
E00135 | Entry will not clear until Payment Request is produced. | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00136 | Confirmation invalid if there is no FEC failure to Confirm | The purpose of FEC (Front End Credibility) Quantity to Value checking is to identify where an entry, although valid, contains an unlikely combination of a declared quantity and value against a particular Import or Export item. You need to check that the net mass (box 38) and statistical value (box 46) are correct. If they are this must be confirmed, this is achieved by amending the entry (transaction AEXD (Exports), AIME(Imports)), if you validate an extra field will generate directly beneath box 46. Place a “C” in this field and COMMIT to finalise. Confirmation is not required if you have added the sup units. |
E00137 | ICS Override Reason must be entered | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00138 | Inventory match has been established | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00139 | ICS Override Reason must not be entered | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00140 | Input ICS invalid as Inv Return Code not set to Entry Matched | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00141 | Release date & time must not be entered | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00142 | Release date & time must be before current date & time | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00143 | FEC failure on Country of Dispatch | Use the transaction ‘AIME’ (Amend Import Entry) to confirm. |
E00144 | FAS Account inhibited | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00145 | Ex-Excise Warehouse Advice does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00146 | Suspense Transaction exists | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00147 | FEC failure on Place of Unloading | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00148 | Ex-Excise Warehouse Advice does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00149 | No Tax Lines stored in error for this entry | This error will generate when selecting transaction ASEA to amend an Ex-Excise Whse Advice but the intended Ex-Excise Whse Advice has not been stored with errors. |
E00150 | Tax Line does not exist | Check Tariff measures on the commodity code against the Calculation of tax line declared in box 47 by selecting DCOM (Display commodity). |
E00151 | FEC failure on Nationality of Transporth | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00152 | FEC failure on Country of Origin | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00153 | FEC failure on Net Mass | Use the transaction ‘AIME’ (Amend Import Entry) to confirm. |
E00154 | Original Transaction reported on Weekly Statement | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00155 | Deferment Account inhibited | Contact Central Deferment office 03000 594243 / 594244 / 594245 / 5904246. |
E00156 | Deferment Account cancelled | Contact the Central Deferment office for information on cancellation 03000 594243 / 594244 / 594245 / 5904246. |
E00157 | FEC failure on Supplementary Units | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00158 | Database reference data incompatible - contact Data Mgt Support | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00159 | Data contains FEC failures | The data entered to CHIEF contains FEC failure, please confirm that the data you have entered is correct. Exports will go route F and not be given Permission to progress, unless the FEC is confirmed. |
E00160 | Action not permitted – Declaration is older than 6 months | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00161 | Entry uncleared – Termination is only permitted at Office of Export | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00162 | Override code declaration not allowed | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E000163 | Action not permitted – Declaration is older than 5 months | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00164 | Date is not a valid Accounting Day | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00165 | Override not allowed without Tax Rate declaration | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00166 | Open date must not be more than five days after current date | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00167 | Deferring to a consignee`s account is not permitted on a Bulk entry. | |
E00168 | Invalid format of GB location | This error is generated, If GB is entered alone. |
E00169 | Community Transit declarations representing a T5 are not allowed | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00170 | Invalid format of UN (UNITED NATION) location | This error applies to the following fields Place of loading and Place of unloading. The place of loading field for Imports must be prefixed with the Foreign country code followed by the foreign airport code as shown in example 1. The place of unloading field must be prefixed with GB followed by a UK Airport. |
E00171 | Location must be prefixed with ‘GB’n | This field must be prefixed with GB. |
E00172 | Maximum number of departures exceeded | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00173 | Location must be prefixed with a valid EU country code | This field must be prefixed with an EU country code i.e NL./GB. |
E00174 | Deferment Account Period does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00175 | Calendar Day does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00176 | Deferment Account has not been active during the requested month | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00177 | Declaration Type is Mandatory | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00178 | Goods Arrival Declaration is Mandatory | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00179 | Importer TURN is Mandatory | Check that Box 8 (Cnsge) has been completed with the importer’s EORI number. Prefixed with GB. |
E00180 | Standard Reason For Security does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00181 | Total Packages is Mandatory | Check that Boxes 5 (Items) & 6 (Pkgs) have been completed. CHIEF requires this information on all entries. |
E00182 | Location of Goods is Mandatory | This field must be completed; it is not optional. |
E00184 | Inventory Consignment Reference is Mandatory | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00185 | Country of Dispatch is Mandatory | Box 15a (Ctry. disp) must be completed with the alpha abbreviation of the country where the goods were dispatched from. Refer to the Tariff. |
E00186 | MS Entry does not exist | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00188 | No Daily EPU Account exists for this EPU | Check to ensure the accounts have been opened. For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00189 | A Daily EPU Account record already exists for this EPU | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00190 | Consignors Truncated Name is Mandatory | Ensure that you have inserted the name of the consignor in Box 2 (Cnsgr). |
E00191 | MOP incompatible with MS Entry typeU | Manual System entry requires cash Method of Payment (MOP), ie ‘A’ or ‘N’. |
E00192 | Number of Items is Mandatory | This field must be completed; it is not optional.. |
E00193 | Countries declared do not apply to the DOTI Measure on this Commodity | For further information, contact the CHIEF Operations Team at |
E00194 | Declaration type 2nd subdivision invalid | This error is generated when the 2nd submission is completed incorrectly. The 1st submission needs to be completed in the following way: IM/CO/EU, followed by the 2nd submission. See volume 3, part 3, page 3-2 |
E00195 | Commodity not in Season | Check the first screen of the Commodity Code to see what the dates of validity are. |
E00196 | Calculated item Customs value is negative - Check Entry valuation data | The amount being declared in Box 22 – 1080 jpy (£8) is less than that being declared in Box 67 and Box 68 - £170 GBP. The deduction in Box 67/68 is taken from the amount being declared in box 22. Example – Box 67/68 £8 -£170 leaves a negative figure. |
E00197 | Tax Point cannot be more than 180 days ago | Example being if you make a Pre-Shipment Advice (PSA) and do not follow it up with a Supp Dec within 180days you will receive this error. |
E00198 | Manual System Entry does not exist | Check that the Warrant number has been keyed correctly. |
E00199 | Language code invalid | This could be caused either when information that has been input may not be set-up on the language table i.e RP being declared instead of EN against box 44 (HDR AI STMT). |