CIC Office accounts, engagement, procedure, review and statistics
Provide a copy of the CIC Regulator's Office internal documents including office accounts, engagement, procedure, review and statistics.
Provide a copy of the CIC Regulator’s Office internal documents including:
the Regulator’s operational procedures, practices, service standards and policies (including risk assessments) relating to the exercising of the Regulator’s regulatory function since inception. This information should include all previous, current and draft (planned future) versions along with corresponding dates.
correspondence sent by the CIC Office relating to any engagement with citizens and business representatives which may exist in connection with the development of the above since inception.
details of all internal reviews regarding assessments of the effectiveness of the CIC Regulator’s regulatory activities since inception.
statistics detailing numbers of applications for CICs and corresponding outcomes
details of the CIC Office’s annual income and expenditure since inception.
This information has not been released by the Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.