
Child vision screening pathway

Updated 5 October 2023

Applies to England

This screening pathway is applicable to all local authority resident children in the academic year they turn 5 years of age. It covers mainstream state school, independent school and home educated children.

Local authorities should offer an alternative vision assessment for children attending special schools. This is outlined in the Framework for provision of eye care in special schools in England provided by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Child vision screening pathway

The flowchart below provides an overview of the screening pathway. A text-only version is provided beneath it.

Child vision screening pathway - text-only version

1. Identify the target population and send the screening invitation

The invitation should include an explanation of the local child vision screening consent policy.

Yes: do not screen. Record opt out or non-consent on the Child Health Information System (CHIS) and inform the GP. End of pathway.

No: Use the Keeler Crowded LogMAR test for visual acuity in each eye. Go to question 3.

3. Is the test successfully completed?

No: re-test the child once only. If the test is still unsuccessfully completed, refer the child to the Royal College of Opthalmologists diagnostic pathway. Record on CHIS. End of pathway.

Yes: go to question 4.

4. Is vision 0.20 or better in both eyes?

Yes: no action needed. Provide letter to parents. Record screening outcome on CHIS. End of pathway.

No: refer to the diagnostic pathway. Provide letter to parents. Record screening outcome on CHIS. End of pathway.